Monday, January 30, 2012
Dressing the part
Because every year they have a big Ball, and it's dress to impress, steampunk style. After been shamed by my writers' group efforts last year, I'm actually going to give it a go, and if you knew what a scruff I am usually....But yes, I'm taking the plunge, as will my décolletage because it's corsets and bustles all the way! And possibly goggles, because I'm very tempted to go as a steampunk air pirate.
So, ladies and gents, what should I not be without? What do I need? Any tips on looking my best in steampunk?
Friday, January 27, 2012
Talking Up Books You Love
First up was Master of Crows by Grace Draven, recommended by @has_bookpushers on Twitter. If you like fantasy romance but dread the fluffy "fantasy lite" this is a really interesting book with memorable characters and a satisfying romance ending. For me personally, I could have used more steamy romance and even more magic details, but overall the book was well balanced and I enjoyed every moment of it.
The other two books I read this past weekend were The Cloud Roads and The Serpent Sea by Martha Wells, recommended by The Book Smugglers. The Cloud Roads was one of Ana's top 2011 picks - how could I resist? Wow, am I glad I gave these books a chance, because I totally gobbled them up. I loved the unique Raksura culture, both bird like and even insect like in a way. There are two different kinds of Raksura, one winged and one not. They remind me of bees or ants, with workers and the queen ensuring the survival of the colony.
My only complaint (and I say this lightly) is the romance aspect was pretty lacking. I mean, yeah, there is an important relationship between Jade and Moon, but it's not the focus of the book at all. This is solidly in the fantasy camp, and the characters just happen to end up together to continue the colony. The fantasy is so strong and rich, though, that I didn't mind the lack of romance at all.
I find myself still thinking about the Raksura, even a week later. I wonder how Jade will challenge Pearl to become the queen. When Moon and Jade will start their first clutch. What will happen at the other colony when their old queen dies. Ahhh, I love a book that lingers on and on!
I am still on the search for deep, rich, sexy romance AND detailed fantasy worldbuilding - so if you have recs, please shout them out!! What great books have you read lately that you're still thinking about?

Thursday, January 26, 2012
Happy Australia Day!
Fortunately, there is a perfect way to celebrate Australia Day and that is to sign up for the Australian Women Writers 2012 Reading and Reviewing Challenge. The details below are copied from the Australian Women Writers website, which is where you sign up. There is also a lively Goodreads group. So if you're looking for a reading challenge, or simply a readerly gossip, this is a great way to celebrate your Aussie-ness ... even if you don't live in Australia!
Australian Women Writers 2012 Reading and Reviewing Challenge
Keen on romance, fantasy, crime, YA, literary, mainstream women's fiction? Contemporary or historical? Memoir, other nonfiction or poetry?
Whatever your preference, whether you're a fan of one genre or a devoted eclectic, the 2012 Australian Women Writers Book Reading & Reviewing Challenge invites you to a year of encountering the best of Australian women's writing.
Objective: This challenge hopes to help counteract the gender bias in reviewing and social media newsfeeds that has continued throughout 2011. It actively promotes the reading and reviewing of a wide range of contemporary Australian women's writing throughout 2012, the National Year of Reading. (See the page on gender bias for recent discussions; also this page for the rationalebehind the challenge.)
Readers should approach this challenge with a spirit of willingness. There are no failures, just personal goals. Reviews can be long or short, favourable or "this book is not for me". Hopefully, along the way, you'll discover some future classics and perhaps a few surprises among genres we're not familiar with.
Challenge period: 1 January 2012 - 31 December 2012
Goal: Read and review books written by Australian women writers – hard copies, ebooks andaudiobooks, new, borrowed or stumbled upon by book-crossing.
Genre challenges:
Purist: one genre only
Dabbler: more than one genre
Devoted eclectic: as many genres as you can find
Challenge levels: Some readers have complained that the original challenge levels were too easy, so "casual" and "dedicated" levels have been added here.
Stella (read 3 and review at least 2 books)
Miles (read 6 and review at least 3)*
Franklin-fantastic (read 10 and review at least 4 books)*
* The higher levels should include at least one substantial length review
Some bookbloggers are combining the AWW2012 challenge with other challenges including Bookdout's Eclectic Reading Challenge, Booklover Book Reviews Aussie Author Challenge, and the GoodReads Aussie Readers' group's Aussie Author Challenge with a Twist. Others have set the goal of reading more books written by Australian women than they read in 2011. If you have another idea, please let us know.
Added option: WeLove2Read2. This page gives participants the option of a further challenge which could help redress the genre imbalance of the National Year of Reading's, Love2Read "Our Story" campaign (where only 18 out of the 48 books selected are written by women). Dedicated bookbloggers and reviewers are particularly invited to add this element to their challenge.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
When Dreams Come True

