Monday, March 10, 2025

HERE BE NEWS for Monday March 10, 2025

Posted by: PG Forte


 Monday March 10, 2025 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Thursday March 6, 2025: Nicole Luiken discusses Cozy Mysteries


Annie Mayall was a young bride, brought to Montana in 1940 by her new husband to start their new life soon as he struck it rich in the promised silver mines. Abandoned for three desperate and lonely years, Annie was forced to survive by herself in the wilds of the mountains. Until one stormy night brought a severely wounded stranger to her tiny one-room cabin.  A stranger both mystical and fascinating.  A stranger who not only brought her happiness, but a kind of love she never knew existed.

A stranger who was not of this earth.

March Box Set

(blurbs and excerpts)

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Now Available! The LORD OF THUNDER Trilogy Box Set by Linda Mooney

Posted by: Linda Mooney

      Annie Mayall was a young bride, brought to Montana in 1940 by her new husband to start their new life soon as he struck it rich in the promised silver mines. Abandoned for three desperate and lonely years, Annie was forced to survive by herself in the wilds of the mountains. Until one stormy night brought a severely wounded stranger to her tiny one-room cabin.  A stranger both mystical and fascinating.  A stranger who not only brought her happiness, but a kind of love she never knew existed.

A stranger who was not of this earth.

March Box Set

(blurbs and excerpts)

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Cozy Fantasy

Posted by: Nicole Luiken

 Cozy fantasy got a big boost during the pandemic and in this world of nail-biting news headlines I think it will continue to do well. People want to read something warm and comforting in times of stress and trouble. 

In fact, I'm trying to  write a cozy fantasy right now (working title: Walking on Moonlight) so I'm trying to read more of the genre in an attempt to see what tropes it uses and what are its strengths.

What I've found so far:

1/ Setting can be either contemporary with a fantasy element or high fantasy/secondary world. 

Travis Baldree's Legend & Lattes and sequel Bookshops & Bonedust have a high fantasy setting. So does The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst. But there are a plethora of paranormal romances such as Witch Please by Ann Aguirre, The Ex-Hex by Erin Sterling, etc. with our-world-but-with-magic settings.

Ten years ago urban fantasy was big with stories mostly set in cities. Cozy fantasy seems to favor small towns and close-knit communities more. 



2/ Friendships are just as important as romantic relationships.

The main character may start off as a loner or an outcast or just rather hapless (The House on the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune, The Spellshop, The Only Purple House in Town by Ann Aguirre, etc) but by the end have made a number of quirky but loyal friends. Family, which may be found/chosen rather than by blood, may also be a theme.

3/ What's at stake is usually lower. Instead of the fate of the world, characters may be trying to start or save a business, or follow a long-held dream. Stakes may still rise over the course of the novel (by the end of The Spellshop it's clear that something needs to be done to save the island as a whole from magically-warped storms) but even then it's more likely to be a town or group instead of nations.

4/ A happy ending. The happy ever after (or at least happy for now) has long been a requirement of romance as a whole and definitely applies to cozy fantasy too. The reader should believe from beginning to end that everything will turn out all right, and the bumps will be mostly gentle ones.

Those are my conclusions so far--but I haven't yet read as widely as I'd like in the subgenre. If you have examples that counter mine, I'd love to hear about it in the comments!



Monday, March 3, 2025

HERE BE NEWS for Monday March 3, 2025

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday March 03, 2025 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Tuesday February 25, 2025: Read Chapter Two of THE IMMORTAL, a Fantasy Romance by Linda Mooney

New from Jenny Schwartz

Stars Die (Caldryn Parliament Book 1)

Welcome to Caldryn Parliament. Golden Age mysteries in the Realm of science fiction and fantasy.

Recalled from the frontier, the new Warden of Caldryn Parliament is well aware she’s not a popular choice, but she never expected to portal into a murder scene.

Nor did she anticipate acquiring such a unique partner.

Now, Vanda Kavanagh must discover the truth of a politician’s death, unravel the mystery of her sabotaged wards, and survive her family.


Stars Die is a magic parliament mystery. If you've ever wished that Agatha Christie included magic or that Sherlock Holmes fought space pirates, this is the series for you!

