
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Three Ways Authors Can Protect their Mental and Emotional Health

 As we know writing can be very rewarding and very challenging. Whether you’re writing full-time or not, the process can be stressful. It takes a lot to navigate deadlines, rejections, and the pressures of the creative process. May is Mental Health Awareness Month so here are three ways authors can safeguard their mental and emotional health: 

1. Create Boundaries:

Creating boundaries includes setting limits on work hours, managing expectations with collaborators, and setting time for self-care and relaxation. Burnout doesn’t help you become more productive, in fact it’s exactly the opposite. You may want to reach that deadline but it shouldn’t mean you have to sacrifice your health and well-being. 

2. Prioritize Self-Care:

Self-care is essential for maintaining mental and emotional well-being, yet it's often neglected when working on your goals. Prioritizing self-care means making time for activities that feed your mind, body, and soul. Meditation, exercise and hobbies can help to reduce stress. And don’t forget other creative pursuits that you do for the fun of it. Rest is also very important. It’s hard to be creative is you are completely drained and tired.   

4. Seek Support:

Writing can be solitary, but you don’t have to go it alone. Seeking support from friends, family, and other writers can provide emotional support. Whether it's joining a writing group, attending workshops and conferences, or simply reaching out to a friend for encouragement, you can benefit from connecting with others.

It's easy for authors to neglect their mental and emotional health while working. However, by taking care of themselves, authors can nurture their creativity and enjoy the writing process without burning out.

Monday, May 13, 2024

HERE BE NEWS for Monday May 13, 2024



 Monday May 13, 2024 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Thursday May 9, 2024: Nicole Luiken discusses three series she's fallen in love with.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Three Series I've Fallen in Love With

 It's May, and I've read about 70 books this year (not counting rereads). I thought I might share some finds.

In the order that I discovered them, here are three series that I began this year, fell in love with and rushed to buy more of:

1/ Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Faerie by Heather Wilde

Set in Iceland. Emily Wilde is an academic professor of folklore doing research on the fae of Iceland in a remote village. At first she rubs the villagers the wrong way and is extremely annoyed when fellow academic, Wendell, shows up. Rivals are always fun--and then the plot twist hits: Emily suspects that Wendell himself is a fae pretending to be human. 

I loved the building relationships in this one, both between Emily and the villagers and herself and Wendell, and how this time the woman was the grumpy one and the male love interest more sunshiny.

As soon as I finished I went out and bought book two Emily Wilde's Map of the Otherlands, which was just as good. There should be a third book out next year!

2/ Gilded and sequel Cursed by Marissa Meyer


It's a good thing both books in this duology are out, because book one ended on a cliffhanger.

This is a retelling of Rumpelstiltskin, with the miller's daughter as the main character, but it's all mixed in with fae and the Wild Hunt. The Erlking is the best villain I've run across in a while. He has his own goals and sinister plans and he always seems to be one step ahead of Serilda. I also loved the reveal about Serilda's backstory.

3/ The Fire in the Glass by Jacquelyn Benson

This series (The London Charismatics) has so much going for it! Set in 1914 London it has mystery, a very satisfying romantic subplot and people with fascinating psychic powers. The main character, Lily, sees visions of the future, but has always in the past failed to prevent what she's seen. She's sworn to stop trying--until she sees her friend, Estelle (a medium) killed. Strangford, the psychometric, made for a swoony love interest, and Sam Wu's ability to  talk to  animals was fascinating.

The series is complete. I binge-read the next three books and will probably go on to the last one soon.

What series have you fallen in love lately?

Monday, May 6, 2024

HERE BE NEWS for Monday May 6, 2024



 Monday May 06, 2024 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Tuesday April 30, 2024: Read Chapter 4 of Linda Mooney's fantasy romance, Dark Hours

From Linda Mooney:  While cleaning out my office, I came across a few paperback print copies of some of my earlier titles left over from when I was with several other publishers.


Each month I'll be posting one of them FOR SALE for only $10, and that includes postage. Plus I'll autograph them!


Quantities are limited!


May’s Title:


Sweet Contemporary Romance for the Christmas Holidays

Word Count:  10.4K

Terrie Myers didn't believe life would give her a second chance at love. She had managed to survive cancer, but she had lost the man she thought she loved. 