Monday, January 23, 2012
Come Listen to Authors Read Excerpts From Their Books!
You can check out who my monthly lineup includes by checking out my own blog. I also advertise upcoming shows on my Twitter (Linda Mooney) and Facebook (Linda Mooney).
Come have a listen! You can park on the website and hit the Play button to listen, or you can come into the chat room where you can type questions and comments for the author to answer, or you can call in to talk directly to the author!
The show is on at 11 pm et/ 10 pm ct/ 8 pm pt. Come join us!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Top series I'd like to see on HBO
1. Mercy Thompson Series by Patricia Briggs

Who wouldn't like to see Adam and Samuel, Bran and Mercy walking around in the fascinating world Patricia Briggs has created?
2. Night Huntress Series by Jeaniene Frost

3. Fever Series by Karen Marie Moning

Which series would you like to see?
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Fun Facts About Wonder Woman
- Wonder Woman was created by William Moulton Marston (the inventor of the polygraph).
- Wonder Woman's alter ego is Diana Prince/Princess Diana of Themyscira.
- Wonder Woman made her first appearance in December 1941 in All-Star Comics #8.
- In creating her William Marston wanted to create a feminine character with all the strength of Superman plus all the allure of a good and beautiful woman.
- Initially, Wonder Woman was an Amazon champion who wins the right to return Steve Trevor — a United States intelligence officer whose plane had crashed on the Amazons' isolated island homeland — to "Man's World" and to fight crime and the evil of the Nazis. Her origin story was later revamped to increase her Hellenic and mythological roots. She received the blessing of each deity in her crib, Diana is destined to become "beautiful as Aphrodite, wise as Athena, stronger than Hercules, and swifter than Mercury." Her origin was changed yet again in 2011 making her a demigod, the natural-born daughter of Hippolyta and Zeus
- Wonder Woman had arsenal of powerful god-forged weapons at her disposal, but her signature weapons are her indestructible bracelets and the Lasso of Truth.
- In the television show the bullet proof material the braclets were formed of was called 'Feminum'. In the comic books, it was called 'Amazonium'.
- Wonder Woman spinning into costume was also solely a television fixture. She would spin her lasso around herself in the comic books to transform.
- She depict her as a masterful athlete, acrobat, fighter and strategist, trained and experienced in many ancient and modern forms of armed and unarmed combat, including exclusively Amazonian martial arts.
- In May 2011, Wonder Woman placed fifth on IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Heroes of All Time.
Amazon Heat was released on January 9, 2012 from Carina Press
Driven by grief to find a cure for cancer, Elizabeth DeMarco left Logan Spencer to accept a position on a research expedition to the Amazon rainforest. Kidnapped by guerrillas, she was saved by a secret all-female civilization, the last of the ancient Amazons. But Elizabeth discovers she's traded one form of captivity for another.
Logan never stopped searching for Elizabeth. While consulting in the remote Brazilian interior near where she was kidnapped, Logan suffers what should be a fatal fall. Near death, he's collected by the Amazons and magically healed. Elizabeth is the first person he sees as he wakes.
But there's no time for a joyful reunion. The Amazons' mystical medicine is rapidly changing Logan. They want his DNA and plan to take it—and then kill him. Logan and Elizabeth must escape before dawn or Logan—and their second chance at happiness—is doomed.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Fun Facts about the Amazons by Melinda Leigh
