Monday, February 3, 2025

HERE BE NEWS for Monday February 3, 2025

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday February 3, 2025 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Fall For You: Texas Heat
Heartwood, Texas: Book One

Jocelyn Barnes couldn’t wait to leave Heartwood in her rearview mirror—even if it meant breaking two hearts in the process. Now, with her career on hiatus and her great-aunt in need of help as she recovers from concussion, Jo finds herself right back where she started, older but not much wiser, and about to make all the same mistakes all over again.


 Carter Donahue doesn’t believe in looking back. As the chef/manager of his family’s new farm-to-table restaurant, he’s got his hands full. With a goal of turning his legacy into a must-see, Hill Country destination, his focus is on the future. The past? He’d rather that stayed buried. The last thing he needs (or wants) is to dig up those old feelings or fall back in love with his ex—especially when she’s already got one foot out the door. Again.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

New Release from PG Forte ~ Fall For You

Posted by: PG Forte

Fall For You: Texas Heat
Heartwood, Texas: Book One

Jocelyn Barnes couldn’t wait to leave Heartwood in her rearview mirror—even if it meant breaking two hearts in the process. Now, with her career on hiatus and her great-aunt in need of help as she recovers from concussion, Jo finds herself right back where she started, older but not much wiser, and about to make all the same mistakes all over again.


 Carter Donahue doesn’t believe in looking back. As the chef/manager of his family’s new farm-to-table restaurant, he’s got his hands full. With a goal of turning his legacy into a must-see, Hill Country destination, his focus is on the future. The past? He’d rather that stayed buried. The last thing he needs (or wants) is to dig up those old feelings or fall back in love with his ex—especially when she’s already got one foot out the door. Again.

Monday, January 27, 2025

HERE BE NEWS for Monday January 27, 2025

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday January 27, 2025 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Tuesday January 21, 2025: Linda Mooney treats us to the first chapter of her fantasy romance, The Immortal.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

THE IMMORTAL, a Fantasy Romance by Linda Mooney - Chapter 1, The Encounter

Posted by: Linda Mooney


Chapter 1 - The Encounter

Setting the bucket of milk on the makeshift table, Clea blew on her hands to warm them up before slipping on her gloves. Inside the barn, it was cold enough to where her breath emerged as vaporous clouds. But it was better than being outside where the temperature was hovering in the twenties.

She went over to the far corner of the building where a few bales of hay had been stacked. Grabbing the pitchfork, she dug out a portion and carried it over to where the cows were penned and dumped it into their trough. After which she checked their water buckets to make sure ice hadn’t formed on the top, preventing the animals from drinking.

Clea sniffed. “Yes, I know I need to clean out your stalls, but right now I don’t feel like it.” She sniffed again and wiped her nose with the back of her glove. She gave the animal a pat on the side. “Enjoy your breakfast, Daisy. I’ll be back this evening to check on you and your sister.” Another pat, and she went to retrieve the bucket before heading to the house. 

She was almost at the back door when a familiar figure came running around the corner.

“Mom! Mooom!”

Seeing the alarm on his face, she set the bucket down and prepared herself for the worst.

“Joey? What’s wrong? What’s the matter?”

He stumbled to a stop in front of her, his cheeks glowing red from the cold and exertion. “Mom! There’s a man lying under the big fir tree in the pasture! Mom!” The boy’s eyes widened. “I think he’s dead!”

“Dead? Joey, please tell me you didn’t go near him!”

He tried to shake his head. He was bundled so well against the cold, he could barely move it. “No.”

“Then why do you think he’s dead?”

“Cuz he’s laying like those guys on TV do after they get shot. Like he fell there and can’t get up. Do we need to call Sheriff Lowden?”

Clea checked over her shoulder at the snowed-in road leading up to the house. “No. He’ll never be able to make it up here. Get inside the house and stay there until I get back.” She continued toward the back door with her son in tow. 

Inside the kitchen, she set the pail of milk in the sink then went into the living room to fetch the shotgun she kept in the hall closet. Joey watched her with dismay as she strode past him. 


She paused at the back door. “Under the fir tree?” she clarified.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“If I’m not back in twenty minutes, go ahead and call Sheriff Lowden.” Without waiting for his reply, she hurried outside and began trudging toward the back pasture.

The tree in question was the only tree on that ten-acre plot directly behind the house. Years before, her husband had told her his parents had planted that tree in the middle of a field of sweet corn so they could chop it down and use it for a Christmas tree that December. 