Returning to her parents' vacation house on the Texas gulf coast, she never expected to fall for the man living in the bungalow next door. Sadly, he was already married. Still, she couldn't help the way she felt, or deny the joy of living he gave her.


With Christmas hours away, can the magic of the season make dreams come true?

Releasing Tomorrow: May 8, 2024

The Lyon's Gambit: 

The Lyon's Den Connected World

In a world bound by rules, love becomes the ultimate gambit.

In the glittering world of London, where society dictates everything, Nathaniel, Marquess of St. John, learned the hard way that playing by those rules doesn't always guarantee a happy ending. Jilted by a woman chosen for him by his father, Nathaniel swore off marriage and embraced the life of a steadfast bachelor.

Louise Hartfield is a talented seamstress with a disdain for the 
ton's rigid expectations. Trapped by her mother's antiquated insistence that as the elder daughter she must wed before her younger sister, Louise scoffs at the idea of conforming to such a preposterous rule.

When Nathaniel and his friends bet on whether love can transcend class, they turn to Mrs. Dove-Lyon, whose Lyon’s Den hosts their daring experiment. As Nathaniel and Louise navigate society’s expectations, they find themselves drawn together in a quest for true love.

Will they defy tradition or succumb to its demands? In this high-stakes gamble for love, who will emerge victorious?

Read free in Kindle Unlimited!

Pre-order here:

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

DARK HOURS, a Fantasy Romance by Linda Mooney - Chapter 4

Chapter 4

The sun would be rising soon. Already Emers could see a faint lightening of the sky. It was a sight she’d watched hundreds of times, yet this morning it brought a feeling of dread to the pit of her rumbling stomach. What would she see once all was revealed?

She had no idea how long she’d sat by the fire. How many hours passed while she kept it stoked as best she could. It managed to keep herself from freezing to death as she waited. She shivered. It was something she’d done all night as she picked through recent memories to try and find a reason behind her ending up where she was, wherever she was. And why.

No other soul had passed their way, even though a well-trodden path lay just a few meters away. Twice she’d been alerted to something she couldn’t see or hear, but she knew was there. The huge black dragon had returned only once more during her ordeal. Briefly. Its muzzle remained stained from its earlier attacks. She prayed Kayge hadn’t been a victim. After it left the second time, Emers never saw it again, although it continued to remind her of its presence with the sound of its enormous, leathery wings beating against the night sky. And the shadow it cast over the moon when it flew over her.

She had no idea why it remained nearby, yet for some odd reason she felt safer knowing it was somewhere out there. Probably watching her. Guarding her. But it made no sense. It was a dangerous creature. It destroyed and consumed humans and animals alike.

Why was it sparing her?

She looked down at the armor and clothes that Kayge had been wearing. Clothes she’d found abandoned near that dead man, as well as Kayge’s sword. The horses she and Kayge had been riding were nowhere to be seen, and she wondered if the animals were the reason why the dragon’s beak was bloodstained.

Emers stirred the fire one last time and thought of the man who’d lost his life. Had he been fighting the dragon? Had he been been traveling alone? Or had there been others? Had he tried to ambush Kayge? For the first time since her awakening, she smiled. That would have been a very foolish thing to do, challenging a seasoned soldier like Kayge.

She sat up as she realized something. The sword—the blade had been clean. There had been no blood on the weapon. Unless Kayge already cleaned it.

Yet the fact that she found the sword seemingly left abandoned told her the man had to be acting alone. Otherwise his cohorts would have absconded with the sword. Taken it to the next town where they could sell or trade it.

It was highly likely the strange man was a vagrant. Unless he expected others to join him.

“Perhaps they weren’t meant to join up until after daybreak. If that was the plan, it shouldn’t be much longer before they show.” Regardless, she had to remain vigilant and watchful. And on guard.

She checked the road in both directions. She couldn’t stay here. Not out in the open where she was vulnerable to attack, not to mention the weather. But not knowing where Kayge could be kept her pinned to this location. He could return to claim his clothes. Or, if not his armor, his sword. She knew how much he favored his weapon.

