Monday, October 21, 2024

HERE BE NEWS for Monday October 21, 2024

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday October 21, 2024 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Thursday October 17, 2024: PG Forte discusses what happens when characters speak for themselves.

Alien Haunts (Pax Galactica Book 3)

Jenny Schwartz

Alien ruins — avoid or explore?

Madison Cardinal knows some mysteries are best left buried—like her past. But there’s a new multi-species exploration team in town and their proposed expedition is stirring up trouble.

If Madison’s new business as a human pilot in hantu space is to survive, she needs the exploration team to get in, get out, and leave her cargo route intact.

So, she agrees to drop them off.

But when it’s time to collect them, comms are down, the people are missing, and the ruins are…waking up.


Alien Haunts is a stand-alone novel in the Pax Galactica series. It’s a character-driven space opera with a twisty plot and a guaranteed happy ever after. Alien Haunts is a novel about finding your place in the universe.

Unseen (The Folk, Book 2)
Meg Benjamin

A routine job, but then it turned deadly.

Teran Richter is in Animas, Colorado, to find members of the Folk, a simple task. But the annual Animas Fall Festival brings hordes of tourists and daily celebrations that make it frustrating. Things begin to look up when Teran meets Marika Sager. Marika’s business partner Eva seems to be a member of the Folk, only it’s Marika Teran’s attracted to, particularly after a local witch’s brew sends the two into a memorable night of passion.

But there are sinister forces at work in Animas. Teran’s attacked and his assistant is kidnapped. When Marika also disappears, Teran’s forced to confront the truth: someone is out to sabotage his mission and destroy anyone who tries to help. With an eccentric team of magical allies, Teran must rescue Marika and fight off those who want to destroy both him and the Folk. But can he find a way to confront the shadowy forces while keeping himself and his lover safe from harm?

This Halloween-themed event will run throughout October with posts going up 3 times per week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday). Included are short stories, flash fiction, poetry and even sample chapters. 


The theme of the event is Simply Spooky. So, think ghosts, demons, serial killers, horror, dark fantasy, etc. 


Alongside this event, Samantha Gregory will also be doing her own personal challenge of writing 8 short horror stories on the run up to Halloween. She plans on releasing these as a collection during Halloween week.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Letting Characters Speak for Themselves

Posted by: PG Forte


I have a short story that released this month called Hungry Heart. It's a companion volume to the novel that also released this month (re-released, if I'm going to be accurate) called Visions Before Midnight. Hungry Heart focuses on part of a subplot that appears in Visions. But this is very much an alternative version, told in first person, from the POV of what was meant to be a very minor character in the Oberon series, but who--very unexpectedly, in the course of the novel--received a substantial upgrade. 

And by "substantial" I mean she went from being very much a side-note character to becoming the heroine of the next book!

The idea for Hungry Heart came about a few years ago when I was looking for a short, creepy story to submit to a Halloween-themed anthology called Revenge is Sweet. I quickly realized that while Visions Before Midnight ends with an HEA for the main characters, Cara's storyline issues shorter, creepier, and ends on Halloween night in something of a cliffhanger.

In addition, when told from her point of view, Hungry Heart contains motivation and background information that I couldn't include elsewhere. It makes her more sympathetic and more relatable. And I get to include a potentially cursed grimoire that was not included in the original story. 

I loved the idea of giving Cara a "voice" and letting her speak for herself. But let me back up a minute and explain how she ended up as the heroine of the next novel.

It's a tale of two characters. The first of these is Cara Matthews, who first appeared very briefly as a walk-on character (no dialogue) in book four, and then reappeared in book five in a single scene and a few lines of dialogue. 

She didn't appear at all in book six, but then had a substantial part in Visions Before Midnight, which is book seven, and I had no further plans for her after that. I thought her story would be wrapped up at the end of that book. Her connection with Seth (who had his own heroine waiting in the wings, all ready to reappear in time for book nine) was wrapped up pretty neatly. They'd hurt each other and helped each other (repeatedly) over the course of their relationship and now they'd made their peace with each other and were both (more or less) ready to move on. 

But then...

There's a lot of foreshadowing in book seven for Gregg Gilchrist, AKA pivotal character number two, AKA the villain who was to make his first--contemporary--on-page appearance in book eight. 

The mystical events that occurred within book seven were supposed to have drawn him back to Oberon in time for book eight. Instead, he showed up early--right at the end of what was supposed to have been Cara's last scene--and altered everything.