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

THE IMMORTAL, a Fantasy Romance by Linda Mooney - Chapter 2, The Coin

Posted by: Linda Mooney


Chapter 2 - The Coin

Clea remained to rooted to the floor, staring in shock and disbelief at the now empty bed where seconds ago a man had been lying.


Joey’s scream of terror broke the spell, and she raced to where it had originated.

She discovered him standing in the doorway between the kitchen and the living room. His face was sheet-white, and he was visibly trembling.

“What’s wrong? What is it?” she demanded.

Mutely, he pointed into the kitchen.

Brushing him aside, she took two steps and spotted the figure on his hands and knees in front of the back door.

“How in the…” Rushing over to the man, she managed to drag an arm over her shoulders again and eventually get him back onto his feet. “I don’t know what kind of hocus pocus you’re trying to pull on us, but it’s not appreciated,” she chided him.

The stranger struggled to keep up with her as she guided him back to the bedroom. “Trust me, madam. If I could control it, I would.”

He fell onto the mattress where she pulled the covers back over him. That done, she stood there, hands perched on her hips. He noticed her expression and gave a weak chuckle. 

“Thank you for watchdogging me.”

“Am I going to have to hogtie you to that bed so you don’t try that trick again?”

“Tie me. Cuff me. Glue me. It won’t matter.” He drew a ragged breath. “But, trust me, if I do vanish again, it won’t be voluntary.”

Clea felt her eyes widen. “It won’t be voluntary? Are you telling me you had no control over what I just witnessed?”

“None whatsoever.”

“But you’re able to do it as you wish?”

He started to smile when a hacking cough interrupted him. Rolling onto his side, he vomited onto the floor, evoking Clea’s mothering instinct. 

Sitting on the edge of the bed, she held his sweaty head as the mucus that had gathered in his lungs and stomach poured out of him. When it was over, the man slumped against the mattress with a groan. She hurried into the bathroom to wet a washrag, then took it back to the bedroom where she wiped his face and mouth.

“Forgive m-me, madam.”

“Don’t apologize for being sick. When was the last time you ate?”

“I… I don’t…re—”

“That’s what I thought. Lie back down. Try not to move. Anywhere. I’m going to get you that tea. Then I’m going to fix you some soup. Something you can keep on your stomach.” She added a pat to his shoulder and left the room, but not for long.

While the water heated in the kettle, she returned with some rags and a bucket of soapy water, and cleaned up the mess by the bed. In the short time she’d been gone, the man had fallen asleep, or appeared to be asleep. His facial muscles were relaxed, and she got the impression that he hadn’t had a decent night’s rest in a long time. 

As she tended to the stranger, her son remained in the living room and watched TV with the volume down to where it wouldn’t disturb their visitor. When she returned to the kitchen to empty the bucket, Joey followed her. 

“How long’s he staying here?”

She glanced over her shoulder at him. “Until he gets better.”

“Are you going to send him to the hospital when the roads open up?”

“I might. I’m still debating it.” She turned to face him. “Is there some reason why you don’t want him—” It suddenly dawned on her, and she winced. “I’m sorry. Of course you don’t want him here. Not after what we witnessed.”

The boy walked over to lean against the counter. “How did he do that, Mom? Was it some kinda magic trick?”

Clea shook her head. “I don’t know. Don’t ask me to explain it. But he said it was involuntary and voluntary.”

Joey gave her a perplexed look. “What does that mean?”

“I think it means it happens to him when he’s not expecting it, but he can make it happen to him when he wants to.”

Her son’s eyes widened. “Is he some sort of alien? Like the kind we see on TV?”

She started to chuckle at the absurdity but stopped herself. Who was to say the boy was wrong? 

“I don’t know, honey. He told me he was immortal, whatever that means. But for now, let’s just go with the fact that he’s a very sick man who needs someone to take care of him.” Reaching over, she tousled his hair. Normally her son didn’t like for her to do that, but today he accepted it, almost with a sigh of relief. “I’m going to take this tea to him. Then I’m coming back to fix us some soup.”

He brightened. “Can we have grilled cheese sandwiches with it?”

Clea made a face. “With potato soup? I guess we could. Oh, why not? Now go back to the living room. I’ll call you when it’s ready. Oh, and if you hear the man call out, come check to make sure I know about it.”

“Sure thing, Mom.” The boy returned to the other room.