Emers’ stomach growled again. The rabbit had been a meager meal, and there was no telling when she’d eaten prior to that. Slowly, stiffly, she stood. Her bare feet were numb from the cold. A brisk breeze seemed to find its way underneath the woolen cloak she wore, under the oversized leggings and bulky shirt.

A length of hair whipped her cheek. A lock she’d missed earlier had come loose. Deftly, Emers tucked it behind her ear. During the night she’d been forced to braid her long hair and tie it with a length of leather from Kayge’s jerkin, or else the wind would have fiercely tangled it up. “I must find more suitable clothing if I’m going to be moving about,” she murmured. “Another cloak would be welcomed.”

She moved into the nearest thicket to perform her ablutions. The rocks and undergrowth bit into her feet. A splinter dug into her heel, making it bleed. As she plucked it out, she recognized her first priority would be to acquire some slippers, or else she would not be able to go very far. She could at least keep the robe on a bit longer.

Carefully she made her way back toward the tiny encampment. From the corner of her eye she could see the remains of the dead man where the dragon had dragged it last night. Her gaze lingered on the worn boots. Biting her lips, she tip-toed over to the corpse and said a prayer for the man. It seemed to help ease her fear of angering the dead man’s spirit, but it couldn’t overcome her revulsion. Still, she needed to protect her feet, and he no longer had any need for his footwear.

The boots came off easier than she anticipated. Of course, they were bigger than her own feet, but she could make do with a little dry grass for padding until a better pair came along. Dried blood marked the instep of one boot. Emers rubbed some ashes on it to clean it up. If she ran into the others she half-expected to appear, she didn’t want them to become suspicious of her. Heaven knew she had nothing to do with the man’s death, but she would be hard pressed to explain why she was wearing his bloodied clothing.

When she was done, she checked the road again. She recalled Kayge telling her they were heading to the village of Lisstanbor for the night. For our wedding night. But now she had no idea how far she was from there.

Emers glanced around in the growing dawn for some familiar sign or landmark which would help her determine her next course of action. A dark movement caught her eye, and she froze for a moment before realizing it was the dragon. He was flitting back and forth, neck extended, nose almost touching the ground, as if seeking a scent, before landing a short distance away.

The animal appeared impatient. It stopped abruptly and turned to look her way. In the pre-dawn chill, Emers could see the creature shivering, but the wind had momentarily stilled. It stumbled slightly, as if caught off-balance. Sensing something was amiss, she watched the dragon raise its head and let out an almost melancholy roar.

Emers opened her mouth to hail the animal when the first shafts of daylight peeked over the distant mountain range. She squinted against the sudden light just as the dragon turned in its tracks. It swiveled its head to look at her with big scarlet eyes, its mouth open and panting steamy clouds of air. The young woman felt herself entranced by its stare.

Without warning, the dragon staggered upright. Its legs shook underneath it as if they didn’t have the strength to keep its body off the ground. As it struggled to remain upright, the creature made a gurgling sound. Its long neck swung forward and back, the head pointing its snout up to the sky, then dropping it as it retched. Its wide chest heaved, trying to force whatever was in its gullet out of its body. Trying to regurgitate, grayish foam bubbling around the edges of its mouth.

One more heave, and the creature opened its mouth as wide as possible. A form, slick with bile, slid out of its maw and landed on the ground.

It was a man. Naked. Intact with all four limbs. She could see no marks or blood or wounds of any kind on his back, arms, buttocks, or legs. Neither could she tell if he was alive.

The dragon hovered over him, watching him and, she would swear, waiting for her. To do what?

Emers fought the need to go to him and turn him over to see if he breathed. To see if he lived, as impossible as it sounded, but she feared what the dragon would do. For the first time, she feared what the creature’s next move would be.

A groan came from the man, and her heart jumped. The man moved on his own, startling her, and she took a step back when the man rolled over.

Emers screamed his name and threw herself onto his body. As she tried to take him into her arms, a hand found her hair, her face, and Kayge coughed up phlegm.


He shivered from the cold. Tearing off her shirt, she used it to wipe away the slimy wetness coating his face, clearing his nostrils so he could breathe.

“Kayge! Kayge, my love!”

She was vaguely aware of the dragon moving away, circling behind her, but her whole focus was on her love, her lover and husband who lay on the hard ground.

