What would YOU miss after the apocalypse? Beyond standard fare like "my family" and "what we consider a normal life in the US," there's electricity, air conditioning, modern medicine, coffee, chocolate, washing machines... Travel for pleasure. Frivolous stuff indeed, but still a hallmark of our civilization. In some part it depends on the kind of apocalypse, and how savage humanity ends up becoming. In many many many interpretations, of course, it's all-out Patriarchal Darwinism with women being chattel, and you can see countless glimmers in today's world cultures why this is a logical conclusion.
My characters in the Maelstrom trilogy get involved with the "good aliens" who have advanced medicine, the loss of which is probably one of my biggest concerns. But they have to struggle with limited supplies, waste disposal, bandits, food, livestock, and so on, though not in such gritty detail that I've written a survival manual.
Started a Pinterest board for when I think of things I'd miss... this list currently has a lot of chocolate on it, heh.
Tell me what you'd miss in the comments! If you want to participate in my upcoming blog tour, you're more than welcome. Think of it as free blog content for a day that will probably involve cats and snark.
Jody Wallace
Smart. Snarky. Seductive. And that's just the books.
Chocolate, definitely. Fresh fruit in wintertime--canned and dried fruit is just not the same.