- The Amazons were a tribe of warrior women who kicked butt across Asia Minor.
- In order to prevent their race from dying out, the Amazons, uhm, visited a neighboring tribe, the Gargareans. In some stories, male children from these liasons were killed. In others, the infants were delivered to their sires.
- The Amazons didn't kill all the men they defeated. Some they took as slaves. In some legends, they used such males for, well, you know.
- Amazons had their right breasts removed to ensure accurate aim with a bow. Can we have a collective ewww here?
- One of the labors of Hercules was to acquire the girdle of the Amazon Queen.
- Amazons are first mentioned in Homer's Iliad.
- Marriage was seen as a sort of slavery to men and was prohibited.
- The statue on the left is a depiction of an Amazon preparing for battle. Amazons were trained to fight hand-to-hand, with all weaponry, and on horseback.
- Amazons remained virgins until they had killed three men, therefore proving themselves as warriors before they were allowed to reproduce.
- The Amazons fought against the Greeks in the Trojan War.
Amazon Heat was released on January 9, 2012 from Carina Press
2 years ago...
Driven by grief to find a cure for cancer, Elizabeth DeMarco left Logan Spencer to accept a position on a research expedition to the Amazon rainforest. Kidnapped by guerrillas, she was saved by a secret all-female civilization, the last of the ancient Amazons. But Elizabeth discovers she's traded one form of captivity for another.
Logan never stopped searching for Elizabeth. While consulting in the remote Brazilian interior near where she was kidnapped, Logan suffers what should be a fatal fall. Near death, he's collected by the Amazons and magically healed. Elizabeth is the first person he sees as he wakes.
But there's no time for a joyful reunion. The Amazons' mystical medicine is rapidly changing Logan. They want his DNA and plan to take it—and then kill him. Logan and Elizabeth must escape before dawn or Logan—and their second chance at happiness—is doomed.
Find Amazon Heat at Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and Carina Press.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Resources, Or Getting My Act Together
Part of my problem is I write in spurts, part that I'm a pantser, and part that I have that dreaded author disease, WADD (Writer's Attention Deficit Disorder). Actually, I'm pretty scatterbrained under the best of circumstances so I guess I can't blame WADD. I'm trying to find ways to at least manage these issues.
1.Daily word count. I have to admit, I am not good at this. When I'm 'on' I write about 10k a week, but that's 2 or 3 days of a lot of writing and the rest of the week procrastinating. I'm aiming for a more consistent spread. 2k a day for 5 instead of 5k a day for 2. That's just exhausting. I stumbled on this spreadsheet on Twitter and hope it keeps me honest.
2.I don’t know if I can fix the pantsing "issue". I'm trying to do a very simple and vague outline. Wish me luck. I've found some useful tips in some of Holly Lisle's articles.
3.Which leaves me with the dreaded WADD. I don’t know if there's any hope for a cure for this affliction. There are too many stories to tell, too many characters whose voices are loud and demanding. This year I'm going to try to work on 2 projects at a time instead of flitting from one to another and back again. Unfortunately, I haven't found any helpful suggestions for pulling that off yet lol!
And since I'm talking resources (and organizing mine) here's a few cool links:
10,000 Words A Day
Most Common US Surnames
And just for fun:
6 Ways Crows Are Smarter Than You Think

