Hello! Samhain-kitty here. Those of you who follow the blog
on Shawna Reppert’s author website know I frequently take over the task of
updating her poor, neglected readers while she’s off gallivanting with disrepute
Irish musicians. She has reached a new low, taking off to see plays in Ashland
with her sister and completely forgetting that she had a blog due for Pet Month
here at Here Be Magic. (Of course, Companion Animal Month would be more
politically correct, but what can you expect from mere humans?)
Anyway, I’ve been trying to get her to have more of a
feline-American presence in her works. She has become a bit better about
it—witness Nuisance the cat in the Ravensblood series, who had a brief (and
largely accidental) heroic moment in Raven’s Heart that almost makes up for
that slanderous name. (Writer-person has called me worse over the years, though
to be fair at least one of those instances involved the demise of one of her
favorite wine glasses.) Fortuna in A Hunt by Moonlight fares better in that
regard, but gets very little screen time, especially in comparison to the
number of canids running around the book. (I don’t care if they’re werewolves,
they still pant and drool.) She lets a child
name the only cat in The Stolen Luck that is anything more than set dressing.
And yes, Jack the Dog is barely mentioned here and there in
the Ravensblood series, but he bears an uncanny resemblance to her friends’ pit
bull. As if I need a further reminder of her disloyalty than having her come home
after a weekend away with that beast’s scent all over her.
This is where I need your help, dear readers. If you could
only provide her with some gentle suggestions, maybe some positive feedback
whenever a cat does finally make an appearance. Like most humans, she’s not too
bright, but I believe she can be trained with just the right—
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