Okay, here's the deal. I love Christmas. I am a giant five-year-old when it comes to shiny things and pretty packages. I want all the prezzies and to give all the prezzies and eat all the cookies. Ahem. But the season is called holi-DAYS, emphasis on the plural for a reason. Almost every major religion has harvest and solstice celebrations, for reasons. Like its part of how society became society and how humans adapted to community living. I adore Christmas, but I hate the concept of skipping over some of the other bestest days of the year.

Now, other than hiding behind closed curtains on Black Friday and usually having something to do for Small Business Saturday, since the spouse works for a village, once Thanksgiving is past, I'm free to think of Christmas. I usually kick it off with a movie or two on Netflix and start having the men-children bring boxes of decorations up from the basement. We're usually set up by the first weekend in December, but then we have a break. This year there will be two.
You see in our house, we also have birthdays, like many folks, and a bunch of them happen to fall between October and December. We don't want those to go unmarked, so even if there's a Christmas tree in the parlor, there will still be birthday cake and candles on the table. In fact, I'd go so far to say as the holiday season in our house really begins on Oct. 19, my #1 offspring's birthday. My brother's is on Halloween. Offspring #2 was born the day Bill Clinton was elected, on Nov. 2, I had to do a surprize absentee ballot. My other brother was born on Nov. 8, but we haven't celebrates since his passing over a decade ago. My nephew in California's birthday is in there somewhere, but I usually just hit him up on FB.
And don't forget Veteran's Day. Not when you grew up in a neighborhood where all the homes were sold via GI bill to WWII vets. You got your poppy from Mr. Hare next door and wore it for the rest of the week! Then we're into December, the carols are playing annnnnnnd.... Last December 14, my second grandspawn was born. You can bet there's going to be one heck of a party for that this year! And she missed sharing a birthday with her mom, the kid-in-law, by just one day. She'll get her own treats on the 15th. THEN it's really Christmas time.
And then I remember. My life is filled with MEN. Grinches one and all. But now I have grandkids. Ain't no one messes with Grandmas at Christmas. (Cue evil grin.) That'll carry me all the way into a happy new year!
May your Halloween be happy and fun and safe! If you celebrate holidays I don't know about, fill me in! I love learning new stuff. I'll be back again right around Thanksgiving!
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