Pushy. Insistent. A raging Narcissist and an agent of chaos. It was Gregg who chose Cara to be the heroine of "his" book. Or, to put it another way, what he did to her in book seven made it inevitable that she become the heroine in book eight. 

Which is why I had to let him write the forward to Hungry Heart


by Gregg Gilchrist

Do you believe that music has the power to harm as well as charm? That if a song is darkly intentioned enough, if it invokes  demonic forces and is performed by one of the most popular and influential bands of their time during a concert at which a blood sacrifice was made  several people died, that it would be possible, with all that negative energy funneling into it, for the spirit of the song to manifest itself—to take flesh, so to speak, and possess a living person? 

I do. 

And if the song in question is Sympathy for the Devil, if the band is the Rolling Stones, if the concert was held at Altamont and the possessed Chosen One was an extraordinarily gifted young boy who just happened to have been in attendance (having been dragged there by his feckless and irresponsible hippie-slash-groupie-slash-junkie-slash-tarot-card-reading-no-good-slut-of-a-mother)? Then I don’t suppose you’d have any trouble guessing my name. But I’ll tell it to you anyway. 

My name is Gregg Gilchrist and I’m the Big Bad of the Oberon series. 

Oh, I know; they’ll try and tell you otherwise. They’ll say my plans all turned to dust and that I failed in the final battle. 

They’ll claim I didn’t even enter into the series until the penultimate book and expect you to believe them when they tell you that my influence was minimal.

Me? Minimal? Ahahahahaha! 

They’ll insist that there were multiple villains throughout the course of the series and that I wasn’t even the worst of them. 

They’re wrong on every count. 

The truth is, it’s ALL down to me. I own this series. Without me, it wouldn’t even exist! 

I was the reason Scout Patterson left town; the reason Sinead Quinn left town; the reason Lisa Larson never made it home. If not for me, Marsha Quinn’s psychic abilities might never have emerged. Lucy Cavanaugh might never have met her annoyingly clueless husband or given birth to Seth—her misbegotten ass-wipe of a son. 

And Nick Greco would have probably ended up in jail, as he should have done. It would have been no more than he deserved; and it would have suited me right down to the ground. 

Because better him than me.

Even the so-called author of the series has admitted that once I showed up (unexpectedly, because that’s where all the fun’s to be had!) at the end of book seven I wrested control away from her and twisted the final two books out of shape. 

At least, that’s how she sees it. She’s wrong too, of course. And I think she should just say ‘thank you’ and shut up! 

One of my biggest achievements, the most important thing I did, and the reason that I’m here, right now, talking to you, is that I picked my own heroine. In fact, you might even say that I created her. Like a silk purse from a sow's ear.

As I’m sure you’re aware, most villains don't get a heroine to call their own. But I'm NOT most villains. I'm not most ANYTHING. So, to hell with that!

At the end of book seven, on Halloween night, after taking care of business, and doing what I’d come here to do, I stood in the darkness and took a good look around. 

It had been a while since I’d last been in Oberon. I needed to take its measure, to see what fun there was to be had here. And that’s when I found her: my sweet fallen angel, my little lost lamb, all mine to cherish and corrupt.

She was being totally wasted in her assigned role—an unloved minor character; the drug-addicted, cheating ex-girlfriend of the aforementioned ass-wipe. Oh, and, by the way, they’ll also try and tell you that that I’m wrong about Seth. That the poor boy is actually the much beloved, much beleaguered “hero” of books four, five, seven, and nine. But I ask you, does that seem at all likely?

In any case, it struck me immediately that, the way things stood, Cara was never going to get the ending that she deserved. She was set to exit the series that very night. Her final scene had already been penned. The “plan” such as it was, was to leave her right where she was when I found her; heartbroken. Alone. No friends, no family, no home, no hope… 

I ask you, where’s the romance in that?

Well. I couldn’t let that stand; now, could I?  So, I swept in and rescued her. Because, as the song would have it: “every cop is a criminal, and all the sinners saints” and far be it from me to disagree. 

Thanks to me, Cara shortly became the subject of a worrisome little cliff-hanger ending and was henceforth quickly elevated to heroine status. 

And yes, OF COURSE, there was pain involved—a lot of it, as it happens. And that was all thanks to me as well. 

Oh, don't act shocked. I told you I was the villain. Where did you think this story was going to go?  

But every prize has its price, does it not? And I certainly think I deserved to receive SOMETHING for all my efforts on her behalf.

Sadly, you won’t be able to read our story, in its entirety, for another year. Cara doesn’t appear at all in the series until book four. And I’ll continue working in the shadows, the great and powerful man behind the curtains, until book seven. 