“Why in the middle of the field?” she’d asked him.

“Because the soil was already tilled,” Eddie explained. “It didn’t take much to dig a hole.”

The tree took root and grew big and strong, and beautiful. So beautiful, Mrs. Hatch had second thoughts and decided not to have it cut down. As a result, the tree served as both landmark and outpost, since the farmhouse could be seen if one climbed to its uppermost branches, as young nine-year-old boys were prone to do.

Clea topped the rise where she could gaze down at the acreage, now sitting fallow until it was time to replant in the spring. This time of year, the ground was hard and frozen under the four inches of snow that had fallen last night. She tried to spot the man in question, but he’d either left or was lying where he was out of sight. The line of footprints left in the powder in front of her were too small to have been made by a full-grown man.

She opened the double-barrel shotgun, fed it two shells of buckshot, and closed it, keeping it ready just in case. Slowly, she advanced, following Joey’s footprints which appeared to take a wide path away from the tree. Apparently her son had started to go to the tree, but when he’d seen the man, had veered off and come straight home to warn her. 

She was within a few feet of the big fir when she detected movement. Jerking the rifle up to her shoulder, she carefully sidestepped as she kept one eye peering down the barrel. 

The man was on his side, facing away from her. As she stood there, she heard a soft groan coming from him as he rocked forward and back. From what she could see, he was wearing a coat, but it looked the worse for wear. She doubted it was adequate protection from the weather. His head was bare, or looked that way.

She continued to watch him, waiting for him to turn to face her. She wouldn’t dare challenge him with his back to her. There was too great a chance he could pull a gun or knife without her knowledge, then turn to attack her with it.

Eventually, the man rolled over onto his other side, enabling her to see his face. His skin was pale, but with reddish splotches, a sure sign of fever. He coughed, deep and raspy, hacking up phlegm which he spat onto the ground. 

The man was sick.

She aimed at his midsection. “Hold it right there! Don’t move!”

The guy didn’t appear to hear her. Or if he did, he was too weak to respond. 

Normally, she would hesitate to get closer, but her motherly instinct was telling her this man needed help. He wasn’t acting. He wasn’t faking it. He was deathly ill.

She slung the shotgun over her shoulder and marched up to him. Gripping his thin coat with both hands, she tugged on it. “Come on. Get up. I’m taking you into the house.”

“No.” He tried to push away her hand but he didn’t have the strength. “Leave me be.”

“If I leave you there, you’ll die of exposure. Now, get up and throw your arm across my back. I can’t drag you by myself.”

A watery cough in lieu of a chuckle answered her. “Madam, I cannot die. Suffer, yes. But not die.”

She didn’t need to look at him to know he had a raging fever. She could feel the heat coming off his body. No wonder he was delirious.

“Damn it! Let me help you! Come on! I’m not leaving you out here when the temperature’s supposed to drop into the single digits tonight!”

She expected him to protest again. Instead, he managed to get his feet under him and got to a wobbly stance before leaning heavily on her. It wasn’t until he was up that she noticed the well-used backpack propped against the trunk of the tree. 

“I can’t handle you and your backpack,” she informed him before he had the chance to mention it—if he remembered it, considering his frame of mind. “I’ll send my son to fetch it. Don’t worry. It’ll be safe here.”

He gave another sickly chuckle. “Of that I have no doubt.”

Clea mentally shook her head. The man was definitely missing a spark plug, considering his odd way of speaking. Or maybe he’s a foreigner, she surmised.

It took a lot of effort to get him up the slight slope before the farmhouse came in view. She wasn’t surprised when she saw her son running toward them once he caught sight of them. As soon as he was within earshot, she called out to him.

“Go fetch the backpack sitting against the tree!”

Joey took off to get it as she struggled to get the man to the house. She’d been tempted to ask the boy to help her get the guy inside, but since she didn’t know what kind of sickness this stranger was suffering, she didn’t want to chance her son catching it. Her getting ill was one thing, but in no way would she jeopardize Joey’s health.

They were nearing the back door when the boy caught up with them. “Where do you want me to put it?”

“Put it in your room. That’s where he’s going to stay until the roads clear enough to where I can take him to the hospital.”

Joey wrinkled his nose at her. “My room? Where am I gonna sleep?”

“You’ll sleep in my room with me.” She used that tone of voice he knew meant there was no arguing her decision. “After you drop off the backpack, go wait for me in the living room.”

The child trudged off to hold the door open for his mother before going to leave the man’s backpack in his room.