            Coughing up more phlegm, he turned his head and spat. She waited until he opened his eyes so she could see his expression when he finally saw her. Hunched over him, she placed her hands on either side of his face as he opened his eyes.

            He stared up at her, when his gaze shifted upward. She caught the dark reflection in them looming closer and closer, and he shouted her name as he tried to ward off the immense creature bending down with its mouth agape. At the last possible second, Emers tried to raise her arm to ward off the dragon, but she was too small, too weak, and it was too determined.

The last thing she remembered before the enormous creature swallowed her whole was the clench of hunger once more asserting itself in her belly and the maniacal cackling of an unhinged mind echoing in her ears.


Linda's Website

Monday, April 29, 2024

HERE BE NEWS for Monday April 29, 2024



 Monday April 29, 2024 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Thursday April 25, 2024: PG Forte discusses Author/Reader events in her post, Another Day, Another Controversy.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Another Day, Another Controversy

 I am NOT here to talk about the events last week in Denver. First of all because I wasn't there, secondly because plenty of people (some of whom ALSO were not there) have posted huge manifestos on the subject. I have nothing to add and I don't care to speculate. There's enough of that going on in the world right now. On the other hand, last week's events, coupled with a plethora of "memories" of former conventions that showed up in my various social media feeds in the same time frame, left me thinking a lot about the topic of Author Convention/Book Signing/Reader Events in general.

So here's a list of random reflections on the subject. 

1. There are several things authors want from conventions. They want to meet readers who already love their work as well as the readers who will discover them and go on to become super fans. They want to hang out with their author buddies talking books and drinking wine FOR HOURS. They want to network, attend seminars and learn about new opportunities. They want to be wined and dined by their publisher, their editor, their agent--preferably all three.  Alternately, they want to be wooed by publishers, editors, agents, etc. They would really like to sell some books. And they also want to be able to sneak away (when the peopling becomes too much) in order to write in peace.

2. No matter where the event is held, the venue will fail to provide enough staff, especially in the first few days. They will specifically underestimate how much staff will be needed in the restaurants and bars. They will not comprehend how extremely verbose and sedentary authors are. We will spend hours gathering in bars and restaurants talking books and drinking wine. Yes, hours. Yes, every day. 

I mean, think about it. We routinely spend all day, every day conversing with imaginary people. The biggest difference with conventions is that we're only responsible for a fraction of the conversations we take part in, rather than doing all the talking, all on our own. 

If you are the event producer, you will likely have warned the venue that this will be the case. If this is not your first time producing this type of event, you will understand that there is nothing you can say to convince them of this. 

3. If you're the type of author for whom thousands of readers will be willing to plunk down good money for the chance to stand on line for hours in order to get a minute of your time, you probably shouldn't attempt to sign books at a large event. Show up. Chat with your friends. Allow your publisher/editor/agent/etc to pamper you.  Maybe take part in a small, ticketed event where you meet with readers. 

If you attempt to sign in the same place, at the same time as everyone else no one will be happy. Readers will spend hours on line in hopes of getting your signature on books they've brought with them from home.  You won't make new sales. They won't get to buy new books or discover new authors and possibly they won't even get your signature. The event promoters will call you a diva no matter how you behave. The other authors will hate you. 

Oh, yes we will. Especially if your line of readers stretches for hours in front of our table making it impossible for anyone to see us or talk to us or buy our books. You're wasting our time. You're forcing us to spend hours smiling at people who have absolutely no interest in us or our books. Hours that we could have spent in the bar talking shop, plotting new series, drinking more wine...etc.

4. Invariably, there will be problems. Things will get lost, stolen, broken, misplaced. Things will be said. Many of those things will be misinterpreted. In large part this will be because all the introverts will have hit the wall, become depleted of energy and will start to spiral.  And all the extroverts will be drunk, at this point, on the energy that they've siphoned off the introverts (sorry, not sorry) and begin to act out.  And almost as invariably, the event producers will attempt to assign blame to someone else. To anyone else, really. Authors. Readers. Volunteers. The venue. 

My personal belief is that the event producers need to shoulder the majority of the blame because all these same things happen at every single event. They should be expected. 


Anyway, that's about it. I don't know if or where or when I'll ever attend another big author event. This makes me sad because--problems aside--it was always so much fun and I miss it horribly. 

