Monday, March 24, 2025

HERE BE NEWS for Monday March 24, 2025

Posted by: PG Forte


 Monday March 24, 2025 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Thursday March 20, 2025: PG Forte discusses an extremely Sci-Fi sounding concept: The Negative Leap Second. Coming soon to a clock near you!

HAINN: A Badari Warriors SciFi Romance Novel 

(Sectors New Allies Series Book 19)

Veronica Scott

Jezari had a nearly fatal ordeal at the hands of enemy alien scientists. Rescued, she’s had a tough road to recovery and now a year later she’s at loose ends, impulsive and unhappy so she seeks out a dangerous pastime exploring hidden secrets at the bottom of Sanctuary Valley’s lake. What she finds shakes her to her core.

Hainn, the South Seas pack healer was called in to take over Jezari’s treatment after an unfortunate incident with her first healer. He found her frustrating and annoying but over time his admiration for the determined survivor grew. Now she’s been released he’d like to get to know her outside the hospital but she still sees him as her much disliked healer. Add to that a certain reputation he’s acquired in the valley as one of the few Badari Warriors who can do casual dating and Jezari wants nothing to do with him.

Invited to join Hainn and other Badari Warriors on a rare excursion to the perilous sea mount where the waves top 100’, Jezari opens herself up to new experiences and to Hainn. But their budding romance suffers a setback when an unexpected development impacts Jezari as nothing else ever has.

Returning to a valley in trouble as their power and protection source falters, leaving them open to attack by the enemy Khagrish, can these two work together to solve the problem, reveal the secrets the lake hides and claim each other as mates before it’s too late?

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