Monday, September 16, 2024

HERE BE NEWS for Monday September 16, 2024

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday September 16, 2024 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Thursday September 12, 2024:  PG Forte offers a sneak peek at December's release, Spicy Nick

Now Available as an Audiobook!



Sci-Fi Romance

by Linda Mooney


Word Count: 67K

$3.99 e / $10.99 p / $19.95 a

Narrated by Gillian Wiggin

Length: 8 hrs, 13 min


Hear a Sample:


Running from an attack by the Alliance and looking for cover, a derelict ship unexpectedly comes into view. JeVit of the Pure takes the opportunity to hide behind it, not expecting to find an open bay door inviting them in. Too late she realizes she should have rejected that invitation.


Centurion Zeke Rossi and his team are in pursuit of an enemy ship when it just…disappears. Spotting an alien vessel they don’t recognize, the Terrans temporarily give up the chase to investigate, and Zeke is tapped to board the ship first to look around. Immediately, his gut tells him something is wrong. It’s not until he enters the spacecraft that his feeling is validated, but he has no idea the worst is yet to come.


The ship seems to be truly deserted, but the two couldn’t be more wrong. When their paths cross, JeVit realizes that although Zeke is injured, their best chance of surviving is to call a truce and join forces. However, trust between enemies proves difficult.


When escape becomes possible, JeVit chooses the path most likely to save Zeke’s life, and hopefully not end hers on sight. But when Zeke awakens, his memories are nothing but flashes, other than the gray-eyed, blue-headed beauty he keeps envisioning. What happened to him? What happened to her? And how does she fit into the puzzle of his piecemeal memory?


Raised to be sworn enemies, the two can’t resist the pull to be together, despite what it means for their future. They’re willing to risk it all, but can they convince the Terrans and the Hafu to unite against a common enemy?


Warning! Contains beef jerky, trust issues, lessons in swearing, Vah plus six, absolute darkness, and one man making the ultimate sacrifice to return to the woman he's come to love when he knows he has nothing left to lose.


Excerpt and Buy Links:

Friday, September 13, 2024

Now Available as an Audiobook! DERELICT, a Sci-Fi Romance by Linda Mooney

Posted by: Linda Mooney


Now Available as an Audiobook!

Sci-Fi Romance
by Linda Mooney
Word Count: 67K
$3.99 e / $10.99 p / $19.95 a

 Narrated by Gillian Wiggin
Length: 8 hrs, 13 min
Hear a Sample:

Running from an attack by the Alliance and looking for cover, a derelict ship unexpectedly comes into view. JeVit of the Pure takes the opportunity to hide behind it, not expecting to find an open bay door inviting them in. Too late she realizes she should have rejected that invitation.

Centurion Zeke Rossi and his team are in pursuit of an enemy ship when it just…disappears. Spotting an alien vessel they don’t recognize, the Terrans temporarily give up the chase to investigate, and Zeke is tapped to board the ship first to look around. Immediately, his gut tells him something is wrong. It’s not until he enters the spacecraft that his feeling is validated, but he has no idea the worst is yet to come. 

The ship seems to be truly deserted, but the two couldn’t be more wrong. When their paths cross, JeVit realizes that although Zeke is injured, their best chance of surviving is to call a truce and join forces. However, trust between enemies proves difficult.

When escape becomes possible, JeVit chooses the path most likely to save Zeke’s life, and hopefully not end hers on sight. But when Zeke awakens, his memories are nothing but flashes, other than the gray-eyed, blue-headed beauty he keeps envisioning. What happened to him? What happened to her? And how does she fit into the puzzle of his piecemeal memory?

Raised to be sworn enemies, the two can’t resist the pull to be together, despite what it means for their future. They’re willing to risk it all, but can they convince the Terrans and the Hafu to unite against a common enemy?

Warning! Contains beef jerky, trust issues, lessons in swearing, Vah plus six, absolute darkness, and one man making the ultimate sacrifice to return to the woman he's come to love when he knows he has nothing left to lose.

