Tuesday, August 27, 2024

New Release From PG Forte: The Spirit of the Place

Posted by: PG Forte

The Spirit of the Place

Oberon Book 6.0

PG Forte

Paranormal Romantic Suspense

'Tis the season to be jolly, but Jasmine Quinn is far from happy about her mother's  latest folly: her upcoming wedding to former Wall Street financier, Sam Sterling.  Jasmine doesn't like her future stepfather, or his values.  Anybody with as much money as Sam, should be spreading it around, aiding worthy causes, making it count for something.  Instead, he seems intent on using his wealth to embarrass her mother by throwing a ridiculously lavish wedding.  But there's one thing about Sam that Jasmine can't help but admire, no matter how much she'd like to—the graduate student he's hired as an intern.

Brandon Ablemarle is also finding it hard to get into the holiday spirit.  Especially since his dream job has just become a nightmare, thanks in part to the fiery redhead with some of the goofiest ideas he's ever heard of. But what else can you expect from the daughter of a self-proclaimed psychic?   Marsha Quinn has a lot to answer for.  She’s not only encouraged her daughter's esoteric craziness, but she’s also turned one of the most brilliant stock analysts Wall Street had ever seen into a nutcase as well.  One who actually appears to believe that the answers to the stock market can be found in the stars!


It's a clash of ideologies when Jasmine and Brandon get together.  Can the spirit of the season, and the spirit of the place help them to see beyond their differences?

Monday, August 26, 2024

HERE BE NEWS for Monday August 26, 2024

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday August 26, 2024 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Tuesday August 20, 2024: Linda Mooney presents Chapter 8 in her Fantasy Romance, Dark Hours

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

DARK HOURS, a Fantasy Romance by Linda Mooney - Chapter 8

Posted by: Linda Mooney


Chapter 8 


Her gentle voice was full of fear and hope.

“Emers.” Her name touched his lips, and like a miracle the pain in his stomach was gone. The loud pounding inside his skull was silenced, not muffled. Silenced. The sudden cessation stunned him, and Kayge rocked back on his heels. Gasping for breath, Kayge wiped his mouth. The slime covering him had dried, hardened. It almost revolted him, but he didn’t dare use any of his precious water to wash some of it away.

“I’ve been covered in worse,” he reminded himself.

It was another minute or so before he could uncurl himself and stand. A chill overtook him, shaking him soundly for a moment. Kayge felt awkward and uncertain, and grateful for the safety of the leather and armor he was accustomed to wearing. Back in his Centurion garb, he felt stronger and more capable, although he knew the uniform was not responsible for his skill with the sword or dagger.

He still had to find Emers. And then he had to find sanctuary for them. He prayed he would find both before it was too late.

Too late for what?

Kayge started. It was then he realized that he’d been in a haze. His mind had been fogged, distracted, and he hadn’t been paying attention to where his feet had been taking him. He glanced around but the tableau looked the same as it had for the past hour—trees, brush, and more trees. The air smelled pure and cold, with no trace of wood smoke or other scents of humanity.

A rock suddenly appeared, barely missing him as it flew by. The tree beside him exploded with a rush of leaves. A body slammed into him, knocking him onto the road and away from his weapons. Kayge hit the ground first, nearly stunned by the impact, as the assailant began to flail at him about the head and shoulders.

Kayge rolled, trying to dislodge the person. Years of training and his infallible soldier’s instincts took over as he reached for the small dagger he’d hidden in his belt. They struggled for position on top, but Kayge managed to shove his arm under his attacker’s throat and pin the man to the ground. He held the point of the dagger up to where the man’s eyes could see it glitter in the spotty sunlight. The man stiffened with fear, no longer the hunter but the hunted.

“Who are you? Why have you knocked me onto the ground?” Kayge hissed into the man’s thin face.

The attacker tried to shake himself free, to no avail. He was slighter in frame and nowhere near as muscular as the once Centurion. The contest was brief.

“Again, I will ask you, but for the last time. If you choose to remain silent, I can guarantee you permanent silence when I slice out your tongue. Who are you?” He added a slap to the man’s face to knock some sense into his attacker’s head.

The man knew he’d been bested, and from the wide-eyed look he gave Kayge, he wasn’t accustomed to having lost the element of surprise.



“My name i-…is Gilles, my lord.”

“Very good, Gilles. Now tell me why you attacked me. Was it for my money?”

“Yes, my lord.”

“Was it for…”

A short distance away lay the partially roasted haunch from the deer he’d slain. He had no memory of dragging it along with him as he traveled down the road.

“Was it for the deer? The meat?”

“Yes, my lord.”

“Was it for my…” Kayge glanced over to where his blade lay glistening in the sun. “My sword? You were wanting my blade, yes?”

