One of my favorite things about Halloween are the costumes. I
love how each one tells a story. Are you
dressing up as who you are, or who you’d like to be? Or are you picking your
costume for some other reason altogether?
I once knew a woman who worked for a government agency. She
told me that, in order to keep up the pretense that they were just an ordinary
company, all the agents would show up at work on Halloween wearing costumes. In
my imagination they all dressed up as spies and secret agents in trench coats
and masks. I’m guessing they really didn’t do that, but wouldn’t be great if
they did?
For myself, I tend to
take a very minimalist approach to costuming—not that I dress up very often.
The last time was for a circus-themed party at RT. I went as a Tattooed Lady
because, well, I have tattoos.
For my son’s first Halloween I took the clothes off the
large, stuffed Paddington bear he’d been given and dressed him in them. As you
can see from the picture, he wasn’t all that impressed with my costuming skills
For several years in a row my son would only dress as a
pirate for Halloween. He’d played
Captain Hook in an afterschool production of Peter Pan and it stuck. My
daughter, on the other hand, clearly inherited my less-is-more costume
philosophy. When she was in third grade she went to her school party in her
usual clothes. When questioned she’d explain she was dressed as a juvenile
delinquent, then she’d pull out the fake cigarette she’d bought at a magic shop
and pretend to light up. That didn’t really go over all that well.
That was the year I “dressed up” by accentuating the dark
circles under my eyes. When anyone would
ask what I was I’d tell them: “Tired.” A
few years later, I accompanied my kids to a party dressed as a coat rack, because
that was obviously what both of them thought I was anyway given the way they
expected me to hang on to all their belongings for them. But I digress.
No conversation about brilliant Halloween costumes is
complete without mention of the first Halloween episode of Buffy the Vampire
Slayer—the one where everyone became whatever they were dressed as. “Outside to
inside,” as Drusilla put it. It was a brilliantly written episode. In fact, now
that I think of it, I’m sure this episode was a big reason why I’ve written
several Halloween costume parties into my own vampire series.
My characters are often less than thrilled with the idea
(much like my son and his Paddington costume, I guess). This is what Jason (the
hero of Going Back To Find You) had to say on the subject:

Jason knew
there were vampires who enjoyed Halloween, who took a perverse pleasure in
dressing the part. Occasionally, they’d tried to convince him to join them in
crashing one of San Francisco’s infamous Halloween parades. But the idea of
pretending his very existence was imaginary left Jason feeling like the punch line
of a really bad joke. Like being a turkey at Thanksgiving, an elf around
Christmas time, or a small, winged god on Valentine’s Day. Not that he’d ever
personally met any small, winged gods, but it stood to reason.
Despite my characters’ reluctance, I’ll probably keep on
subjecting them to embarrassing costumes After all, my kids are too old for me
to dress, and I enjoy it. As Spike observed, it’s just...neat.
So what about you? Do you like costumes, hate them, or don’t
care either way? Do you have a go-to or fall-back costume that you reprise
every year (like my son’s pirates, or Willow’s ghost)?
To read more
about my books, check out my website at,
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