Thursday, May 23, 2024

Deadline Reprise (a "From the Archives" post)

Posted by: PG Forte

So, I'm on a tight deadline this week, which means all my thought processes are focused on my current WIP.  So I thought I'd repost this blog post from the last time I rode this merry-go-round. Interestingly enough, my current story is in the same series as the books I wrote about in the original post. I'm working on Giada's story. 

Giada first appeared in The Name Game and I'm very excited to be getting her story out there as well. If all goes well, her story will appear first in the Love and Espresso anthology due to release on September 3rd.  Details below.


Douglas Adams said it best: "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." I usually have a love/hate relationship with deadlines myself. Sometimes I find them motivating, other times not so much. And, yeah, I usually manage a sense of equanimity in the rare instance when one flies past unmet. Not this time though. That's because this time around the stakes are a little higher than normal. If this deadline isn't met, it will screw with my publishing plan for the rest of the year. And I really need that to not happen. 

So, instead of a post, I'm going to link to an excerpt from Truth or Dare--the first book in my Games We Play series. The reason I chose that book is two-fold. Number one, the most recent book in the series, The Name Game goes on sale in less than two weeks. January 24, to be exact. Number two, it's one of the books featured in a romance series starters promo I'm involved with (link below). 

With some books, you always feel like you didn't quite hit your mark. Maybe there was a plot hole, or a character that no one got. Maybe you lacked the skill to transcribe the story as it existed in your head. 

Other stories turn out exactly the way you wanted. This book--and really the entire series for the most part, even considering the convoluted timeline of book three--is definitely the latter. It's been a fun series to write, which I guess is in keeping for a series with both "games" and "play" in the title!

Link to excerpt:

Link to BookFunnel Promo:

Love and Espresso

This collection features meet-cutes that take place in a bookstore/coffee shop. The heroines are looking for their HEA but never expected it to happen while picking up a cup of coffee or picking out their next book boyfriend.

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