Monday, February 4, 2019

HERE BE NEWS for February 4, 2019

Posted by: Dani Harper, Author
All the latest 
from the authors at 
Here Be Magic

In Case You Missed It:

Monday, January 28 - 

"HERE BE NEWS" - All the latest from the authors at Here Be Magic.

Tuesday, January 29 -

SNOWPOCALYPSE 2019” – While the weather outside is frightful, author Cindy Spencer Pape ponders how weather can be used to drive a story or add roadblocks for a character.

Wednesday, January 30 -

THE MORE THINGS CHANGE...– With less time and more distractions, are your reading habits changing? Author PG Forte discovers her own shift as she reads through her TBR pile.

Thursday, January 31 -

"A NEW DYSTOPIAN FANTASY SERIES" – Author Jenny Schwartz gives us a peek into her latest release – “Stray Magic”, Book 1 of the Faerene Apocalypse. Look for it in the New Release section below!


New Release: 

Sci-Fi Romance
by Linda Mooney
Word Count: 64.6K
$3.99 e

He couldn’t die without her, and he wouldn’t die with her. Not if she had anything to say about it.

The tide has turned in a centuries’ long war, and the Intergalactic Military has been tapped to step in and lend a hand. Sent to assist the Bo’Estrons, Captain Jelia Linh and her crew find themselves under immediate attack and in a fight for their own lives.

The rescue goes wrong, and ironically Kaxx must save the ones sent to aid them, but he isn’t expecting the feelings the female captain invokes. The tingling feeling he gets when he touches her. It couldn’t be…could it? He’d missed his chance long ago.

The mission to find and help the missing crewmembers is proving futile, as they’re all being picked off one bunker at a time. The battle is heating up, and it’s no longer about protecting their own. The Bo’Estron are fighting back, but with the Varnarians teaming up with the Hojinths, do they stand a chance?  

War. Betrayal. Enemies. Allies. Saviors. Mates.

Torn between duty and love, two become one.

Warning! Contains a hax and a soword, spaceships and blasters, freezing nights and blistering days, lumpy bumpy aliens and enemies with tentacles, underground bunkers, and an impossible merger that brings two species together in soul-searing passion and power.


New Release:

Book One of the

Book 1 of the Faerene Apocalypse
by Jenny Schwartz

When magic crashes through the Rift, Earth devolves into an apocalyptic nightmare. Survival becomes the only game in town, and college girl, Amy Carlton, learns she’s a more ruthless player than she ever imagined.

Magistrate Istvan signed up for the Faerene Migration knowing that the price of Earth’s future would be paid for in hellfire and blood. But the black griffin hadn’t anticipated humans accessing magic.

Now, a new and impossible bond must be forged between a Faerene invader and a human familiar. But first Istvan and Amy must survive to form the bond.

Purchase on Amazon

Note: “Faerene” refers to the many peoples of another world: the griffins, dragons, unicorns, werewolves, elves and ogres who've crossed to Earth. No prepper or survivalist could have been prepared for their arrival.

Book 2, BOUND MAGIC, releases soon.
Now available for PRE-ORDER 

Sales, Contests and Events:

Our authors often take part in hosted giveaways and events, or sponsor their own.


The Dani Harper website has been rebuilt, redesigned, and revamped from the ground up, and I couldn’t be more thrilled with the results. 

Look for new features, e-x-p-a-n-d-e-d information, and a shiny new Grim Series Glossary to explore.

Three people will win a deluxe Dani Harper tote bag with the new owl logo from my homepage on it. PLUS your choice of one of my paperbacks (signed) to put inside it!


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