Excerpt and Buy Links:

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Excerpt from Spicy Nick by PG Forte

Posted by: PG Forte

I had a new book release last week, and another one next week, and by rights, I should be talking about one of those today. OR I could talk about the Fall Fantasy book fair that's currently going on. But instead, I'm sharing an excerpt from one of my December releases (yes, you heard that right. I'll be releasing a new book every Sunday in December) Spicy Nick, which is currently available for pre-order. Info and buy links below.

Two days before Christmas


There aren’t a lot of things that I'm willing to admit having been a fool about. I live in a small town. I have a certain reputation to live up to. Foolish is not a good look for me. But there is a list (albeit a short one) and at the top of it is my wife. I’ve been a fool for her since the day we met.  

In my defense, were both pretty young when we first crossed paths. Or, more accurately, I was pretty young. Scout, on the other hand, was very young. Unfortunately young. Young enough to lie about her age. And (one would think) young enough that I should have immediately seen through the lie. Which I didn’t—which goes back to my first point. In retrospect, it was probably a good thing that she left town when she did. Not that it felt that way, of course. And despite the lies, despite the betrayal, despite all the years we were apart, I never forgot her. 

When she finally resurfaced, just over five years ago, we picked up right where we left off. And I don’t think I’m incorrect in saying that we’ve both been as happy as I always knew we could be.  

Except at Christmas time. Which is crazy, right? I mean, who doesn’t like Christmas? Well…my wife, that’s who. 

I blame my father-in-law. Not that I really knew the man. We met only once, back in the day, and I count myself lucky that he never found out about my relationship with his daughter. I’m sure he had his good points, but he didn’t provide his daughter with the most stable home life. Growing up the way she did, it seems the holidays were one disappointment after another for Scout. As of yet, she hasn’t been able to let that go. If I’m honest, I’m not sure she ever will. 

Which is not to suggest that she doesn’t put on a good act. She’s a talented actress. She fakes Holiday Spirit the way some women fake orgasms—employing so much skill and enthusiasm that if I didn’t know her as well as I do, I’d almost believe that she was enjoying herself. But I’m not that big a fool. I’ve seen her grit her teeth when the topic of Christmas shopping is raised—and trust me, it’s not the money; she has plenty of that. I’ve seen her yawn her way through our extended-family gatherings. And I’ve seen how she rolls her eyes whenever I get busy decking her halls. And can I just say that she has some great halls to deck? Because man… 

And no! That is not a euphemism. I’m talking about the house we live in. The gorgeous, Queen Anne not-quite-a-mansion that Scout inherited from her stepmom. A house whose halls were positively made to wear boughs of holly. Also tinsel, candles, strings of lights, and (obviously) mistletoe.

I like to think that, deep down inside, Scout likes the fact that there’s one of us who makes a big deal about the holidays. And that it doesn’t have to be her. And I know she appreciates the decorations once I’ve got them up. But I’ve also seen her sigh with relief when January rolls around. And I suspect she’s just as happy once the last of the baubles and bows have been packed away in the attic for the next ten-or-so months. Left to her own devices, I’m pretty sure she’d simply skip the whole process.

So, on the surface, this year is simply more of the same. And you might think that I shouldn’t be concerned about Scout’s customary lack of Holly Jollity.  I am though. Because I can’t help feeling that something’s different this time around. I don’t know what, exactly, but something feels off.

It’s beginning to look a lot like NIX-mas!


Nick Greco is getting worried. His wife has never been a big fan of the holiday season, but this year she seems more distant than ever before. In fact, the last time that he can remember seeing her this distracted was right before their wedding—when she tried to back out of marrying him.


Can you get cold feet after the fact? Is Scout feeling overwhelmed by the holidays? Or underwhelmed by…gulp…him?


Whatever the cause, Nick has a plan. He’s going to spice up their marriage and put the heat back in the holidays. And when he’s done, Scout won’t be saying, “Bah Humbug!” She’ll be saying, “ho, ho…OH!”  