Setting the mug of tea on the small tray she used to carry food from the kitchen, Clea eyed the lone napkin and spoon. “How does he take his tea? Would he prefer sugar? Honey? Cream?” Another thought hit her. “What if he doesn’t like tea? What if he prefers coffee?” She quickly squelched those thoughts. “He’ll drink the tea whether he wants to or not. It’ll warm him up inside.” But just in case, she added the sugar bowl and the small jar of honey.

She expected the stranger to still be asleep when she reentered the bedroom. When he slowly opened his eyes, he remained silent as she set the tray on the nightstand. It was only until she glanced over at him and discovered him watching her that she jerked back, startled.

“Forgive me, madam,” he hoarsely apologized.

Clea managed to give him a small smile. “Don’t be. I thought you’d still be asleep. I brought you some tea. It’ll help knock out some of that sinus infection you’re dealing with.” She raised an eyebrow. “You do drink tea, don’t you?”

“I would love some.”

“How do you drink it? I brought sugar and honey. If you want cream, I can go get it.”

“I would love a little honey added to it.”

Nodding, she scooped a teaspoonful of honey from the jar, dropped it in the mug, and stirred. The stranger tried to rise up on his elbows but she placed a hand on his chest to stop him.

“Whoa, there. Stay down. You’re as weak as a kitten.” Before he could protest, she picked up the straw she’d brought and set it inside the mug. Bending down, she held it out to him and watched as he took the straw between his lips. “Careful. It might burn your tongue.”

He tested it, then took three quick sips before leaning back onto the pillow. Clea reached over with a napkin and wiped his mouth and beard.

“What is your name?” he softly inquired.

“Clea. Clea Hatch.”

“And the boy?”

“Joseph, my son.”

“And Mr. Hatch?”

She averted her gaze for a moment. The stranger sighed. “My name’s Jonah Cobb. I owe you a debt of gratitude I’m afraid I can’t repay.” He seemed to have realized he’d touched upon a delicate subject.

Clea gave him a grateful smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Cobb. And you owe me nothing.” She held up the mug. “More tea?”

He answered by pursing his lips for the straw. For a crazy split-second she wondered what it would be like to kiss those lips, especially with his beard and moustache. She’d never kissed a man with full facial hair. A days’ growth, or the morning before a shave, yes. But nothing like the thick, dark blond hair sprinkled with gray.

When his mouth closed around the straw, she was finally able to gather her wits back around her. This time he took a half-dozen sips before stopping. 

She set the mug on the tray. “I’m going to the kitchen now to fix some soup. It’s going to be potato soup. If you fall back to sleep when it’s ready, do you want me to wake you up to eat?”

“I haven’t had a full meal in…a long time. Soup sounds delicious. Thank you.”

She didn’t ask if he wanted a sandwich to go with it. After what he’d told her about not eating properly, on top of his illness, she knew his stomach wouldn’t be able to tolerate anything substantial for a while.

She’d reached the door when she was struck by a thought. Turning around, she noticed him watching her. “In the event you disappear again before I get back…”

“I won’t be too far away, madam.” It sounded like a promise.

Nodding, Clea left the bedroom, pulling the door to but not completely closing it behind her.

A little more than a half-hour later, the soup was ready. After serving Joey his grilled cheese with his soup, she carried a partial bowl of soup and spoon to the back bedroom. Cautiously pushing open the door, she peered inside. As she suspected, he—Jonah—was sound asleep. A quick check of the mug showed it was empty, and she smiled. 

       Setting the bowl and spoon on the tray, she went over to where his dirty clothes lay on the floor. After she picked them up and draped them over one arm to wash, she started to leave but stopped on her way out. 

       She watched him sleeping, noting how vulnerable he looked. Yet her instincts kept warning her to stay vigilant. He was weak and didn’t pose a threat to her and Joey for now, but once he regained his strength, he could become a danger. 

       I have to keep a close eye on him, and as soon as the snow thaws enough, he’ll have to leave, she firmly informed herself. Satisfied with the plan, she took the filthy clothes onto the porch adjacent to the kitchen where the washer and dryer were located. 

       Stuffing the shirt and socks, she automatically checked the jeans pockets for anything that shouldn’t be washed. It was a habit she’d developed after discovering a dead lizard inside the drum years back while doing her son’s laundry.

