Saturday, October 15, 2016

Interview with Clover Skye Baulsey, Deceased.

Posted by: Janni Nell

With Halloween only a couple of weeks away, it seemed a good time to interview one half of my latest investigative team. Clover was a private investigator before she was murdered, but there’s no resting in peace for her. Turns out ghosts have certain advantages when it comes to investigation, and even after death there’s no shortage of cases. Clover took time out from her busy schedule to reveal what it’s like to be a deceased PI.

Janni Nell: What’s it like being a ghost?

Clover: Like most things, in life and in death, it’s a mixed bag. Some things suck like not being able to eat or drink; other things like being invisible, are a clear advantage when it comes to solving mysteries.

JN: How would you describe your personality?

Clover: Baulsey by name, Baulsey by nature. Nobody gets the better of me.

JN: And yet somebody murdered you. That’s kind of getting the better of you, isn’t it?

Clover: Hey, it’s not over until it’s over, and I intend to put that loser behind bars.

JN: Do you have a motto or code you live by?

Clover: You bet I do. Justice for all. It’s too bad that everyone doesn’t get justice right away, but that’s why they hire me. At least they did when I was alive. It’s different now. I can’t do it on my own. I need one of the living to help me. When I first employed Tash Bolde—back when I was alive—I didn’t think she could cut it. But she’s proving to be a much better investigator than I expected.

JN: Where is your favorite place to go on vacation?

Clover:  Britain. I’d always wanted to see Cornwall. Tash and I were going, we had the whole thing booked…and then that asshole murdered me. I never got to eat scones with jam and clotted cream. Or taste Cornish cider. Death just isn’t fair.

JN: What would you take to a deserted island?

Clover: Tristan. He’s the ghost of an eighteenth century smuggler. I met him in Cornwall and he’s taught me that even though ghosts can’t eat or drink, they can still…you know.

JN: How does a ghost celebrate Halloween?

Clover: By scaring the crap out of little kids. Joking. According to the ghostly grapevine the best Halloween parties are in Scotland, so maybe I’ll go there.

JN: Who are your closest living friends?

Clover: I used to have a lot of friends, but since I died, Tash is the only one who can see me. Still I’m glad it’s her. She’s a good woman. I’m not sure she realizes it yet, but she’s as passionate about justice as I am.

JN: What about ghost friends?

Clover: I’m fairly new to the deceased community so I’m still discovering how it works. Some ghosts are really friendly like Tristan, others are more reclusive. I don’t have any ghost girlfriends yet.

JN: What are your future plans?

Clover: To nail that SOB who murdered me.

Vacations are a bitch. Or maybe it’s just me.

I’m Natasha Bolde, and honestly I’m no one special. Okay, I’ve solved a few mysteries, but I’ve always worked with my best friend and mentor, Clover. She passed recently, and now I’m taking what should’ve been her trip of a lifetime to Cornwall, Britain. It’s just like Clover to choose a place chock-full of mysteries. Why is the amnesiac woman digging in the fields? Is the psychic medium genuine or a clever fake? And who exactly is the hot ghost-hunter hunting?

I’d like to walk away and let someone else solve these mysteries, but that would be letting Clover down. She was always concerned with justice. To honor her memory, I have to find out what’s going on and make sure everyone gets the justice they deserve.

I’m determined to find the answers even if it kills me.

Dead Monk Walking now available.

Janni is currently working on the second Bolde & Baulsey mystery.

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