Dark Bonds 2
Dupree Jackson is everything a senior soldier of the Order of Templar should be. Cold. Unbreakable. A master at arms in the fight against demons. But as a hybrid, Dupree is beginning to lose himself to the demon half of his soul. One woman has the power to save him. If he lets her.
Kara Stone wants two things in life: to be merged with a demon so that she can become a full member of the Order; and Dupree Jackson. She knows they are meant to be together, if only Dupree would love her back.
Though his desire for Kara is undeniable, Dupree’s need to protect her is stronger. Not wanting to see her merge, to face the internal struggle he deals with every day, he refuses to bond with her. But when Kara becomes a target and uncovers a dark secret about her past, Dupree may no longer have a choice…
Available at Carina Press, Amazon and Barnes & Noble
Loribelle is a former Army MP who traded in her combat boots for motherhood, flip flops, and all the Diet Coke she can drink. (She almost misses the combat boots.) She’s the author of more than 20 books, herder of three energetic children, and an occasional sun worshipper.
Loribelle can be found at her website, Twitter, or Facebook.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
A walk on Toronto's wild side!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Where Do Your Favorite Films Take You?
Friday, January 13, 2012
Readers: Are you tired of paranormal romance yet?
Anywho, Sarah and Jane were recently answering letters from readers, and the question was posed, “Do you think we’ve finally reached the saturation point on paranormals, or will it simply undergo some sort of change?” The question was prompted because best-selling author Linda Howard announced on her Facebook page not too long ago that her paranormal “Warrior Rising” has been put on indefinite hold. Linda went on to explain that “the bottom has dropped out of the vampire market, and (the publisher doesn’t) want to risk the book.”
Not too long ago on Twitter, agent and author Mandy Hubbard tweeted, “I've never had a ‘do not send me x’ list on my guidelines, but guys: I can't imagine being able to sell vampires or werewolves now. #pubtip”
I know this topic has been discussed before, but as someone who writes primarily paranormal stories, so far based on werewolves, I find this trend – if true – to be a little unsettling. But as a reader, I find it even more disturbing.
I still love reading paranormals! I love vampires and werewolves and angels and…you name it. In fact, the last book I read was the vampire anthology “A Vampire for Christmas” published by Harlequin, and I loved all of the stories in it.
Both Jane (of Dear Author) and Sarah (of Smart Bitches) agreed they believe that paranormals are still going strong, with the trend leaning toward angels and demons and paranormal mashups these days. Hey, sounds great to me, but seriously, publishers? Don’t get rid of all the vampire and werewolf stories. I do love me a good bloodsucking romance, you know?
But that’s just my opinion. I’d love to know yours. Are you sick to death of paranormals yet, or are you still rubbing your hands together and murmuring, “Keep ‘em coming, guys?”
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
5 Things Meme
Here we go.
What five things were you doing five years ago?
1. being a photographic model
2. losing my dearest old German Shepherd friend Harry to cancer
3. providing academic research support and full secretarial services for my daughters in their various studies
4. working hard towards publication
5. learning to massage
What are five things on your to-do list for today (in no particular order)?
1. continue researching spaceship propulsion options
2. revise a good chunk of Wild Times Bk2
3. write next scene of my ghost story in space
4. cuddle baby grandson Gabriel
5. cuddle baby grandson Sebastian
What are five snacks you enjoy?
1. smoked and marinated tofu cubes
2. fresh pineapple
3. canned pear halves in their own juice
4. Walkers ready salted crisps
5. Digestive biscuits
What five things would you do if you were a billionaire?
1. buy a fully-crewed luxury bluewater yacht and travel the oceans with my family
2. learn to fly a plane and buy one
3. set up all our kids for life
4. sponsor hundreds of kids in the third world through a charity
5. buy, maintain and staff several hospital ships for poor people in the third world through a charity
What are five of your bad habits?
1. comfort eating when ill or upset
2. overactivity during remissions, often leading to sudden relapses through stupidity
3. fighting against tiredness to continue working on things that excite me (often leading to... etc.)
4. determined optimism
5. confronting bullies head-on
What are five places you've lived?
1. Wallasey
2. Portsmouth
3. Chatham
4. Gibraltar
5. Plymouth
What are five jobs you've had?
1. lifeguard
2. sailor
3. intelligence gatherer
4. investigator
5. writer
How about it? Will you give us your 5 Things list in the comments?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012
I Heart Novellas
- Quick romance fix
- Quicker to write=faster learning curve on things like black moments and HEAs
- I could experiment with different genres in both my reading and writing