Monday, April 22, 2024

HERE BE NEWS for Monday April 22, 2024



 Monday April 22, 2024 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

From Linda Mooney:  While cleaning out my office, I came across a few paperback print copies of some of my earlier titles left over from when I was with several other publishers.


Each month I'll be posting one of them FOR SALE for only $10, and that includes postage. Plus I'll autograph them!


Quantities are limited!


April’s Title:


Sensuous Contemporary Fantasy Romance

Word Count:  121.5K





Buy Here:


Miranda Sayers's best friend is her wheelchair.  It has been her refuge for most of her twenty-six years.  But the time has come when her grandmother can no longer help take care of her.  Now Randi is faced with having to survive on her own, and unfortunately that future doesn't look promising.


Collin First's job on Earth is to find the Ducts between his world and this one.  As an Extinguisher, he has to eliminate those passageways before any of the dangerous creatures from Sandeflay can pass through and harm any humans.  The last thing he expected when he took the assignment was to find was the beautiful, crippled woman living one floor below his apartment.


Before either of them can contend with the impossibility of their relationship, Randi and Collin are thrown together, seeking each other's love and help.  And when circumstances force Randi to follow Collin to Sandeflay, danger and the greatest miracle of all awaits them both.


Warning:  Contains nearly invisible predators, extreme poverty, generations of love and loss, bucking the system, hot flashes, and an ending you only thought you saw coming!

Releasing May 8, 2024

The Lyon's Gambit: 

The Lyon's Den Connected World

In a world bound by rules, love becomes the ultimate gambit.

In the glittering world of London, where society dictates everything, Nathaniel, Marquess of St. John, learned the hard way that playing by those rules doesn't always guarantee a happy ending. Jilted by a woman chosen for him by his father, Nathaniel swore off marriage and embraced the life of a steadfast bachelor.

Louise Hartfield is a talented seamstress with a disdain for the 
ton's rigid expectations. Trapped by her mother's antiquated insistence that as the elder daughter she must wed before her younger sister, Louise scoffs at the idea of conforming to such a preposterous rule.

When Nathaniel and his friends bet on whether love can transcend class, they turn to Mrs. Dove-Lyon, whose Lyon’s Den hosts their daring experiment. As Nathaniel and Louise navigate society’s expectations, they find themselves drawn together in a quest for true love.

Will they defy tradition or succumb to its demands? In this high-stakes gamble for love, who will emerge victorious?

Read free in Kindle Unlimited!

Pre-order here:

If you think it's too soon to get on Santa's naughty list...think again. 
It's time for Volume 3!

Cancel your plans and spend this holiday season with 35+ romance authors who have teamed up to bring you a delicious holiday treat.

This holiday collection will have it all: fake relationships, second chances, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, workplace romance, age gap, CEO’s, bikers, and falling for the best friend’s brother.

Each of the authors will have an unforgettable, steamy story. So come on over, grab a blanket, and get started on finding your next favorite author today.

Let’s Get Naughty is the perfect anthology for you to binge this holiday season.


thought you saw coming!


Monday, April 15, 2024

HERE BE NEWS for Monday April 15, 2024



 Monday April 15, 2024 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

New from Linda Mooney! 


 Sci-Fi Romance 
Linda Mooney 
Word Count: 67K 
$3.99 e / $10.99 p 

Running from an attack by the Alliance and looking for cover, a derelict ship unexpectedly comes into view. JeVit of the Pure takes the opportunity to hide behind it, not expecting to find an open bay door inviting them in. Too late she realizes she should have rejected that invitation. 

Centurion Zeke Rossi and his team are in pursuit of an enemy ship when it just…disappears. Spotting an alien vessel they don’t recognize, the Terrans temporarily give up the chase to investigate, and Zeke is tapped to board the ship first to look around. Immediately, his gut tells him something is wrong. It’s not until he enters the spacecraft that his feeling is validated, but he has no idea the worst is yet to come. 
The ship seems to be truly deserted, but the two couldn’t be more wrong. When their paths cross, JeVit realizes that although Zeke is injured, their best chance of surviving is to call a truce and join forces. However, trust between enemies proves difficult. 