BUT…not for YOU all that pointless waiting. No, not for lucky you. Clever you. The you who has somehow managed to score this creepy little Halloween-themed story featuring my very favorite juvenile delinquent, along with a brief, but special, cameo appearance from moi. YOU can start reading immediately.

There’s even a specially curated playlist to add to your enjoyment. You’ll find two links to that on the next page. Or here. Here’s good, too.


And, just in case I have somehow not yet made this abundantly clear: This is Not a Romance. It’s a little bit horror, a little bit suspense. It takes some of the events of book seven and re-tells them in Cara’s unique voice and from Cara’s very, very alternative perspective. And, as you’re no doubt aware, it’s being offered to you completely FREE of charge. 

Well…as to that, maybe it's free. But I can't know that yet, can I?  Since I don't really know you. Yet.

For you...there very well might be a price to pay. In sleepless nights. In troubled thoughts.  Especially if you end up falling in love with her as I did and thence find yourself, in the ensuing months, worrying yourself to distraction, wondering what harm she might be coming to at my hands. And you'd be very right to do so. That’s not an empty threat. I promise.

But you like being scared, don't you? And I—noblesse oblige—am happy for the opportunity to serve you in this manner. Be afraid. Be. very. afraid.


You can go now,


Monday, October 14, 2024

HERE BE NEWS for October 14, 2024

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday October 14, 2024 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Thursday October 10, 2024: Nicole Luiken treats us to a list of Spooky October Reads.

AWAY (The Folk, Book 1)

Meg Benjamin

His job is keeping secrets, but she needs the truth. Even if it destroys them both.

Grim Morrigan, Guardian of the Ward and part-time private detective, polices the Folk, the clans of fairies who live in the foothills outside Denver. But his main job is concealing their true nature from the mortals around them.


Enter mortal Annie Duran, who hires him to look for her brother Richard, missing and presumed dead for ten years. Annie has seen Richard in the parking lot of the nightclub where she works. Now she wants answers, and Grim’s supposed to find them. The quest for Richard ensnares the two in a sinister conspiracy, but they also discover their own overwhelming attraction.


When Annie herself disappears, Grim’s need for answers is even more urgent. With the help of a dissolute prince and a motley crew of unlikely fairies, Grim confronts a rebellion among the Folk. And it may take more than just magic and luck to save both Annie and Grim this time.

This Halloween-themed event will run throughout October with posts going up 3 times per week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday). Included are short stories, flash fiction, poetry and even sample chapters. 


The theme of the event is Simply Spooky. So, think ghosts, demons, serial killers, horror, dark fantasy, etc. 


Alongside this event, Samantha Gregory will also be doing her own personal challenge of writing 8 short horror stories on the run up to Halloween. She plans on releasing these as a collection during Halloween week.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Spooky October Reads

Posted by: Nicole Luiken

 I don't read much horror so this list is going to lean more towards ghosts and witches. Witches count, right?

1/ Hell of a Witch by Rachel Aaron

This is book two in the Tear Down Heaven series that started with Hell for Hire. The  two main characters are demon queen Bex, who is fighting to save her people from enslavement by Gilgamesh and his sorcerers and Adrian, a male witch with a magical forest. Every bit as much fun as the author's Heartstriker series and with a very nice romantic subplot.




2/ Demons of Good and Evil by Kim Harrison

This is the latest-in-paperback Hollows book with witch Rachel Morgan in trouble again. The high-magic high-action series dates back to the urban fantasy heyday, but you may not be aware that it has restarted after supposedly "ending" with Witch with No Name. I'm halfway through reading this one.

Now on to the books I'm planning to read:

3/ Bag of Bones by Stephen King

King can be a little hit or miss for me, but I really enjoyed Fairytale and have been meaning to try this ghost story for a while.

4/ Cunning Revenants by B.D. Wilson

This is third in a series of novellas (starting with Phantom Echoes) about a blind man with a talent for psychometry who gets roped into helping with his friend's ghost podcast. I think this one will delve deeper into Holden's backstory and I'm looking forward to it.




5/ Blood Ties by Skyla Dawn Cameron

I love this author's Livi Talbot series and have been meaning to try this one with a witch main character. 

And that's all my planned spooky reading! Please share your reading list or recommendations in the comments.

Monday, October 7, 2024

HERE BE NEWS for Monday October 7, 2024

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday October 7, 2024 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Visions Before Midnight
Oberon Book 7.0

Chay Johnson is a traditional man; and the educator, flute maker, apprentice shaman has a lot of traditions to uphold, especially when it comes to choosing a life mate.