“Yes, yes, my lord.”

“And you were going to kill me for it, weren’t you? That was the plan?”

“N-no, my lord.”

Kayge pressed the tip of the dagger into the man’s cheek, breaking the skin just enough to where a single drop of blood appeared. At the same time, he grabbed the man’s tunic and twisted it, applying pressure to the robber’s throat and nearly cutting off his air.

“Y-yes, my lord,” the man choked.

“And how were you going to kill me?” Kayge caught a whiff of the man’s breath. His teeth were rotting in his mouth. Like so many, he probably lived on a hand-to-mouth existence where any day he could eat was a good day, and starvation or death were always waiting behind the next tree. Already the Centurion could sense that all fight was gone out of the man, all his meager energy depleted.        

The man shifted a tiny bit, exposing a length of braided horsehair wrapped around his wrist. Kayge nodded. With a little more luck the man would have been able to loop the braid around his throat. With a little more strength he would have been able to strangle Kayge, or at least press him unconscious long enough to escape with the weapons, the meat, and whatever monies and clothes he could have gained off his victim. Or worse, he could have pounded Kayge’s head with a rock, thereby killing him and never having to worry about him coming afterwards for revenge.

Luck, however, had not been on his side.

Kayge glanced overhead, searching the skies for any sign of the dragon, but the heavens were clear. If he hadn’t abruptly stopped in his tracks, the rock the man had thrown at him would have hit its target. It could have dazed him, if not knocked him out. Maybe even throw him off-balance enough to where the attacker might have been able to get his garrote around Kayge’s neck, as he’d planned to do.

He peered back into the frightened man’s face. “Listen to me, Gilles. I will let you have half of my kill. Not my clothing, not my weapons, nothing except half of the yearling if you will answer a few questions for me. Do you agree to my offer?”

The man’s eyes lit up. “Yes, my lord!”

Kayge smiled and eased the pressure on his assailant’s throat. “A very wise decision, my man. Now, listen. Tell me. Where am I? What is the name of this place?”


A frown creased Kayge’s brow. Vouteré? That was almost two day’s ride from Noranye and nowhere near Lisstanbor. That told Kayge he’d somehow gotten turned around. Or the dragon is responsible for my confusion. “Is there another village or town closer nearby?”

There was no way the man would be lying to him now. Not about their location, anyway.

Gilles nodded like a branch quivering in the breeze. “Yes, my lord. Belissa lies in that direction.” He pointed east. “It is a small but accommodating village. You could be there by sunset if you leave now.”

Taking a deep breath, Kayge pulled away from the man. “Tell me, Gilles, have you seen a woman recently? A stately woman, perhaps from a prominent family. Golden hair. Alabaster skin.”

This time confusion filled the little man’s eyes. He shook his head. “No, my lord. Not like the one you described. I would have remembered one with hair of gold.”

In the fine balance in distinguishing truth from lies in a man’s tone of voice, Kayge claimed no expertise, yet he could tell the man was giving him his best knowledge. The little man would have been happy just to get away with his skin, much less the promise of a haunch of meat.

He tried to hide his disappointment. Not because the man hadn’t seen Emers, but because he’d hoped that the dragon may have vomited her up. But if Emers had not been seen on the road or in the village, he couldn’t dismiss the fact that she might be there now.

Alone and unprotected.

He had to find her before someone realized she was without an escort. A shudder went through him. What humanity could do to her would be worse than anything that dragon could do.

I cannot give up hope that I can find her before that happens. I must believe hope still exists. I have to have faith that it still exists!

He glared at the man. “Is there another village along the way? Perhaps in another direction.”

“No, my lord. Belmeau is the only other village for miles, until you reach Coueff.”

“And Noranye. How far and in which direction does it lie?” He needed to be certain he hadn’t been aimlessly wandering.

As he’d expected, the man pointed behind him. “There, my lord. It lies in that direction, but it’s a good two, three days’ walk.”

Two to three days’ walk. Or a little more than a day when riding. That sounded right, considering he and Emers had been on horseback.

Kayge got to his feet. True to his word, he went over to the yearling, swiftly sliced the carcass across the ribcage and through the spine, then gave the little man the hindquarters. In truth, he was glad to be able to lighten his load for the journey ahead. Gilles stared at the bounty handed him. He’d never expected to be given the prime section.

“Bless you, my lord!”

“I was never here, do you understand? If anyone should ask you about me, you will remain dumb. If not, then I will find out, and I will come after you. And then I will kill you for sure. Are we clear?”

Another nervous nod was his answer. “Wo-would you care to have company during your journey?”

“I plan to confront the dragon that has taken my beautiful wife from me, kill it , and reclaim her. Are you willing to help me in my endeavor?”

“A d-dragon, my lord?”