When escape becomes possible, JeVit chooses the path most likely to save Zeke’s life, and hopefully not end hers on sight. But when Zeke awakens, his memories are nothing but flashes, other than the gray-eyed, blue-headed beauty he keeps envisioning. What happened to him? What happened to her? And how does she fit into the puzzle of his piecemeal memory? 

Raised to be sworn enemies, the two can’t resist the pull to be together, despite what it means for their future. They’re willing to risk it all, but can they convince the Terrans and the Hafu to unite against a common enemy? 

Warning! Contains beef jerky, lessons in swearing, absolute darkness, Vah plus six, trust issues, and one man making the ultimate sacrifice to return to the woman he's come to love when he knows he has nothing left to lose. 

Excerpt and Buy Links:

Saturday, April 13, 2024

New! DERELICT, a Sci-Fi Romance by Linda Mooney


Sci-Fi Romance
by Linda Mooney

Word Count: 67K
$3.99 e / $10.99 p

Running from an attack by the Alliance and looking for cover, a derelict ship unexpectedly comes into view. JeVit of the Pure takes the opportunity to hide behind it, not expecting to find an open bay door inviting them in. Too late she realizes she should have rejected that invitation.

 Centurion Zeke Rossi and his team are in pursuit of an enemy ship when it just…disappears. Spotting an alien vessel they don’t recognize, the Terrans temporarily give up the chase to investigate, and Zeke is tapped to board the ship first to look around. Immediately, his gut tells him something is wrong. It’s not until he enters the spacecraft that his feeling is validated, but he has no idea the worst is yet to come. 

 The ship seems to be truly deserted, but the two couldn’t be more wrong. When their paths cross, JeVit realizes that although Zeke is injured, their best chance of surviving is to call a truce and join forces. However, trust between enemies proves difficult.

 When escape becomes possible, JeVit chooses the path most likely to save Zeke’s life, and hopefully not end hers on sight. But when Zeke awakens, his memories are nothing but flashes, other than the gray-eyed, blue-headed beauty he keeps envisioning. What happened to him? What happened to her? And how does she fit into the puzzle of his piecemeal memory?

 Raised to be sworn enemies, the two can’t resist the pull to be together, despite what it means for their future. They’re willing to risk it all, but can they convince the Terrans and the Hafu to unite against a common enemy?

 Warning! Contains beef jerky, lessons in swearing, absolute darkness, Vah plus six, trust issues, and one man making the ultimate sacrifice to return to the woman he's come to love when he knows he has nothing left to lose.

 Excerpt and Buy Links: 

Monday, April 1, 2024

HERE BE NEWS for Monday April 1, 2024



 Monday April 1, 2024 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Tuesday March 26, 2024: Linda Mooney treats us to a peek at Dark Hours (a fantasy romance)

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

DARK HOURS, a Fantasy Romance by Linda Mooney - Chapter 3


Chapter 3 


Soon after the deaths of the king and the royal family, black clouds of evil began to drift over Noranye. A week passed, then another. Then, one night, not long after Compline, Father Eustice had knocked softly on his door with a message. It seemed the centurion and a lady were waiting to see the priest. Padding barefoot into the rectory, Matthias met the couple who asked that he marry them. Right there. Right at that moment.

“Why the urgency?” Matthias had asked. A lady as well-familied as Emers should have an ample dowry. A Centurion of the Guard like Kayge should have an honor guard. Theirs should be a wedding the village would talk about for months to come. “Why not post your banns, and let the villagers and your family help celebrate this joyous occasion?”

Emers’s face was pinched with worry. “Madeline, my lady in waiting, has brought me distressing news, Father. We are left with no option but to leave Noranye as soon as possible. It has to be tonight.”

Kayge stepped forward. “When my lady passed along her information, I sought confirmation for myself. What news she was given is true. God protect us all.”

Matthias crossed himself automatically. “What kind of news could be so devastating as to drive you away from the castle?” he demanded.

Emers pressed her lips together, hesitating. It was as if her fears were greater than her faith in the church.

If I had only known . . .

“I was sent a warning that the witch Gola is after Emers,” Kayge spoke out.


“She’s out to punish me for her treatment while she was held prisoner,” Kayge continued. “It’s said she believes she can get to me through Emers.”

Matthias shook his head, not certain if he’d heard right. “You know this for certain?”