       There was literally nothing. No money. No ID. Not even a wallet. 

       Until her fingers encountered something rigid.

       She dug into the tiny pocket inside the right front pocket. The one her grandfather always called the watch pocket. Feeling the object, she pulled it out to examine what she’d found.

       It was a gold coin with the face of a woman on one side wearing a crown bearing the word Liberty and a bird she guessed was an eagle on the other side. The year 1875 was stamped on it. 

       A gold coin. 

       Clea had no idea how much the thing was worth, but it had to be a lot.

       She looked over her shoulder in the direction where her son’s bedroom was located. “No wallet. No money. No ID. But you have an expensive looking gold coin. Who in the world are you, Jonah Cobb? And why are you here? More importantly, how are you able to do what you did?”

       She had a hundred questions to ask him, she figured the least he could do to repay her for her hospitality would be to answer the most important ones.

       Slipping the coin into her own pocket, she threw the jeans into the washing machine, added detergent, and started the load.


Linda's Website

Monday, February 24, 2025

HERE BE NEWS FOR Monday February 24, 2025

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday February 24, 2025 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Tuesday February 18, 2025: PG Forte discusses The State of Romance in America


The 8th Species, Book 3
Contemporary Sci-Fi Romance
by Linda Mooney
Word Count: 52.6K
$3.99 e / $10.99 p

The Children are settling into their new lives, but unexpected expenses are piling up with the babies’ milk and diapers, and the electricity bill on the rise as the brunt of winter inundates them. Everyone is doing what they can to pitch in, working extra shifts and doing whatever it takes to keep their heads above financial waters, to the point where K8 is contemplating using her ability to split in two to do double the work. But how much longer can they keep it up?

When K8 is approached by a publisher to tell the Childrens’ story, she’s hesitant to trust the guy, but she likes the idea. She’s always loved writing, and she’s been wanting to get back into it. Plus the extra money from book sales would definitely help. But is their story worth sharing? 

Adam has been working with K8 at the diner for a while now, and his feelings for her keep growing. He’s leery of the publisher, fearing the man is someone looking to take advantage of the Childrens’ innocence, and he takes it upon himself to protect K8. As he earns her trust, he’s hoping he’ll also gain her affection.

While they may have been raised in an unrealistic environment, the Children are quickly learning how the real world works, and know some people don’t have their best interests at heart. Worse, the threat of retaliation from Docenti Labs is still real, and those people will never stop coming for them or for the valuable information they claim was stolen. 

Warning: Contains a great tipper, needing a lawyer, when you're a cook and not a housekeeper, a nine point five, leftover meatloaf, injections from hell, and one man trying to protect the woman he's come to love at the risk of his own life.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

New! K8, The 8th Species, Book 3, a Contemporary Sci-Fi Romance by Linda Mooney

Posted by: Linda Mooney


The 8th Species, Book 3
Contemporary Sci-Fi Romance
by Linda Mooney
Word Count: 52.6K
$3.99 e / $10.99 p

The Children are settling into their new lives, but unexpected expenses are piling up with the babies’ milk and diapers, and the electricity bill on the rise as the brunt of winter inundates them. Everyone is doing what they can to pitch in, working extra shifts and doing whatever it takes to keep their heads above financial waters, to the point where K8 is contemplating using her ability to split in two to do double the work. But how much longer can they keep it up?

When K8 is approached by a publisher to tell the Childrens’ story, she’s hesitant to trust the guy, but she likes the idea. She’s always loved writing, and she’s been wanting to get back into it. Plus the extra money from book sales would definitely help. But is their story worth sharing? 

Adam has been working with K8 at the diner for a while now, and his feelings for her keep growing. He’s leery of the publisher, fearing the man is someone looking to take advantage of the Childrens’ innocence, and he takes it upon himself to protect K8. As he earns her trust, he’s hoping he’ll also gain her affection.

While they may have been raised in an unrealistic environment, the Children are quickly learning how the real world works, and know some people don’t have their best interests at heart. Worse, the threat of retaliation from Docenti Labs is still real, and those people will never stop coming for them or for the valuable information they claim was stolen. 

