Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Music To Write Angst To

Posted by: PG Forte

Way, way back, when I first started writing for publication, having the right music to listen to while I wrote was an absolute necessity--right up there with scented candles, an inspirational coffee mug, and the beverage of my choice--which tended to change on a scene-to-scene basis.  I  gradually grew out of my need for most of these (I still like the mugs, although I have let a lot of those go in this last move) but  then I began beg having trouble writing AT ALL, so I've been experimenting with bringing some of them back.

This year I've found myself listening to music once again, and that's been exciting because I've not only discovered some great new (or new to me) songs, but I've also been inspired to write more stories based on song titles (some old, some new) and/or lyrics. Like this one, for example:

 And, no, you won't be seeing him THIS Christmas, but I'm gonna try like hell to get him out there NEXT Christmas even though I already have TWO OTHER vampire Christmas stories scheduled to release next December because he's just too cute to keep to myself. 

But right now my playlists are filled with sad, alternative Christmas music, breakup songs, multiple versions of I'll Be Home for Christmas and at least a dozen different covers of Joni Mitchell's song River. I thought I'd share a few of my favorites:

Maybe in Another Lifetime


Sorted Noise Christmas


River Covers


New York City Christmas Benefit 


Folk and Indie Christmas 2021 (AKA I Hate Christmas)


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