Monday, March 10, 2025

HERE BE NEWS for Monday March 10, 2025

Posted by: PG Forte


 Monday March 10, 2025 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Thursday March 6, 2025: Nicole Luiken discusses Cozy Mysteries


Annie Mayall was a young bride, brought to Montana in 1940 by her new husband to start their new life soon as he struck it rich in the promised silver mines. Abandoned for three desperate and lonely years, Annie was forced to survive by herself in the wilds of the mountains. Until one stormy night brought a severely wounded stranger to her tiny one-room cabin.  A stranger both mystical and fascinating.  A stranger who not only brought her happiness, but a kind of love she never knew existed.

A stranger who was not of this earth.

March Box Set

(blurbs and excerpts)

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Now Available! The LORD OF THUNDER Trilogy Box Set by Linda Mooney

Posted by: Linda Mooney

      Annie Mayall was a young bride, brought to Montana in 1940 by her new husband to start their new life soon as he struck it rich in the promised silver mines. Abandoned for three desperate and lonely years, Annie was forced to survive by herself in the wilds of the mountains. Until one stormy night brought a severely wounded stranger to her tiny one-room cabin.  A stranger both mystical and fascinating.  A stranger who not only brought her happiness, but a kind of love she never knew existed.

A stranger who was not of this earth.

March Box Set

(blurbs and excerpts)

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Cozy Fantasy

Posted by: Nicole Luiken

 Cozy fantasy got a big boost during the pandemic and in this world of nail-biting news headlines I think it will continue to do well. People want to read something warm and comforting in times of stress and trouble. 

In fact, I'm trying to  write a cozy fantasy right now (working title: Walking on Moonlight) so I'm trying to read more of the genre in an attempt to see what tropes it uses and what are its strengths.

What I've found so far:

1/ Setting can be either contemporary with a fantasy element or high fantasy/secondary world. 

Travis Baldree's Legend & Lattes and sequel Bookshops & Bonedust have a high fantasy setting. So does The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst. But there are a plethora of paranormal romances such as Witch Please by Ann Aguirre, The Ex-Hex by Erin Sterling, etc. with our-world-but-with-magic settings.

Ten years ago urban fantasy was big with stories mostly set in cities. Cozy fantasy seems to favor small towns and close-knit communities more. 



2/ Friendships are just as important as romantic relationships.

The main character may start off as a loner or an outcast or just rather hapless (The House on the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune, The Spellshop, The Only Purple House in Town by Ann Aguirre, etc) but by the end have made a number of quirky but loyal friends. Family, which may be found/chosen rather than by blood, may also be a theme.

3/ What's at stake is usually lower. Instead of the fate of the world, characters may be trying to start or save a business, or follow a long-held dream. Stakes may still rise over the course of the novel (by the end of The Spellshop it's clear that something needs to be done to save the island as a whole from magically-warped storms) but even then it's more likely to be a town or group instead of nations.

4/ A happy ending. The happy ever after (or at least happy for now) has long been a requirement of romance as a whole and definitely applies to cozy fantasy too. The reader should believe from beginning to end that everything will turn out all right, and the bumps will be mostly gentle ones.

Those are my conclusions so far--but I haven't yet read as widely as I'd like in the subgenre. If you have examples that counter mine, I'd love to hear about it in the comments!



Monday, March 3, 2025

HERE BE NEWS for Monday March 3, 2025

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday March 03, 2025 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Tuesday February 25, 2025: Read Chapter Two of THE IMMORTAL, a Fantasy Romance by Linda Mooney

New from Jenny Schwartz

Stars Die (Caldryn Parliament Book 1)

Welcome to Caldryn Parliament. Golden Age mysteries in the Realm of science fiction and fantasy.

Recalled from the frontier, the new Warden of Caldryn Parliament is well aware she’s not a popular choice, but she never expected to portal into a murder scene.

Nor did she anticipate acquiring such a unique partner.

Now, Vanda Kavanagh must discover the truth of a politician’s death, unravel the mystery of her sabotaged wards, and survive her family.


Stars Die is a magic parliament mystery. If you've ever wished that Agatha Christie included magic or that Sherlock Holmes fought space pirates, this is the series for you!

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