Warning: Contains a great tipper, needing a lawyer, when you're a cook and not a housekeeper, a nine point five, leftover meatloaf, injections from hell, and one man trying to protect the woman he's come to love at the risk of his own life.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The State of Romance in America

Posted by: PG Forte

 These are strange times in America. There's a bill in the works in the Oklahoma legislature that critics claim would ban explicit romance novels entirely--you wouldn't be able to write them, publish them, sell them, make them available to the public in any fashion (ie libraries) or own them. And--I believe--if there are any LGBTQ+ characters in them, they don't even have to be explicit. They're just straight out banned. 

Needless to say, many romance authors are concerned about this. Even though it's unlikely to pass, stranger things have happened recently--and continue to happen.

Over the past few weeks, the current federal administration has sought not just to remove protections for transgender people, but to eliminate any mention of them whatsoever. In one of the most egregious example of this, National Parks Service was forced to remove any mention of transgender people from its page on the Stonewall National Monument. Which is an absurd and blatant attempt to re-write history. Diversity, equity and inclusion programs within the federal government are also on the chopping block. 

I grew up in the sixties. And while I'm not going to pretend that I was acutely aware of the social issues of the time, such as civil rights, gay and trans rights, women's rights, abortion rights, anti-war protests, or books being banned for reasons of obscenity, I wasn't shielded from these battles, either. And if there was any lesson that I learned from that time, any kernel of hope gleaned from all the social unrest of the day it could be summarized by this quote: "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." 

Call me naive, but for a very long time, I really believed that was true. And yes, I understood that there would be setbacks. That the course of justice (like that of true love) would not run smooth. I knew that the path to a free, equal, tolerant and compassionate society would likely be long and winding and filled with obstacles, but surely--eventually--we would get there. Right?

Yeah, lately, I'm not so sure. This video (from last year--when things weren't nearly as bad as they are now) didn't help. 

So. What does all of this have to do with (you'll excuse the expression) the price of eggs? Or even the state of Romance? Well, my point is this. At this rate, it's hard to make publishing plans. Because who knows what's going to be banned next?

Which leads me to last week's new release. Giada Mazzi is Living her Best Life is a pretty unexceptional romance. It's light, it's fluffy, it's mostly sweet and it takes place in October--very definitely so. This is very much a Pumpkin Spice Latte themed book. So, I'd originally planned on releasing in September. Makes sense, right? But here's the thing. The heroine is a trans woman, and I am no longer confident that I'll be able to publish it come September. Hell, I'm not convinced we'll still have a habitable planet come September.

Maybe I'm overreacting. I hope that I am. But I'm enormously proud of this book. I love these characters and I didn't want to run the risk of not being able to share them with the world. So, I put it out there now. While I still could publish it, while bookstores and libraries could still stock it, and while you can still read it without fear of running afoul of the law.

And yes, I'm not thrilled that it's only available through Amazon, atm, but it is what it is. And, as I said at the start--these are strange times.

Giada Mazzi is Living her Best Life

A Games We Play/Whole Latte Love Story


Life is more than just the lies we try and tell ourselves about what we’ve done and who we are.

 I guess the truth is that I never stopped loving Ben. And I never stopped imagining how different my life might have been if he were only the person I needed him to be, instead of the person that he is. Which is silly, right? I mean, truly; it’s laughable. Because if he were someone else, he wouldn’t be him.  And the world is already full of people like that. What good is one more gonna do me?

Besides, if I’m honest, Ben wasn’t ever the problem. That was me. I was never the person he believed me to be. Oh, I thought I was, in the beginning. I tried hard to be, and that worked for a while. Sort of. But eventually I reached the point where I had to make a choice between living life for myself, or for everyone else.

And when it came right down to that…how could I not choose me?

Monday, February 17, 2025

HERE BE NEWS for Monday February 17, 2025

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday February 17, 2025 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Giada Mazzi is Living her Best Life

A Games We Play/Whole Latte Love Story


Life is more than just the lies we try and tell ourselves about what we’ve done and who we are.

 I guess the truth is that I never stopped loving Ben. And I never stopped imagining how different my life might have been if he were only the person that I needed him to be, instead of the person that he is. Which is silly, right? I mean, truly; it’s laughable. Because if he were someone else, he wouldn’t be him.  And the world is already full of people like that. What good is one more gonna do me?