“Big and fearsome. Most powerful and ravenous.”

Gilles drew away. “No, my lord.”

He gave the little man a humorless smile. “You have wisdom beyond measure.” Hoisting the remainder of the carcass across his shoulders, Kayge sheathed his sword and dagger. Without another look in the thief’s direction, the Centurion headed toward Noranye at a quick pace.



Linda Website

Monday, August 19, 2024

HERE BE NEWS for Monday August 19, 2024

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday August 19, 2024 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Thursday August 15, 2024: PG Forte shares an excerpt from her upcoming story, Giada Mazzi is Living her Best Life.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

School Daze

Posted by: PG Forte

 So...my grandson started at a new school this week and it drove everything else completely out of my mind and I missed my original post date (Tuesday) which is super embarrassing given that I'm the person who's currently in charge of the blog calendar. 

Can we say oops! I was going to talk about deadlines (in particular Douglas Adam's iconic quote: "I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by") but given the whole school dazed thing, I think instead I'll post a short excerpt from my upcoming story, Giada Mazzi is Living her Best Live which releases next month--because (unlike some others) that was a deadline I actually made!

I used to think that the reason I loved autumn so much was because it coincided with the start of the school year, but— 

No, seriously; I mean it. Hear me out. That’s not as crazy as it sounds.

Every year, like clockwork, as soon as September rolled around, my foolish heart would begin to beat faster, my stupid hopes would start to rise. And my idiotic inner voice would stubbornly insist that this year—this year, for real—things would be different, things would get better. 

And then, of course, I’d walk into class and that was never the case. There were no do-overs, no new opportunities, no fresh starts, no second or third or fourth chances to be had. Which, of course, there wouldn’t be! 

I lived in a small town. Still do, for that matter. I went to a small, parochial school. My world was, and is, vanishingly small. And nothing’s ever going to change that fact unless I move away, which I don’t plan on doing. 

At least, there was always shopping. That was fun…in theory. New clothes, new books, new school supplies—I was there for it! Even when the clothes were wrong, and I didn’t like the way any of them looked or felt on my body. Even though I was never allowed to pierce my ears and was forced to keep my hair unflatteringly short. Even when the looseleaf binders or backpacks that I fell in love with caused the adults in my life to side-eye me and second-guess my choices. 

“Are you sure that’s the one you want? That one, really?” I swear, every year I’d have to field the exact same questions. “You can’t possibly like that? Wouldn’t you much rather have one like this instead?” 

You’d think they’d learn. But “no, thank you,” I’d have to explain over and over again. To no effect, I might add.  “No, I would not rather.”

I’m not saying that their ideas were bad, per se. Primary colors, space exploration, dinosaurs, construction vehicles—those are all very solid choices. For someone else. For someone like Ben (my childhood best friend, who’d’ve loved any of those) they’d have been perfect. 

But none of those things ever spoke to me—the me that I always was inside. At least not in the way that mermaids and unicorns and glitter-covered kittens did. 

And yeah, okay. I get it. I know what you’re thinking. That I’m as caught up in gender stereotypes as anyone else—amirite? And I suppose that’s true. I also know (oh boy, do I) that there are people out there, including an author whose books I grew up reading and used to love, who believe that I’m the one with the reality problem. That I’m the one in denial about my true nature; the one who doesn’t know her own heart, mind, and soul. They think they know who I am better than I do. 

And all I have to say about that is, walk a mile in my shoes, biatch. Or better yet, buy me a pair—Jimmies, Manolos, Christians—any of those will do just fine. Double up if you’re not sure; I wouldn’t say no to two pairs, or even three. Your ass can afford ’em and mine never will. Not on my salary. And not to mention that HRT is forever, and it doesn’t come cheap. 

But I can see that we’ve gotten off track. Suffice it to say that Autumn rocks and bigots do not.

Love and Espresso

A Limited Edition Contemporary Romance Anthology


This collection features meet-cutes that take place in a bookstore/coffee shop. The heroines are looking for their HEA but never expected it to happen while picking up a cup of coffee or picking out their next book boyfriend.


Includes my new Atlas Beach story, Giada Mazzi is Living her Best Life:

"Life is more than just the lies we try and tell ourselves about what we’ve done and who we are.

 I guess the truth is that I never stopped loving Ben. And I never stopped imagining how different my life might have been if he were only the person I needed him to be, instead of the person that he is. Which is silly, right? I mean, truly; it’s laughable. Because if he were someone else, he wouldn’t be him.  And the world is already full of people like that. What good is one more gonna do me?

Besides, if I’m honest, Ben wasn’t ever the problem. That was me. I was never the person he believed me to be. Oh, I thought I was, in the beginning. I tried hard to be, and that worked for a while. Sort of. But eventually I reached the point where I had to make a choice between living life for myself, or for everyone else.

