Thursday, February 28, 2019

Procrastination As An Artform

Posted by: Jenny Schwartz
Okay, so the title of this post, "Procrastination As An Artform", may be a little over the top. But if you're reading it ... ahem ... chances are YOU too are procrastinating. Congratulations! High-five! Wanna chocolate?

Years ago, back when I was studying for some boring post-grad thing (public law, ugh), I had to delete Tetris from my computer. It's the only computer game where self-discipline wasn't enough to save me. If I was at that computer, I played Tetris. So I was interested to read that Tetris is now used to treat PTSD. It's an excellent example of how an activity that we think is pure procrastination may actually be having an important and beneficial effect on us.

These days I procrastinate with Facebook. Twitter is vanishing from my life. I seem to have hit peak social media engagement and am now ever so slowly withdrawing from it. I'll maintain a presence - I love chatting about books with people - but on the whole it chews up too much time and emotional energy.

A few months back I cut out one of my biggest procrastination aids by radically pruning the number of blogs I follow and eliminating almost all newsletter subscriptions. That freed up an immense number of brain cells. Instead of tracking intriguing news items, I focused on my writing - you know, that thing that's meant to pay the bills!

A good choice of procrastination activity is one that adds to your well being. If at the end of it you're not calmer, happier or healthier, then question whether you're avoiding something. Or is that just me? It's definitely okay to focus on something that's not on your to-do list. To-do lists are not all-powerful! Although, yes, mine would rule my life if I let it.

At its best, procrastination is about enjoying something your subconscious mind hasn't yet been able to convince your conscious mind that you need. Happy procrastinating!

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Act Three

Posted by: PG Forte

By the time you read this post, it will be my birthday. It occurred to me lately, that my life has turned a corner in the last year or so: I’m officially a crone now. And I have to admit that I’m liking it a lot. In part that’s because I’m a grandmother (I love spending time with my eleven-month-old grandson). In part it’s because I’m physically feeling better now than I have in a long while (thanks to a year of yoga and a much “greener” diet). And, in part, it’s because I finally feel like I’m getting a handle on this whole LIFE thing.  

Yeah, I know. I’m a slow learner. Don’t judge me.  lol

The weirdest thing of all is how I don’t feel old. Ten years ago I did. I actually freaked out when it hit me that I was really on the downhill side of life. So I assumed I'd feel even more panicked now…but, nope. If anything, I’m feeling kind of Zen about the future.  As Bob Dylan put it: “I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now.”

I think act three is gonna be epic.

Anyway, I feel like celebrating, so I put together a little giveaway. I’m going to give away some books. How many? Well, I don’t know. I guess it will kind of depend on how many people enter. To enter, sign in at Rafflecopter and leave a comment below telling me which book from my backlist you’d like to receive.  Digital only, sorry. 

Backlist can be found at:


Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Which Apocalypse?

Posted by: Cindy Spencer Pape
For the last few years, post-apocalyptic fiction has been wildly successful, not just in books, but in movies, television and video games to name just a few. The reasons for the destruction of the world as we know it vary from story to story. Zombies. Meteors. Religious prophecy culmination. Nuclear winter. If you can figure out a way to end the world, you'll find that someone in the media has already thought of it.

I've tried writing post-apocalyptic romance but keep coming up with the same problem: most of them just aren't believable to me.

Don't get me wrong. I think the world could be destroyed. I just tend to believe that there's a big hole between an incident that screws up life in one area or in one aspect, and the total end of human existence.

Humanity's greatest characteristic is the ability to adapt. We found ways to exist even in the most unwelcoming of environments. This leads me to the inescapable conclusion that in almost any situation, at least a fair number of us would survive and that civilization would go on--just not the way we know it now. We were having a discussion over dinner (as you do) of what we'd need to do first if the apocalypse happened.