Besides, if I’m honest, Ben wasn’t ever the problem. That was me. I was never the person he believed me to be. Oh, I thought I was, in the beginning. I tried hard to be, and that worked for a while. Sort of. But eventually I reached the point where I had to make a choice between living life for myself, or for everyone else.

And when it came right down to it…how could I not choose me?

Friday, February 14, 2025

New Release from PG Forte: Giada Mazzi is Living her Best Life

Posted by: PG Forte

Giada Mazzi is Living her Best Life

A Games We Play/Whole Latte Love Story


Life is more than just the lies we try and tell ourselves about what we’ve done and who we are.

 I guess the truth is that I never stopped loving Ben. And I never stopped imagining how different my life might have been if he were only the person that I needed him to be, instead of the person that he is. Which is silly, right? I mean, truly; it’s laughable. Because if he were someone else, he wouldn’t be him.  And the world is already full of people like that. What good is one more gonna do me?

Besides, if I’m honest, Ben wasn’t ever the problem. That was me. I was never the person he believed me to be. Oh, I thought I was, in the beginning. I tried hard to be, and that worked for a while. Sort of. But eventually I reached the point where I had to make a choice between living life for myself, or for everyone else.

And when it came right down to it…how could I not choose me?

Monday, February 10, 2025

HERE BE NEWS for Monday February 10, 2025

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday February 10, 2025 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

This year I'm highlighting permanently discounted Box Sets of several of my ebook series. 

February Box Set

The Gifted (Star Girl) Series
(blurbs and excerpts)

Want to channel your inner sexy goddess?

These bestselling romance authors give you book companions to take your love life to scorching levels! So many options from this satisfying collection of stories for explosive nights filled with passion! Download them while they're available.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Now Available as a Box Set! THE GIFTED (Star Girl) Series, a Contemporary Sci-Fi Romance by Linda Mooney

Posted by: Linda Mooney

One man's love stood between her powers and Earth's annihilation.

After being banished from her own world because her people deeply feared the scope of her powers, an anomaly shoots Sah'Reena toward Earth and the one man in the universe meant to be her mate.

No one, least of all Dr. Robin Dickenson, expected what they discovered when they opened the alien craft captured by the space shuttle Liberty while on a routine space mission. But from the moment he first sees the star girl, Robin is captivated.

Near death, and never expecting to see anything again beyond the endless void of space, Sah'Reena isn't certain, at first, that her mind isn't playing tricks on her.  But the handsome face of the stranger she sees gives her hope for life when she'd thought all hope was gone.

February Box Set

The Gifted (Star Girl) Series
(blurbs and excerpts)

Monday, February 3, 2025

HERE BE NEWS for Monday February 3, 2025

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday February 3, 2025 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Fall For You: Texas Heat
Heartwood, Texas: Book One

Jocelyn Barnes couldn’t wait to leave Heartwood in her rearview mirror—even if it meant breaking two hearts in the process. Now, with her career on hiatus and her great-aunt in need of help as she recovers from concussion, Jo finds herself right back where she started, older but not much wiser, and about to make all the same mistakes all over again.


 Carter Donahue doesn’t believe in looking back. As the chef/manager of his family’s new farm-to-table restaurant, he’s got his hands full. With a goal of turning his legacy into a must-see, Hill Country destination, his focus is on the future. The past? He’d rather that stayed buried. The last thing he needs (or wants) is to dig up those old feelings or fall back in love with his ex—especially when she’s already got one foot out the door. Again.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

New Release from PG Forte ~ Fall For You

Posted by: PG Forte

Fall For You: Texas Heat
Heartwood, Texas: Book One

Jocelyn Barnes couldn’t wait to leave Heartwood in her rearview mirror—even if it meant breaking two hearts in the process. Now, with her career on hiatus and her great-aunt in need of help as she recovers from concussion, Jo finds herself right back where she started, older but not much wiser, and about to make all the same mistakes all over again.


 Carter Donahue doesn’t believe in looking back. As the chef/manager of his family’s new farm-to-table restaurant, he’s got his hands full. With a goal of turning his legacy into a must-see, Hill Country destination, his focus is on the future. The past? He’d rather that stayed buried. The last thing he needs (or wants) is to dig up those old feelings or fall back in love with his ex—especially when she’s already got one foot out the door. Again.

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