The stranger groaned softly when they entered the kitchen. The wall of warmth that met and surrounded them felt good, and she almost moaned with him. It also seemed to give the stranger a boost of strength so that she didn’t have to carry him into her son’s bedroom.

She dropped him onto the bed and managed to peel his coat away from him. It was then she discovered he was wearing a knitted cap that blended into the man’s gray-white hair. It was iced over to the point that she had to peel it off his head. His gloves followed. Next, she tackled his boots. 

His jeans were soaked, leaving her with no choice but to undo his belt and slide them off. Thankfully, he had on a pair of boxers underneath. Although they also felt wet to the touch, they would quickly dry. His shirt was also dry. 

By the time she got that much done, she was too exhausted to do anything more. The man was dirty and unshaven, and looked like he hadn’t bathed in days, but that could wait. Right now he needed rest and to be kept warm. Pushing him onto the mattress, she pulled the comforter and blanket over him and turned to leave when he spoke for the first time since they were in the field.

“Do not be…alarmed…if I…disappear.”

Clea stared at him. “If you what?”

“It’s part of…of my…curse.”

“Your curse? How are you cursed?”

A weak smile curved the corners of his lips. “I am…immortal.”

She continued to stare at him and briefly wondered if she should block the bedroom door in the event he got up in the middle of the night. Right now, however, her thoughts were on trying to keep him alive. 

“I’m going to get you a cup of warm tea and some aspirin. Try to get some rest.”

The stranger gave a single nod.

And then vanished from sight.


Linda's Website

Monday, January 20, 2025

HERE BE NEWS for Monday January 20, 2025

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday January 20, 2025 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Thursday January 16, 2025: PG Forte explains why she loves fictional towns.

He needs a wife to save his inheritance.
She needs a husband to save her future.
Together, they must outsmart a secret society that
could destroy them both.

Allow me to introduce Ewan Glenraven, Marquess of Glenraven—a man of duty, determination, and hidden depths.

Standing tall at 6'2", Ewan's commanding presence is impossible to ignore. With dark, wavy hair and striking gray eyes that mirror his intense focus, he embodies the very essence of a distinguished nobleman. Yet, it's the slight crook of his nose—an old war injury—that hints at the battles he's faced and the resilience beneath his refined exterior.

Ewan is a study in contrasts:

·    Pragmatic yet Passionate: His military past has molded him into a disciplined strategist, but beneath the stoic facade lies a romantic soul he's reluctant to reveal.

·    Serious but Witty: Though often serious and duty-bound, he possesses a dry sense of humor that surfaces when least expected.

·    Guarded yet Loyal: Struggling to express his emotions, he nonetheless holds a fierce loyalty to those he cares about.

As he navigates the complexities of society and matters of the heart, will Ewan learn to open himself to love?

Join me in uncovering the layers of this intriguing Marquess.

#EwanGlenraven #AMarriageForTheMarquess #HeroReveal #BarringtonsBrigade

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Why I Love Fictional Towns

Posted by: PG Forte

 I used to be a non-confrontational reader. I read widely and enjoyed various genres and rarely took anything I read too seriously. It wasn't about me--I got that. 

Then I started writing. And critiquing. And brainstorming. And editing, beta-reading, reviewing, plotting, planning, angsting... And slowly, over time, I've become the worst kind of reader: someone with an opinion on EVERYTHING.  It kind of sucks.

See, I still love when authors set their books in real-live places. Especially places I've been to and love. But while I used to be okay with their experience of a place being different than mine, now I feel like those differences, no matter how small, aren't features. They're bugs.

Specifically, they bug ME. Even though I know they shouldn't. 

Recently, I took a road trip that took me from Austin to Fredericksburg, and then up through Llano to Fort Worth. I mention this only because this morning I opened a book I hadn't read in awhile--but one I'd always liked--and in the opening sequence, I'm following the main character as he drives west (I imagine, since he's coming from New York City) THROUGH Fredericksburg and up towards Llano.  

Along the way, he passes multiple cemeteries, red rocks, cactus, prickly pear and yucca. And when he exits his car, having rolled down an embankment (and ended up in sand, rather than a river) he's amazed by the cold, crisp desert air and chilled by the somewhere around 30 degrees F temperatures. 

And I was amazed as well, since not one of those details match up with reality. 

I mean, I'm sure there's somewhere in the Great State of Texas where you'll find all of those things. But not on that route. 