 Erin Allridge is a modern woman, with modern ideas about relationships and a painful personal history she has no intention of repeating.


 When terror and tragedy strike the small town of Oberon, the pair are forced to re-think their visions for the future.


 In this world of form and spirit it can be hard to find balance and harmony, but  sometimes, particularly when the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest, love can find a way to bridge the gap.

Hungry Heart

An Oberon Halloween Story  

Cara Matthews is trouble—with a capital T. That's one thing that pretty much everyone in Oberon can agree on—parents, teachers, other students, her on-again-off-again boyfriend, Seth Cavanaugh. 

Well, if you give a dog a bad name they'll probably live up to it, right?

This Halloween, after one insult too many, Cara's hellbent on wreaking revenge—no matter who gets hurt in the process.


***Please note: This is a companion book to Visions Before Midnight. While it can stand on its own (and does contain scenes and material that does not appear in Visions) this is essentially Cara's version of events, which may or may not be accurate. Do you trust her?***

This Halloween-themed event will run throughout October with posts going up 3 times per week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday). Included are short stories, flash fiction, poetry and even sample chapters. 


The theme of the event is Simply Spooky. So, think ghosts, demons, serial killers, horror, dark fantasy, etc. 


Alongside this event, Samantha Gregory will also be doing her own personal challenge of writing 8 short horror stories on the run up to Halloween. She plans on releasing these as a collection during Halloween week.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Two New Releases From PG Forte

Posted by: PG Forte

Visions Before Midnight

Oberon Book 7.0

Chay Johnson is a traditional man; and the educator, flute maker, apprentice shaman has a lot of traditions to uphold, especially when it comes to choosing a life mate.

 Erin Allridge is a modern woman, with modern ideas about relationships and a painful personal history she has no intention of repeating.


 When terror and tragedy strike the small town of Oberon, the pair are forced to re-think their visions for the future.


 In this world of form and spirit it can be hard to find balance and harmony, but  sometimes, particularly when the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest, love can find a way to bridge the gap.

Hungry Heart

An Oberon Halloween Story  

Cara Matthews is trouble—with a capital T. That's one thing that pretty much everyone in Oberon can agree on—parents, teachers, other students, her on-again-off-again boyfriend, Seth Cavanaugh. 

Well, if you give a dog a bad name they'll probably live up to it, right?

This Halloween, after one insult too many, Cara's hellbent on wreaking revenge—no matter who gets hurt in the process.


***Please note: This is a companion book to Visions Before Midnight. While it can stand on its own (and does contain scenes and material that does not appear in Visions) this is essentially Cara's version of events, which may or may not be accurate. Do you trust her?***

Monday, September 30, 2024

HERE BE NEWS for Monday September 30, 2024

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday September 30, 2024 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Tuesday September 24, 2024: Linda Mooney treats us to another chapter of her new fantasy romance, Dark Hours.


Another Battle Lord’s Fury

Book 11 of The Battle Lord Saga
Sci-Fi/Futuristic/Post-Apocalyptic Romance
by Linda Mooney

Word Count: 78.6K
$4.99 e / $16.99 p

A life for a life. When one is gone, another is promised to take its place.

Unexpected visitors with an invitation to a horse sale and auction from an unknown battle lord piques Yulen D’Jacques’ interest. The opportunity to renew their horses’ bloodlines is too good to pass up, although he knows the trek will be long and dangerous.


Yulen worries Atty isn’t yet up to the trip, but she refuses to let him go without her, even if that means leaving the children behind. The decision is a hard one, but they won’t risk Mattox and Mistelle’s lives along with their own. Although Bloods are still a threat, along with any number of other creatures, they plan to make a few stops and hopefully pick up some allies along the way, both Mutah and Normal.


The scenes they stumble upon along the way are vicious. Entire settlements have been slaughtered, soldiers mutilated. And just when the group think they’ve made it to the safety of the compound for the sale, they learn that Normals can be more brutal than Bloods. The new battle lord is anti-Mutah, and when his plot to take advantage of his visitors comes to light, Yulen won’t stand for it.


Ghosts from Yulen’s past also resurface, bringing a secret to light. Can Yulen and Atty work through it? Will he be able to step up and do what’s right? Of course he will. It’s what a good battle lord would do. And it’s time to teach everyone else that lesson.