Release Date: December 8, 2024


Now available for pre-order:


Part of The Naughty List collection:

Monday, September 9, 2024

HERE BE NEWS for Monday September 9, 2024

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday September 9, 2024 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Love and Espresso

(A Limited Edition Contemporary Romance Anthology)


This collection features meet-cutes that take place in a bookstore/coffee shop. The heroines are looking for their HEA but never expected it to happen while picking up a cup of coffee or picking out their next book boyfriend.


Includes a new Atlas Beach story, from PG Forte:  Giada Mazzi is Living her Best Life.


"Life is more than just the lies we try and tell ourselves about what we’ve done and who we are.

 I guess the truth is that I never stopped loving Ben. And I never stopped imagining how different my life might have been if he were only the person I needed him to be, instead of the person that he is. Which is silly, right? I mean, truly; it’s laughable. Because if he were someone else, he wouldn’t be him.  And the world is already full of people like that. What good is one more gonna do me?

Besides, if I’m honest, Ben wasn’t ever the problem. That was me. I was never the person he believed me to be. Oh, I thought I was, in the beginning. I tried hard to be, and that worked for a while. Sort of. But eventually I reached the point where I had to make a choice between living life for myself, or for everyone else.

And when it came right down to that…how could I not choose me?"



Tuesday, September 3, 2024

New Release from PG Forte: Love and Espresso

Posted by: PG Forte

Love and Espresso

(A Limited Edition Contemporary Romance Anthology)


This collection features meet-cutes that take place in a bookstore/coffee shop. The heroines are looking for their HEA but never expected it to happen while picking up a cup of coffee or picking out their next book boyfriend.


Includes a new Atlas Beach story, from PG Forte:  Giada Mazzi is Living her Best Life.


"Life is more than just the lies we try and tell ourselves about what we’ve done and who we are.

 I guess the truth is that I never stopped loving Ben. And I never stopped imagining how different my life might have been if he were only the person I needed him to be, instead of the person that he is. Which is silly, right? I mean, truly; it’s laughable. Because if he were someone else, he wouldn’t be him.  And the world is already full of people like that. What good is one more gonna do me?

Besides, if I’m honest, Ben wasn’t ever the problem. That was me. I was never the person he believed me to be. Oh, I thought I was, in the beginning. I tried hard to be, and that worked for a while. Sort of. But eventually I reached the point where I had to make a choice between living life for myself, or for everyone else.

And when it came right down to that…how could I not choose me?"


I used to think that the reason I loved autumn so much was because it coincided with the start of the school year, but— 

No, seriously; I mean it. Hear me out. That’s not as crazy as it sounds.

Every year, like clockwork, as soon as September rolled around, my foolish heart would begin to beat faster, my stupid hopes would start to rise. And my idiotic inner voice would stubbornly insist that this year—this year, for real—things would be different, things would get better. 

And then, of course, I’d walk into class and that was never the case. There were no do-overs, no new opportunities, no fresh starts, no second or third or fourth chances to be had. Which, of course, there wouldn’t be! 

I lived in a small town. Still do, for that matter. I went to a small, parochial school. My world was, and is, vanishingly small. And nothing’s ever going to change that fact unless I move away, which I don’t plan on doing. 

At least, there was always shopping. That was fun…in theory. New clothes, new books, new school supplies—I was there for it! Even when the clothes were wrong, and I didn’t like the way any of them looked or felt on my body. Even though I was never allowed to pierce my ears and was forced to keep my hair unflatteringly short. Even when the looseleaf binders or backpacks that I fell in love with caused the adults in my life to side-eye me and second-guess my choices. 

“Are you sure that’s the one you want? That one, really?” I swear, every year I’d have to field the exact same questions. “You can’t possibly like that? Wouldn’t you much rather have one like this instead?” 

You’d think they’d learn. But “no, thank you,” I’d have to explain over and over again. To no effect, I might add.  “No, I would not rather.”

I’m not saying that their ideas were bad, per se. Primary colors, space exploration, dinosaurs, construction vehicles—those are all very solid choices. For someone else. For someone like Ben (my childhood best friend, who’d’ve loved any of those) they’d have been perfect. 