I'm not saying this to be superior. I'm sure I end up pissing lots of people off too by including details supplied by my faulty memory. Although, OTOH, I can think of at least three authors--two who write primarily about places they know, but with such authority and accuracy that I think I'd trust their details even over my own experiences; and one who writes about places I know for a fact she's never been, but whose research is so exemplary, that you'd have to know her to realize she's never been there.

All of this is my very long-winded way of saying that this is why I set most of my stories in fictional towns--or in alternate timelines. I don't want to challenge anyone's "willing suspension of disbelief". I don't want to get lost down never-ending rabbit holes as I research the flora, fauna, weather and/or traffic patterns in actual places. And I don't want easily ascertainable details to be the reason why a reader would throw one of my books against the wall--missing what, otherwise, might have been one of their favorite reads. After all, that's what my (occasionally annoying) characters are for. 

Check out my upcoming new release, Fall For You, the first book set in the entirely fictional town of Heartwood, Texas

Fall For You: Texas Heat
Heartwood, Texas: Book One

Jocelyn Barnes couldn’t wait to leave Heartwood in her rearview mirror—even if it meant breaking two hearts in the process. Now, with her career on hiatus and her great-aunt in need of help as she recovers from concussion, Jo finds herself right back where she started, older but not much wiser, and about to make all the same mistakes all over again.


 Carter Donahue doesn’t believe in looking back. As the chef/manager of his family’s new farm-to-table restaurant, he’s got his hands full. With a goal of turning his legacy into a must-see, Hill Country destination, his focus is on the future. The past? He’d rather that stayed buried. The last thing he needs (or wants) is to dig up those old feelings or fall back in love with his ex—especially when she’s already got one foot out the door. Again.

Releasing January 30, 2025

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

New Release for Ruth A. Casie - A Marriage for the Marquess

Posted by: Ruth A Casie


He needs a wife to save his inheritance.
She needs a husband to save her future.
Together, they must outsmart a secret society that
could destroy them both.

Allow me to introduce Ewan Glenraven, Marquess of Glenraven—a man of duty, determination, and hidden depths.

Standing tall at 6'2", Ewan's commanding presence is impossible to ignore. With dark, wavy hair and striking gray eyes that mirror his intense focus, he embodies the very essence of a distinguished nobleman. Yet, it's the slight crook of his nose—an old war injury—that hints at the battles he's faced and the resilience beneath his refined exterior.

Ewan is a study in contrasts:

·    Pragmatic yet Passionate: His military past has molded him into a disciplined strategist, but beneath the stoic facade lies a romantic soul he's reluctant to reveal.

·    Serious but Witty: Though often serious and duty-bound, he possesses a dry sense of humor that surfaces when least expected.

·    Guarded yet Loyal: Struggling to express his emotions, he nonetheless holds a fierce loyalty to those he cares about.

As he navigates the complexities of society and matters of the heart, will Ewan learn to open himself to love?

Join me in uncovering the layers of this intriguing Marquess.

#EwanGlenraven #AMarriageForTheMarquess #HeroReveal #BarringtonsBrigade

📘 Release January 25. Pre-order on Amazon - Included in Kindle Unlimited:

Monday, January 13, 2025

HERE BE NEWS for Monday January 13, 2025

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday January 13, 2025 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Snowed In & Spiteful

Searching for your next favorite story?


Look no further! These bestselling authors have teamed up to offer a delightful selection of new books. Available for a limited time.

Snowed In & Spiteful is a multi-author collaborative marketing project bringing together authors from various genres to write snowed-in Romance stories featuring the forced proximity trope.

Monday, January 6, 2025

HERE BE NEWS for Monday January 6, 2025

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday January 6, 2025 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:


This year I'll be offering discounted Box Sets of several of my ebook series. These sets are PERMANENTLY available, but    they're ONLY AVAILABLE through my website. 

January Box Set

Cut Glass: Jewels 
(blurbs and excerpts)

Snowed In & Spiteful

Searching for your next favorite story?


Look no further! These bestselling authors have teamed up to offer a delightful selection of new books. Available for a limited time.

Snowed In & Spiteful is a multi-author collaborative marketing project bringing together authors from various genres to write snowed-in Romance stories featuring the forced proximity trope.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Now Available as a Box Set - The CUT GLASS: JEWELS Duology

Posted by: Linda Mooney


This year I'll be offering discounted Box Sets of several of my ebook series. These sets are PERMANENTLY available, but    they're ONLY AVAILABLE through my website. 

January Box Set

Cut Glass: Jewels 
(blurbs and excerpts)

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