For instance: Why would zombies make the power grid go down? Niagara falls is still one of our major sources of electricity in the eastern US. Plus, as I asked my kids (grown adults) how long do they think it would be before our house had power if the national grid did collapse. After a little calculation, they agreed that if we could run the generator for one day, by day two we could have a wind or solar rig set up. We might have to limit our use, but we wouldn't freeze and we'd have light and cooking ability. As long as we could charge our existing devices and get/keep the towers running, we'd have that much time to re-engineer phones and computers..

Food would be a bit more difficult if one isn't in a rural, farming area, but I honestly think we'dfigure that out pretty quickly as well. I might not be as tasty without specialty crops and spices, but I've also taught edible plants courses and could eat pretty well out of a meadow, some chickens and rabbits and a small veggie patch.

Simple math tells us those same zombies can't all spontaneously generate all over the world. If they do, okay, here's your apocalypse, kiss your a$$ goodbye. There would be so little humanity left, it wouldn't be worth writing books about. If there was a Ground Zero, the situation could be contained. The rest of us would still be getting on with the business of living. I'm not saying there'd be no upheaval, but I think it would be limited. Medicine, however could possibly be an area of impact.

The same logic holds true for nuclear exchange. Either it would be limited enough to simply screw things up, or we'd all be dead. Sure, some whole cities might be gone. There would be climate impacts. On the whole, we'd still have those two end results. Adapt or die. The same logic again holds true with the rise of AI and possible war between the humans and machines. Why does noone write the middle ground? Because it's boring. Middle ground in every case is this: Life is different. but we adapt and survive. Maybe not in the religious case. I really don't have an interest in pondering that.

As a former environmental educator, I fear the wrath of our planet as we continue to deplete natural resources, blow up the ground for fuel, and throw billions of tons of trash into our oceans. I have seen the change in weather patterns in my lifetime and know it will likely only get worse. And yet--I have great hope that people will still carry on. The fall of Rome didn't end society, neither did WWI end all wars. Humans are, at the end of the day, human. If we're not all destroyed, we'll probably find a way to carry on--and a way to continue screwing things up for future generations.

Do you like post-apocalypse stories? If not, why? If so, what are some of your favorites? I'd love to see what others think about this topic.


Check out the recent re-release of my Prism award-winning paranormal romance SEA CHANGE, available on Kindle, or any of your other favorite platforms, including paperback.

Watch next month for another re-issue, ONE GOOD MAN, a different kind of ghost story, co-written with the lovely Lacey Thorn. Releasing on all platforms March 19, 2019 by Supernova Indie Publishing.

CindySpencer Pape lives in southeast Michigan with her husband and andan ever-changing menagerie of pets. When not hard at work writing she can be found restoring her 1870 house, dressing up for steampunk parties and Renaissance fairs, or with her nose buried in a book.

Monday, February 25, 2019

HERE BE NEWS for February 25, 2019

Posted by: Dani Harper, Author
All the latest
from the authors at 
Here Be Magic

In Case You Missed It:

Monday, February 18 - 

"HERE BE NEWS" - All the latest from the authors at Here Be Magic.

Wednesday, February 20 -
ALIENS, MENAGES AND WINGED WOMAN...– Author Shona Husk has a sexy new SciFi MMF Romance. “SEVERED” comes out today, Feb. 25th. Scroll down for details!

Friday, February 22 -
"A TALE OF TWO COVERS" - Every author knows the challenges of finding just the right model for a bookcover. Author Linda Mooney talks about her sci-fi romance, JEXX.

Saturday, February 23 - 
This week's Bring It Back(list) feature:  
"CHANGELING DREAM by Dani Harper + a Giveaway" - Dani Harper found a surprise when cleaning out her office..Scroll down for details!


New Release: 

by Shona Husk

Halle Ish, one of Velli’s elite police Arrows, is shot down during a Precinct One riot. Wounded and unable to fly, she tries to hide and avoid capture, knowing that if she is found by the razor gangs or Clipper Sect they will sever her wings. She needs to get out of Precinct One.