Warning! Contains lessons in swordplay, a bet, deliciously prepared lizard, blame, rigged games, lessons in cookie dunking, blood and Bloods, and a love sorely tried that grows and becomes stronger.


Excerpt and Buy Links:

This Halloween-themed event will run throughout October with posts going up 3 times per week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday). Included are short stories, flash fiction, poetry and even sample chapters. 


The theme of the event is Simply Spooky. So, think ghosts, demons, serial killers, horror, dark fantasy, etc. 


Alongside this event, Samantha Gregory will also be doing her own personal challenge of writing 8 short horror stories on the run up to Halloween. She plans on releasing these as a collection during Halloween week.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

DARK HOURS, a Fantasy Romance by Linda Mooney - Chapter 9

Posted by: Linda Mooney


Chapter 9

            Matthias had lost track of the days and nights long ago. Since he was moved to a small cell that had no window, there was no way to tell the passage of time. Without any candles or other source of light, he remained in the hellish depths of darkness full time.

He tried to guess by the meals he was served, but he quickly discovered those were haphazard at best. There were hours when he’d be so weak with hunger that he was barely aware when the bowl of gruel was placed through the small door at the bottom of his cell door until he smelled it. Then it would seem he’d barely finished eating when another bowl was brought to him. Whether he was hungry or not, he made himself eat the horrid concoction, for once glad he couldn’t see what he was eating.

He prayed almost constantly and slept the rest of the time. Initially, he’d attempted to have some kind of exercise regime to keep his muscles from wasting away. After a while, he gave up trying. He no longer had the energy.

He knew he would eventually die in this place. The solitude he could handle. The cold he could not. With the winter months due to arrive, he could only hope he’d freeze to death in his sleep—peaceful and alone.

He never expected to hear the jingling of keys at the lock, or for the sound of the heavy door being pulled open. A lantern was shoved through the opening, blinding him. Matthias threw an arm up to shield his eyes when a gruff voice declared, “Yes. That is he. Get him.”

He was grabbed under both arms and half-dragged, half-carried out of his cell. The guards continued to haul him over the rough rock floor where his feet were battered with cuts and bruises. By the time they arrived in the rear halls of the castle, every step he took left a bloody imprint.

“Here ye go,” one guard remarked, throwing him onto the floor. “Good luck with getting the stench off of him.” The other guard chuckled as they both exited the place.

Matthias looked up in the graying light to find several servant women gathering around him. They with their white aprons and foul expressions. More hands reached for him, tearing the remains of his robe from his thin body. Fully naked, he was shoved into a nearby steaming laundry tub of almost scalding water.

He called out from the pain as they began to soap and scrub him with horsehair brushes. Their ministrations weren’t gentle. His hair was almost yanked from his head and face as they tried to remove the lice and other insects that nested in the tangled mess. Icy cold water was thrown on him to rinse him off, nearly throwing his body into shock, when someone declared they’d done all they could. Led from the tub, he was given a worn but clean shift to cover his nakedness. Nearby, another guard waited to place shackles on his wrists.

“Come with me, and do not try to escape, or else I will run you through.”

The tempting thought of a quick death by the man’s blade briefly entered his mind. But curiosity regarding why he’d been released from his prison prevented him from attempting to see if the man would be true to his word.

At least this guard was more generous in dealing with the priest’s shaky gait. Several times Matthias was forced to stop and wheeze for breath, unused to the activity. Once they were away from the laundry and the areas where most of the servants worked, they entered the castle proper. He was led down long corridors lined with rich tapestries and past rooms where he was able to glimpse luxuries within that he could never imagine.

He was on the verge of total collapse when they entered the throne room. Matthias was not surprised to see Gola sitting on the elaborately carved and gilded seat atop the stone dais. Although he’d come to believe she was the person responsible for him being momentarily released from his hellhole, he was more anxious to know why she’d summoned him. Or worse, if she was going to send him back to the dungeon once this meeting was over.

“Good day, Father,” the witch greeted him as he fell to his knees before her. He winced in pain as the stone cut into his flesh, gritting his teeth as he tried not to make a sound. The woman loved to inflict misery on others, and hearing it almost made her euphoric. Instead, he managed to nod, letting her know he’d heard her, as he kept his head bowed.

“You must be wondering why I brought you here.”

He didn’t dare look up at her until she allowed him to. The fact that she was deliberately baiting him left him more confused than angry at her treatment of him. What he wasn’t expecting was for her to rise from the throne and slowly descend the steps to his level.

“The answer is simple. I need you to deliver a message for me.”

