Thursday, October 6, 2022

Horror Recommendations

Posted by: Nicole Luiken

 I am not a big horror reader, so this is by no means a Best of or comprehensive list. These are just a few horror books that I read and enjoyed this year.

1. Beneath the Rising trilogy by Premee Mohamed

I love how the plots go up and down along with the friendship between Johnny and Nick.

Book one, best friends working together save the world from eldritch horrors but their friendship takes a severe blow.

Book two, wary former friends try to save the world from eldritch horrors. Both end badly.

Book three, ten years later, much-changed Nick and Johnny are now hostile enemies and Nick no longer believe anybody can be saved especially by Johnny, but he’s wrong.




2. Dweller on the Threshold by Skyla Dawn Cameron

Pandemic forces the heroine to live in a haunted house inherited from her estranged father. More than just ghosts going on here, and I loved the reveal and the ending. Great voice.






3. The Broken Room by Peter Clines


Badass ex-assassin character is pulled into helping a kid who’s escaped from an evil government lab. Great pacing and tension with excellent action scenes and a found-father-daughter relationship at its heart.

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