1. I'm thankful for my family. It's been a tough few months with a lot of upheaval and medical issues, but everyone's been very supportive.
2. I'm especially thankful for my brother, who found this and bought it for me:
Oberon wine, just in time for the release of Return to Oberon, my second Oberon box set (releasing tomorrow, December 1) and which includes Touch of a Vanished Hand, which is set primarily in a winery.
3. I'm thankful for my writer friends for inspiring and entertaining me. And for making writing a far less lonely pursuit.

And that the weather here in Pennsylvania has been unusually warm. The snow is pretty and not so deep that I've had to try to wear shoes. After almost thirty years in California, I am soooo spoiled for weather.
And speaking of weather, I'm thankful that...
5. We didn't suffer much damage from the Napa earthquake
and that...
6. So far, the latest Kilauea lava flow has avoided Pahoa, my favorite little Hawaiian town.
8. I'm thankful for my health--broken toe notwithstanding. I've spent more time in hospitals and doctor's offices these past two months than I have in the past twenty years combined and it's made me even more keenly aware of my comparative lack of health problems.
9. I'm thankful for my editors who understand my insecurities...and put up with me anyway.
Finally, 10. I'm thankful for readers, especially those who take the time to post reviews or send me emails. Because they motivate me to keep writing even in the face of distractions and sleep deprivation.
Return to Oberon! (Box Set #2)Welcome back to bewitching Oberon, California! This small, coastal town is an enchanting place. Anything can happen here - and all too often it does! Clinging to corrugated cliffs above a windswept beach, and isolated amid a tangled network of canyons and creeks, Oberon can be a hard place to get to. But, as all too many visitors have learned over the years, it can be an even harder place to leave behind.
In Return to Oberon the series continues with books four through six. Once again, these are full-length novels. Although many of the same characters appear in each one, all the books in this collection can be read as stand-alone stories.
This set contains three, full-length novels:
Book Four: A Taste of Honey
Book Five: Touch of a Vanished Hand
Book Six: The Spirit of the Place
You can read more about the entire Oberon series HERE