Avin Lent was once a promising medical student, but he started sniffing Mumble to beat the stress and is now the doctor to one of the biggest gangs in Precinct One—while not part of the Clipper Sect, they are just as dangerous. He knows he is only as useful as his next surgery and they would have no qualms about killing him. Only Jarro is keeping him safe.

Jarro Coblic is deep under cover and has been for a year. Immersed in the gang, he suspects his hands will never be clean again. When he finds the wounded Arrow, he knows he can’t turn her over even though everyone is looking for her. With his lover’s help, they hide her and heal her wing. All the while, falling for her. He prays Avin will not crumble and reveal their secret as Jarro tries to figure out a way to get them all out of Precinct One before the Sect and the gangs bring the full wrath of Velli on Precinct One. Tearing the place down can’t come soon enough, but there will be blood before the slate can be washed clean.


Bring It Back(list) Feature:

DANI:  I’ve been working on cleaning out my office since the beginning of the year and just before I called in the heavy equipment, I discovered a box of TWELVE Changeling Dream paperbacks! (Only I could lose an entire box of books…) 

But wait! My disorganization could be your gain. Enter through the Rafflecopter in the Here Be Magic post, and you could be one of a dozen readers to win a SIGNED paperback copy (plus a set of my bookcover postcards and a couple of bookmarks). Open to USA residents only.

Read all about this shapeshifter romance and ENTER THE CONTEST here: 


Saturday, February 23, 2019

Bring It Back(list): CHANGELING DREAM by Dani Harper + a Giveaway

Posted by: Dani Harper, Author


In times of stress Jillian Descharme has always found calm in her dream of a great white wolf with haunting blue eyes. But she is startled when the visions return and this time seem so real. Late at night he comes to her, speaks to her, touches her. It’s almost as if he’s alive…

“An absolutely fantastic read.”
Joyfully Reviewed

Thirty years ago, James Macleod lost his wife and unborn child to a killer bent on destroying the Changelings. Though he longed for death, his animal instinct fought for survival and James has been a wolf ever since. Yet now a woman has reawakened the man in him, taming wild instincts but arousing still wilder needs.  With his ancient enemy hunting the legendary white wolf, James must fight for new life, new hope, new love.

"Harper’s changelings are among the best in the genre."
 ~ RT Book Reviews

With his ancient enemy hunting the legendary white wolf, James must fight for new life, new hope, new love.


THE CHANGELING SERIES centers around the Macleod family, four brothers and two sisters. Long-lived and able to become wolves at will, their kind call themselves Changelings. Centuries ago, they were forced to flee the wolf exterminations in Scotland and start a new life in the wilderness of northern Canada.
Today, that wilderness has been largely settled, and an entire community has sprung up around the Changelings. The Macleods and their pack live as humans most of the time, hiding in plain sight. They have jobs and pay bills and go to school and mow the grass and do all the things that humans do. But don’t make the mistake of thinking they’re tame…. There are sacred places in the hills, and wolves rule the forests at night.
The Macleods seem to have the best of both worlds — yet there are still dangers lurking for their kind. And love, when it arrives, brings dangers and complications of its own. The two highest laws in the Changeling world are never harm a human and never turn a human against their will. The wolf within, however, has its own primal rules. If a Changeling’s life is in danger, the wolf will emerge to defend it. It will also rise to the surface, unbidden, to defend a mate at all costs. Because Changelings mate for life!


DANI:  DANI:  I’ve been working on cleaning out my office since the beginning of the year and just before I called in the heavy equipment, I discovered a box of 12 Changeling Dream paperbacks! (Only I could lose an entire box of books…)

But wait! My disorganization could be your gain. Enter through the Rafflecopter below, and you could be one of a dozen readers to win a SIGNED paperback copy (plus a set of my bookcover postcards and a couple of bookmarks). Open to USA residents only.