And when it came right down to that…how could I not choose me?"

Now available for pre-order: https://www.amazon.com/Love-Espresso-Zakrzewski-Anthologies-Ashley-ebook/dp/B0CSKS814M/

Scheduled for release September 3, 2024

Monday, August 12, 2024

HERE BE NEWS for Monday August 12, 2024

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday August 12, 2024 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Tuesday August 5, 2024: Niolce Luiken discusses the importance of First Drafts.

Now Available as an Audiobook!



Dark Paranormal Romance

Word Count: 56.3K

$3.99 e / $10.99 p / $19.95 a


Narrated by

Chase Johnson

Length: 6 hrs, 32 min


When you can't die, nothing scares you...except love.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

First Drafts

Posted by: Nicole Luiken

I keep a spreadsheet of every novel I've written, from first to last. (I'm currently working on novel forty-eight.) It's color-coded. Purple for published. Gray for abandoned. Red for current projects, yellow for on submission. Light green for first drafts, dark green for Complete (which ranges from third to fifth drafts depending on the project.)

I currently have seven first drafts on file. Seven. And as I mentioned that's not even counting books abandoned along the way.

I always build in time for a book to sit and rest before revision. This is part of my process and is normal for me, but... I have to be careful. Because I enjoy plotting and drafting more than I do revision, it can be tempting to chase the new shiny idea that always, always promises to be much better than the not-so-great first draft sitting around in a drawer. Finishing books is part of writing. I need to strike a balance between drafting and revising.

One of those seven first drafts is in its natural "resting" phase since I only finished the manuscript a few months ago. However three of them have been resting for over a year and one for over a decade. By this point, I'm unsure if I will ever get back to them, but I'm not yet ready to count them as abandoned.

Things get even more complicated when I write series books. The first drafts need to be written reasonably close together so that the books have a similar feel and tone, but if book one hasn't sold yet, there's very little pressure to revise book two or three. Two more of my first drafts fall into this category.

The last  remaining draft has only been resting for a little over a year. It was intended to be the first in a series, but it's my first attempt writing a new subgenre and it did not go well. There are things I like about the story, but there's some heavy revision to do, and I'm no longer sure a venture into this subgenre is a good idea for my career, so it may also end up abandoned. Time will tell.

Abandoning a novel is always a little bit sad and a little bit of a relief. Writers have many ideas and only so much time. Decisions have to be made about what I put time and effort into.

Monday, August 5, 2024

HERE BE NEWS for Monday August 5, 2024

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday August 5, 2024 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:



Book 2 - Hiram

Contemporary Fantasy/Paranormal Romance

Word Count:  8.2K

$0.99 e


Welcome to BEWITCHERY Floral Arts & Gifts.


When the old man came to buy a tulip for his sick wife, something about him tugged at Agatha's heart. It wasn't until she learned the story about Hiram's plight that she knew she had to do something to make his and his wife's life better.


That was before a kid entered the shop with a gun.

Buy Links: https://lindamooney.com/Terrariums.htm

Books with Bite

Got Vampires?

If you like vampires, this is the promo for you!

All the books in this promo  feature vampires either as one (or more) of the main characters (hero/heroine) or as the main villain. Includes fantasy, horror and romance.


Linda Mooney's Sale of the Month

Now's your chance to get a print paperback copy of RUNNER'S MOON: SIMOLIF, The Runner's Moon Series, Book 3!  

While cleaning out my office, I came across a few print copies of some of my earlier titles left over from when I was with several other publishers.

Each month I'll be posting one of them FOR SALE for only $10, and that includes postage.

Plus I'll autograph them and include a couple of swag items!

Hurry! Quantities are limited!



Book 3 
Sensuous Sci-Fi Romance
Word Count:  71.8K
$4.99 e / $10.99 p / $17.35 a

Almost seven years ago they landed on Earth--thirty-one aliens, fugitives from a lifetime of slavery and cruelty. Now they were dispersed among the populace, unidentifiable because of their shape-shifting abilities.

Friday, August 2, 2024

New! HIRAM, Terrariums Book 2, a Contemporary Fantasy/Paranormal Romance by Linda Mooney

Posted by: Linda Mooney


Book 2 - Hiram
Contemporary Fantasy/Paranormal Romance
by Linda Mooney
Word Count:  8.2K
$0.99 e

Welcome to BEWITCHERY Floral Arts & Gifts.

When the old man came to buy a tulip for his sick wife, something about him tugged at Agatha's heart. It wasn't until she learned the story about Hiram's plight that she knew she had to do something to make his and his wife's life better.

That was before a kid entered the shop with a gun.

 Excerpt and Buy Links: https://lindamooney.com/Terrariums.htm

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