The toes of her gilt slippers appeared in his range of vision. One foot rose and kicked his shoulder with enough force to knock him backwards. Matthias found himself staring up at her, but the witch didn’t seem to object to his scrutiny.

“Are you now without the ability to speak, Priest? Do you still have your tongue in your head? Or have you gone mad during your incarceration?”

“I c-can speak,” he answered, his voice gravelly and dry.

“Your Greatness,” Gola prodded darkly, her brows knitting. “You will refer to me as Your Greatness.”

“I can speak, Your Greatness.”

A self-serving smile carved into her thin lips. “That is better. Now here is your mission. You will leave this place and go in search of the Centurion Kayge d’Bayar. When you find him, you must give him this message. Are you listening carefully, Priest?” Her eyes narrowed at him.

“I am listening, Your Greatness.”

“Good. Tell him the only way he can get his beloved Emers Ammin of Deccatar back is by killing the heart of the dragon. Do you have that?”

“Y-yes, Your Greatness.”

“Then repeat it back to me. Word for word.”

Matthias squeezed his eyes shut and prayed he could. “The only way Centurion Kayge d’Bayar can get back his beloved Emers Ammin of Deccatar is by killing the heart of the dragon.”

Gola cackled. “Your memory is not yet as ragged as your body. Very good, Priest.”

“Your Greatness?”

She paused as she was about to ascend the steps back to her chair. “What?”

“Why must I deliver your message? Surely you have other men at your disposal who are more capable than me.”

“The centurion will not allow any of my men to approach him, and you well know that. But he will allow you to get close to him so that you can deliver my message. He trusts you, although he may be suspicious as to why you sought him out.”

Matthias couldn’t fault the witch for that wisdom. “And after I deliver your message…”


“What is your will with me?”

Gola let out another one of her high-pitched screeches of delight. “I am finished with you, you worthless piece of dung! Do what you will on your own! But know this and know it well. If you leave here and do not give the centurion my message, I will know. And if you think your past incarceration in my dungeon was hellish, you will not withstand the punishment you will be dealt for your disobedience. Are we clear, Priest?”

He bowed his head to show his obeisance. “Very clear, Your Greatness.”

He was aware of her making some gesture and she returned to her throne. Presently, another guard appeared by his side.

“Take him. See that he is fed and provided with a horse and provisions before he is sent from here.”

A hand grabbed him under one arm to haul him to his feet. At the last second, Matthias addressed the witch for what he prayed would be the last time.

“Your Greatness, where will I find Kayge d’Bayar? In which direction shall I go?”

Gola sneered. “You know where to go. But if you get lost…just follow the dragon.” She turned to speak to a man standing beside the throne, a gesture which told Matthias that he’d been dismissed.

He was subsequently led to the kitchen where he was fed not a bowl of gruel but a slab of fowl, along with a sizeable chunk of freshly baked bread. Unfortunately, he couldn’t finish it all and expected the rest to be tossed to the dogs. He was amazed when the remains were wrapped in a cloth and added to a bag that was already bulging. As a servant woman shoved the bag in his hands, she leaned over and softly whispered, “God speed.” He quickly made the sign of the cross on her forehead to thank her for her prayer.

From there he was taken to the stables where a horse was saddled and waiting. A pair of trousers was draped over the saddle. A pair of boots sat on the ground. Matthias quickly pulled on the pants and footwear before his guard helped him onto the horse. Unlike the woman, the man said nothing as he grabbed the reins and led both beast and priest out into the main courtyard where the drawbridge was already lowered.

Handing the reins to Matthias, the man stood back. Matthias noticed how many pairs of eyes were watching him depart, making him wonder if they all were under Gola’s spell. If they all were waiting to see what he’d do next like one giant eye.

He urged the horse out of the courtyard and over the drawbridge before stopping on the road. Ahead lay open land and forest. And freedom.

But first I must find Kayge and give him the message. Tell him that the only way he can get his beloved Emers back is by killing the heart of the dragon.

The dragon.

What dragon?

He glanced up into the clear, cloudless sky. Somewhere out there was a dragon. It was imperative he find Kayge as soon as possible for both their sakes, and for Emers’ sake. There were too many questions he needed to ask, too many answers he needed to make his mission make sense.

“Thank you, oh Lord, for Your mercy and kindness. I will not fail You. If it be thy will, please guide me to where I may find Kayge d’Bayar. I fully trust in You to help me.”

Dropping his gaze back to the road ahead, he dug his heels into the horse’s sides and set off down the road toward what he hoped would be their salvation.


Linda's Website

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