You can see all my books at or go to my Amazon Author Page.


Friday, February 22, 2019

A Tale of Two Covers

Posted by: Linda Mooney

As any author can tell you, sometimes it’s difficult to find just the right model for the cover of your book. I was lucky to find not just the right model, but the perfect “warrior couple” for my book JEXX. But there was a small—or rather, “busty”—problem. The heroine has a belt covering the strategic areas of her breasts, but there’s still a lot left showing.

I initially placed the title on the lower right side of the cover. But after several retail sites began removing or hiding “objectionable” covers, I realized this one might cause problems. So I created an alternate version, with the title placed to where you couldn’t see much of her chest area. That second cover is the one uploaded to Amazon, B&N, etc. It will also be on the print edition.

However, fear not! If you’re wondering, the original cover can still be seen on my personal website and blog, and in the PDF version of the ebook!  Check it out at if you’re curious. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Aliens, menages and winged woman...

Posted by: Shona Husk
It feels like ages since I had a SFR release (checks has been ages). This release is also an MMF romance (and it's been a long time since I released one of them).  

The Precinct One series is set in a fun world where the women have wings and the men don't. I got to re-imagine society--how would it be different and how would it be similar? 

Menages became the norm for relationships and cities are stratified with men on the lower levels and women on the upper and everyone meeting in the middle good time ;) 

There are no humans as it takes place entirely on an alien planet, so if you want to escape Earth for a bit you might like the politics of Velli for a change. You can pre-order HERE and get it 3 days early (22 Feb instead of 25 Feb) 

Halle Ish, one of Velli’s elite police Arrows, is shot down during a Precinct One riot. Wounded and unable to fly, she tries to hide and avoid capture, knowing that if she is found by the razor gangs or Clipper Sect they will sever her wings. She needs to get out of Precinct One.

Avin Lent was once a promising medical student, but he started sniffing Mumble to beat the stress and is now the doctor to one of the biggest gangs in Precinct One—while not part of the Clipper Sect, they are just as dangerous. He knows he is only as useful as his next surgery and they would have no qualms about killing him. Only Jarro is keeping him safe.

Jarro Coblic is deep under cover and has been for a year. Immersed in the gang, he suspects his hands will never be clean again. When he finds the wounded Arrow, he knows he can’t turn her over even though everyone is looking for her. With his lover’s help, they hide her and heal her wing. All the while, falling for her. He prays Avin will not crumble and reveal their secret as Jarro tries to figure out a way to get them all out of Precinct One before the Sect and the gangs bring the full wrath of Velli on Precinct One. Tearing the place down can’t come soon enough, but there will be blood before the slate can be washed clean.

Monday, February 18, 2019

HERE BE NEWS for February 18, 2019

Posted by: Dani Harper, Author
All the latest 
from the authors at 
Here Be Magic

In Case You Missed It:

Monday, February 11 - 

"HERE BE NEWS" - All the latest from the authors at Here Be Magic.

Tuesday, February 12 -

THE PIRATE'S JEWEL - RELEASES TODAY!– A medieval pirate romance from USA Today bestselling author, Ruth A. Casie. This swashbuckling action-adventure is part of the Pirates of Britannia world.

Wednesday, February 13 -
WRITING THE PROJECT YOU FEARBy author Nicole Luiken. All writers want to grow and take on bigger challenges. But are ANY novels easy to write? And what is it we fear?

Thursday, February 14 -
"HOW TO GIVE YOURSELF A VALENTINE" - The gang at Here Be Magic have gotten together to share ideas, treats, and memories from the holiday devoted to love. And we have treats for our readers too!


New Release: 

Deception and family honor are at stake, so is the heroine’s heart in this new medieval pirate romance from USA Today bestselling author, Ruth A. Casie.