But none of those things ever spoke to me—the me that I always was inside. At least not in the way that mermaids and unicorns and glitter-covered kittens did. 

And yeah, okay. I get it. I know what you’re thinking. That I’m as caught up in gender stereotypes as anyone else. And yes, I suppose that’s true. I also know (oh boy, do I) that there are people out there, including an author whose books I grew up reading and used to love, who believe that I’m the one with the reality problem. That I’m the one in denial about my true nature; the one who doesn’t know her own heart, mind, and soul. They think they know who I am better than I do. 

And all I have to say about that is, walk a mile in my shoes, biatch. Or better yet, buy me a pair—Jimmies, Manolos, Christians—any of those will do just fine. Double up if you’re not sure; I wouldn’t say no to two pairs, or even three. Your ass can afford ’em and mine never will. Not on my salary. And not to mention that HRT is forever, and it doesn’t come cheap. 

But I can see that we’ve gotten off track. Suffice it to say that Autumn rocks and bigots do not.

Monday, September 2, 2024

HERE BE NEWS for Monday September 2, 2024

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday September 2, 2024 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

The Spirit of the Place

Oberon Book 6.0

PG Forte

Paranormal Romantic Suspense

'Tis the season to be jolly, but Jasmine Quinn is far from happy about her mother's  latest folly: her upcoming wedding to former Wall Street financier, Sam Sterling.  Jasmine doesn't like her future stepfather, or his values.  Anybody with as much money as Sam, should be spreading it around, aiding worthy causes, making it count for something.  Instead, he seems intent on using his wealth to embarrass her mother by throwing a ridiculously lavish wedding.  But there's one thing about Sam that Jasmine can't help but admire, no matter how much she'd like to—the graduate student he's hired as an intern.

Brandon Ablemarle is also finding it hard to get into the holiday spirit.  Especially since his dream job has just become a nightmare, thanks in part to the fiery redhead with some of the goofiest ideas he's ever heard of. But what else can you expect from the daughter of a self-proclaimed psychic?   Marsha Quinn has a lot to answer for.  She’s not only encouraged her daughter's esoteric craziness, but she’s also turned one of the most brilliant stock analysts Wall Street had ever seen into a nutcase as well.  One who actually appears to believe that the answers to the stock market can be found in the stars!


It's a clash of ideologies when Jasmine and Brandon get together.  Can the spirit of the season, and the spirit of the place help them to see beyond their differences?

Now Available as an Audiobook!


Dark Paranormal Romance

by Linda Mooney

Word Count: 42.6K

$3.99 e / $10.99 p / $14.95 a

Narrated by Chase Johnson

Length: 4 hrs, 59 min

Hear a Sample :


Boothe lives life on the road, traveling wherever he’s needed to cleanse the area, never knowing where that may be. He’s an exorciser, blessed by the church and trained to remove demons who have possessed humans. He didn’t know taking a break in a small-town bar would change his life forever.


Lady Parr, a bartender at Brewski’s, has seen her fair share of belligerent customers. When one is particularly difficult, a tattooed, bearded stranger steps in to help. She’s intrigued by Boothe, and although it’s more forward that she’s ever been, she doesn’t want to miss the opportunity to get to know him better. But what she learns while in his hotel room changes everything she thought she knew about the world she lives in.


Now that Lady knows what Boothe does for a living, he realizes she’s the first woman who hasn’t run screaming. There’s just something about her. She’s special, but he can’t bring her into his life. It’s not safe…although it doesn’t take long to discover she’s not safe without him.


The demons are targeting her now, but why? She’s like a magnet, drawing them to her. The same way they’re drawn to him.


Could it be...?


Warning! Contains damn fine bourbon, a nose that knows, an orange GTO, bloody tears, a glowing tat, a life-altering decision, changing jobs, an amulet, a higher calling, filing reports, and one man who never believed he'd find what he'd prayed for.

Excerpt and Buy Links:




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