Monday, January 9, 2012
42 Questions For Writers
Perhaps you haven't had any of these experiences, but in the off-chance that you do one day, I thought I would share this list of 42 questions that you may enjoy asking authors or answering yourself should it be your turn to blog and you're drawing a blank for various reasons.
Feel free, in the comments, to answer any of these questions yourself. Everybody pick one!
1. What do new acquaintances do when they find out you're an author? How do they usually find out?
2. Do you like booksignings, writers' conferences, and otherwise appearing in public as your author self?
3. How has your career or your writing day changed due to all the changes in the industry right now? Can you see your "job requirements" changing more in the next five or so years?
5. Is writing your primary outlet for creativity or do you have others you'd like to share?
6. What's one very annoying thing about being an author?
7. What's the most appealing thing about a writing career that keeps you going back for more, time and again?
8. What's the biggest "outpouring" of writing you can remember--marathon writing sessions, etc--and how did you recover from your hyperproductivity? (Note: if you are always hyperproductive, skip this question, because I hate you.)
9. What was the most marked creative or writer's block you can remember having, and how you did you recover from your brain drought?
10. What do your family and friends think about your writing career?
11. Let's say you were going to be devoid of a computer, the internet or any type of word processor for a year, but you would have an ample supply of pens, pencils and paper. Would you keep writing?
12. If you would keep writing, what if you were also going to be devoid of research materials for that year? How would you write around that?
14. What might your protagonists seek counselling about and why?
15. What author would you like to interview, and what would you ask him or her?
16. What's the strangest thing that has inspired a story idea in you? (The story doesn't have to be published can be still a story germ.)
17. What's the best or most interesting research you've ever done for your fiction?
18. Where's the most remote-from-you location you've set a story and what did you do to research that?
19. What television programs or movies would you say bear the most resemblance to the type of books you write?
20. What's one of your least favorite parts of writing a new story?
21. What's one of your most favorite parts of revising an existing story?
22. Of all the fictional worlds you've created, where would you most want to visit and why?
23a. Of all the fictional protagonists you've created, who would you most want to go on vacation with and why? 23b. What about if you had a lot of work to do around the house? 23c. And what about if you were flunking the maths?
24. What is your ideal writing environment?
25. What less than ideal writing environment do you have to settle for?
26. How many fistfights have you put in your stories?
27. How many stories have you written in which the world was saved?
28. And what's your current in-story body count?
29. If you were going to write a story set in your hometown, how would you cleverly disguise the people you know so nobody would sue you? Or maybe you shouldn't tell us that part...
30. If you were going to write or already have written "your" version of a fairy tale, what fairy tale would you choose and how would you juggle things around?
31. Weather extremes: where have they shown up in your books and how have you relied on your own experience to share them?
32. How have you used something from your childhood memories to bring something in one of your novels alive?
33. How many times have you managed to work cats into your novels? What about gnomes?
34. Let's say your next book is going to be entirely from the point of view of the protagonists' cat. How do you think your authorial "voice" might change?
35. Would you need more or less money up front if the book was going to be from the point of view of the dog? I mean, it would be a lot shorter that way, with much smaller words, and the butt-sniffing would inject some base humor, but still. There's a higher chance a book by or about a dog would be a literary let-down, so it would be a risk for your reputation. Thoughts?
36. What's on your TBR shelf?
37. What's for dinner?
38. Do you like any household chores at all? Which one do you most revile?
39. Do you like my hat?
40. What kind of hat are you wearing?
41. What kind of tool are you? (I am probably a monkey wrench. For obvious reasons.)
42. What's the meaning of life?
Come on...let's see if we can get all 42 q's answered! By someone other than me.
Jody Wallace *

Sunday, January 8, 2012
Feeling Fictional
As I researched photos and videos to add to this post, I stumbled across this:
This is a house a very young Charles Addams walked by every day, going back and forth to school. It's thought to be one of the houses he used for inspiration when depicting the house his cartoon Addams Family lived in.
When I sat down to write this post, fairly early in the morning for me, I brought my breakfast with me, to eat at my desk. Which is kind of when it hit me. See, today's breakfast is one I'd had some other characters eat. In fact, simple as it is, I more or less invented it specifically for those characters. That I was eating it now meant my fictional life was bleeding over into my physical life...kind of the reverse of what Charles Addams did with that house. The more I thought about that, the more I realized how very much I do that.
My characters frequently go to fictional events that are similar (if not identical) to actual ones I've attended. They often live in fictional towns that are conglomerations of real towns I've either lived in or visited. We frequently have similar interests. I have a tattoo that originated with one of them and whenever I update my resume I have to remember that I really can't claim their job experience as my own. That last one is a lot harder than you might think. My daughter and I recently discussed the (extremely unlikely) possibility of opening a real-life bakery based on one I've written about.
However, if peanut butter and jelly is what they want, I'm their gal. Just as soon as I finish this next scene...
What about you? How much of what you read do you attempt to replicate in your own life? Or, if you're an author, how much of what you live finds its way into your books?
And finally, happy birthday, Charles, from a child who was relieved to learn she was not the only one in the world with a macabre sense of humor.

To learn more about me, visit my website at:
Friday, January 6, 2012
Happy New Year the Ancient Egyptian Way!