Wesley Reynolds will do anything to avenge his family’s banishment from Dundhragon Castle even throw in with the notorious pirate, MacAlpin. His plan, ruin Lord Ewan’s trading network. He has a more devious plan for his father’s ‘best friend,’ the man who abandoned them at the eleventh hour. He’ll ruin the man’s most precious jewel, his daughter Darla. Wesley’s so close to ruining the trade network and succeeding he can almost taste it, but revenge is not nearly as sweet as Darla’s kisses.
Darla Maxwell, beloved by her parents has no prospects of marriage. Her father and Lord Ewan search to find her the right husband. Darla’s special gifts are frightening to many. She has visions that often come true. The murky image of a man haunts her, she’s sure it’s Lord Ewan’s soon-to-be son-in-law, but the vision morphs when she meets Wesley. The meaning couldn’t be any clearer to her, her destiny lies with Wesley.
When revelations surface indicating Wesley has been deceived and his revenge misplaced. Will he find the truth of what really happened to his family in time to stop the pirates? Will Darla ever forgive him? Will he ever forgive himself?


Sales, Contests and Events:

Our authors often take part in hosted giveaways and events, or sponsor their own.
Here's one of the latest! 



The Dani Harper website has been rebuilt, redesigned, and revamped from the ground up, and I couldn’t be more thrilled with the results. 

Look for new features, e-x-p-a-n-d-e-d information, and a shiny new Grim Series Glossary to explore.

Three people will win a deluxe Dani Harper tote bag with the new owl logo from my homepage on it. PLUS your choice of one of my paperbacks (signed) to put inside it!


Thursday, February 14, 2019

HOW TO GIVE YOURSELF A VALENTINE - by the Authors at Here Be Magic

Posted by: Dani Harper, Author
We associate Valentine's Day with couples, but the holiday isn't just for lovers. It's a great time to show yourself a little kindness too. After all, how many of us are genuinely nice to ourselves? 

And whether you have a significant other or not, Valentine's Day can be a great opportunity to do a little something for a neighbor, a friend, a family member, or even a stranger. 

The Here Be Magic gang has gotten together to share ideas, treats, and memories from the holiday devoted to love.

PLUS we have some Valentine goodies for YOU at the end of this post!


LINDA - "Treat yourself to something you haven’t had or been able to do in a long, long time. Whether it’s that decadent dessert you’ve been eyeing but denying, a short trip to a location you’ve been wanting to revisit, or it could be something as simple as calling up an old friend you haven’t heard from in a while and letting them know you were thinking of them.

"After all, bringing a little happiness to someone else will always lift your spirit too." ~ Linda Mooney


CINDY - "My freshman year at university was mostly an exciting time, but it was also a big adjustment. I wasn't homesick in the beginning, but by mid-winter, it had been creeping in. My roommates were friendly, but not real friends, and the guy I'd been dancing around dating had recently decided he was still in love with his girlfriend back home. Valentine's Day was going to seriously suck...

"That's when the card from my parents showed up. It was the first time they had actually written me, other than sending money, since I'd gone away. It was such a little thing--a Valentine from my folks. But it changed the entire tenor of the holiday, because it made me feel special and loved." ~ Cindy Spencer Pape


JODY - "Self-care: What makes ME feel the best that I can do for myself? For me, I like to FINISH. I like to write THE END. And since I can’t guarantee I’ll be finishing a book or project around the fourteenth of February, I can instead guarantee I’ll be finishing something on my TO-DO LIST.  :)

"What I plan to do for myself on Commercialized Candy Day is clean out some clutter and donate it. I’ll feel better because I completed a task I’ve probably been putting off for a long time, and donating to the right types of charities is good for society." ~ Jody Wallace


RUTH - "What do I do to feel special...
  • get a manicure and pedicure
  • tuck myself into the comfy chair in the living room and read a book - from cover to cover
  • take my daughters out for coffee without the grandchildren - a girls thing (sometimes I take them for a mani/pedi)" ~ Ruth A. Casie


MAUREEN - "If I want to show myself a little love I buy myself something that I don't really need, but something I've wanted. A little indulgence like new books, soft pajamas, or another item that has been in the 'save for later' basket online because it wasn't really necessary. Or else I forget about the endless chores waiting and settle in to watch a favorite movie with a beverage of choice, even if it's the middle of the day.

