A woman with a history of picking Mr. Wrong.
A man with a powerful kink for control.
When lust turns to love, who's really on top?
Maggie Doran is off men, having gone through a string of disappointing relationships. Then like clockwork, her libido fires up over her new boss--the epitome of bad choices. The man is built like a Greek god, sexy, and has a harem of eager gym groupies willing to give him anything he wants at the drop of a hat. Yet one more Mr. Wrong to add to her list.
Mac Jameson fell in immediate lust with his newest employee the moment he laid eyes on her. Four months later, he's still stuck in no-man's land. Maggie ignores him when she's not glaring holes through him. The woman doesn't understand he's in charge. Unfortunately for Mac, no other woman will do. But he's afraid if he does get Maggie in his clutches, she'll bolt when she realizes he's got a powerful kink for control.
Except she doesn't bolt. She wants more. But just as Mac realizes Maggie is the woman he wants forever, she gets a shot at fulfilling a lifelong dream that might take her far away. Will she leave him when he's just found her? And how could he ever think she'd love a guy like him. Mac only knows he's not giving up without a fight. He'll command and conquer her body, heart and soul.
Purchase information.
Here Be Magic Group Announcements
Nicole Luiken's paranormal YA novel Dreamline is one of five finalists for the Monica Hughes Science Fiction and Fantasy Award! The award is sponsored by the Canadian Children's Book Centre and the winner will be announced in the fall.
For a limited time, Talson's Wait by Marie Harte is free from Ellora's Cave.
Inez Kelley is the newest client of Vickie Motter of the Andrea Hurst Literary Agency. Read the full story here.
Veronica Scott will be participating in the Angels & Demons Blog Hop along with 102 other Authors, Bloggers, and Reviewers!
We want to know: Angels or Demons...who do you want?
From June 28th - July 1st, you can HOP around the blogs, comment on each and follow their rules, and be entered to win over 100 giveaways. Each blog will have its own giveaway, PLUS we have TWO grand prizes.
ONE Commenter from the blogs will win a KINDLE TOUCH and another Commenter will win a $60 Amazon or Barnes & Noble Gift Card! Comment on 1 blog or all 103 blogs and be entered up to 103 times for the grand prizes.
So please come around those days and do your best to win! Veronica is giving away a $25 Amazon gift card on her blog.
Links of Interest
Is it ever okay to say "And then magic happens"? NK Jemisin on Why does magic need so many rules? Interesting comments section too.
This should have been on last week's post but if you missed the LOCUS award winners, you can find the list here.
Cosmo’s 44 Most Ridiculous Sex Tips: "At its core, Cosmo is just a girl, standing in front of a boy, trying to figure what to do with his penis. Or, as they put it, trying to figure out how to "throw his disco stick a party he'll never forget."" My favorite is # 15 under Things to Do with Your Breasts.
Taylor Lautner on Jacob and Renesmee: 'It's not nearly as creepy as everyone likes to joke'. Except, yeah, it kinda is. I like this quote by Pattinson: "Did you ask him if his taste in women has changed? The first scene I saw them together, I literally could not stop laughing. I wouldn’t have been able to do it."
Myths About Traditional Publishing from Gemma Halliday.
Harlequin's So You Think You Can Write begins in September. "You will need a completed manuscript to enter the contest. So get out that WIP, or boot up that laptop and start a new project. We’ll be here, ramping up for the big event and providing you with the tools you need to write a story that will get you noticed by the largest publisher of romance fiction in the world."
Making E-books Is Harder Than It Looks. From Huffington Post.
Blackmail App for Writers: "The new Aherk app will help you blackmail yourself into meeting your literary goals. The free service lets you pick a goal and save a “compromising picture” of yourself and use it as “knife on your neck” reminding you to finish your project."
Making E-books Is Harder Than It Looks. From Huffington Post.
Blackmail App for Writers: "The new Aherk app will help you blackmail yourself into meeting your literary goals. The free service lets you pick a goal and save a “compromising picture” of yourself and use it as “knife on your neck” reminding you to finish your project."
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