"Since my girls were little, my hubby has always gotten them flowers and chocolate on Valentine's Day. I didn't want them to ever think they had to wait for a boy to make them feel special, because they always have their first valentine, their dad." ~ Maureen Bonatch


JENNY - "The perfect Valentine's Day treat is a walk along the beach. Depending on where you live, you might think I'm crazy (hello, blizzard outside), but here in Australia it's summer. Perfect beach weather. Splashing in the shallows and collecting shells is a little bit of joy and a whole lot of peace. Happy Valentine's Day!" ~ Jenny Schwartz


DANI - "Playing Easter bunny to my daughters was always one of my favorite things. So it was natural for me to play VALENTINE bunny too! After they'd gone to bed, I'd tiptoe around and leave chocolate treats, cards and heart-shaped goodies of the season on their nightstands or beside their beds. When the girls got to be older teenagers, though, I had to change my method - they were awake a lot longer than I could possibly stay up. (Soooo not an night owl!) However, I WAS an early riser, so the Valentine bunny started making her rounds at 6 a.m. It was a sure thing that no teens would be conscious at that time of day!" ~ Dani Harper


SHAWNA - "I’ve been divorced now for quite a while, and my ex was never one for flowers and chocolates anyway, so Valentine’s Day and I have had a bit of a spotty relationship over the years. Lately, I’ve learned to warm up to the holiday again, and for that I credit my friends. 

"There was the male co-worker who wished me a happy Valentine’s Day (in an entirely platonic and non-creepy way), probably because he knew I was single and didn’t have anyone at home who would say it to me. A colleague from the evening shift came in extra-early one year so she wouldn’t miss me with her Dove chocolate bounty. A friend of mine who loves my Ravensblood series gave me a handmade ‘un-Valentine’s Day card with a raven on the front. Inside it said I’m raven’ about your writing. 

"What really caused a paradigm shift was a card my friend Andrea sent out to all the lucky people on her ‘card list’. She makes lovely cards for each holiday, and the one year in particular she sent cards that listed, without naming names, all the particular, unique things she loved about each of her friends. 

"I got all sniffly, and realized that Valentine’s Day isn’t about choosing the perfect gift for your spouse or lover. It doesn’t have to be about romantic love at all. It can be a day to remember and celebrate the many people in your life that you celebrate in many different ways. So, Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you." ~ Shawna Reppert


Linda Mooney is offering up a free ebook of her humorous and erotic novella, SPANK MY VALENTINE  (Tales of the Blakeney Sisters, Book 3).

If you'd like a copy, email her through her website at and let her know what format you need.


From Jody Wallace

"In February, I will be offering the first volume of my science fiction romance choose your own adventure spoof for free:  


"If you want to indulge in the self-care of raunchy, dirty jokes, mockery of tropes, terrible snark, and laughter, this is a very inexpensive way to do it! (Beats sorting through unmated socks, anyway.)"


Shawna Reppert has a free full-length novel for you!

WHERE LIGHT MEETS SHADOW is an M/M fantasy romance 

The Scathlan elf Kieran journeys through mortal lands in search of new songs and tales to renew his people’s dying culture. His most cherished, most impossible hope is to rediscover the powers of bards from legend in order to wake the queen, in a stupor since the end of the war between his own people and the Leas elves...

Ebook is FREE on Amazon for Valentine's Day at 


Ruth A. Casie has a brand new release:  

The Pirate's Jewel 

(part of the Pirates of Britannia World series)

Free with Kindle Unlimited

otherwise a swashbuckling gift at just 99¢!

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