Kayge nodded. “BenĂ¡l, my lieutenant, will support the claim. He approached me this evening to warn us that Emers would be removed from her home in less than a fortnight.”

“How can that be? Gola has no control over the guards.”

“She doesn’t need to,” Kayge countered. “Word is she’s woven her dark magic over some of the weaker men. They do her bidding without conscience.”

“Have you spoken to your cousin?” the priest asked the woman. “Have you warned him? Have you asked for his help?”

“And what would you have me tell him?” she half-whispered, half-cried. “He fears the witch as much as anyone. Besides, he is my legal guardian. He has absolute say over my future…until I take a husband.”

“Maybe...maybe your lady in waiting misunderstood. Maybe the lieutenant was fed erroneous information.” Matthias shook his head. It was all happening too fast for him to think straight. “For what purpose would she target you for vengeance?” he directly asked Kayge. “You did as you were ordered to do by the king. The king is dead.”

“For what purpose?” Kayge snapped. “She cannot control me. Hence, I am a threat to her. So she seeks a way to make me bow in obeisance to her.”

In the dim candlelight his dull gray suit of armor seemed as black and as impenetrable as the night sky. He took a small step forward, as if to take the priest by the throat, when a slender hand grabbed him by the arm and stopped him. Emers turned back to the priest.

“Father, Kayge and I had planned on taking our vows next spring. But with this news it appears we have no other choice but to flee Noranye and seek sanctuary elsewhere.”

“Where would you go, my child?”

“Anywhere. My sword would be welcome in any kingdom,” the soldier answered for her. “I can provide for her. I can make her happy. And she would be safe from the witch.”

As if anyone could be safe from the witch.

“And your families. What about them? Would you have them worry about your absence? Would you leave them to face the witch’s anger?” Matthias tried to argue.

Kayge stiffened. “The witch will not challenge my family. Our lineage goes back to the Pope himself. Seeking to punish me is one thing. But should she try to bring harm down upon my bloodline, she will bring a worse retribution down upon herself, the likes of which she could never imagine. Much less be prepared for.”

Matthias could not deny his reasoning.

“Kayge has made arrangements for our travels,” Emers noted. “But before we go, we want you to marry us. Please, Father. The road before us is dangerous. The journey we are about to take will be a long one. Sanctuary may be farther away than we anticipate.”

“For Emers’s sake, I don’t want her to be compromised. Nor do I wish her name to be sullied because of our indiscretions,” Kayge added in his low, gravelly voice. He gave her a quick look, one which was intended to ease her fears. Somehow Emers managed to answer with a small smile.

The hour was too late to argue further. Besides, Matthias could not dismiss their concern. The witch had become a very, very dangerous entity, and there was no telling to what lengths she would go to when crossed. If the couple felt their best option was to flee Noranye, the priest would be able to serve them best by granting their request.

A short time later, before the altar of Christ, amid the soft glow of candles, Matthias married the lovers while Fathers Eustice and Tiberium witnessed. For his own piece of mind, he blessed them twice before bidding them safe journey.

As the couple rode away from the church, away from Noranye, a heavy mantle of guilt slowly descended over his head and shoulders, and a small voice whispered in his ear.

You betrayed them. It was you. You told the witch about them.

“Father, how can I ever atone for my sin?”

Just as he was still adjusting to the turn of events which had happened less than an hour before, Matthias was thrown into deeper turmoil by the arrival of the guards at the rectory. The men bore looks on their faces that Matthias had never seen. They moved like soulless creatures, as if someone else was manipulating them from afar.

“Where did they go?” the one in charge demanded darkly.

“I-I don’t know. Away from Noranye is all I know.”

“And he is with her, isn’t he?”

Rather than try to delay the inevitable by acting confused, Matthias found the courage to be truthful. “Yes.”

“Why did they come here? Why this hour of the night?”

Matthias shuddered and continued to pray for strength. “They came to warn me,” he said.

“Warn you? About what?”

“About the witch.”

“The witch?” The knowledge bent the corners of the soldier’s mouth into a sickly smile. “For what purpose? Again, I ask, why would they warn you?”

“Because I am their friend and confessor. Emers felt I needed to know...for my own protection, I guess.”

Incredibly, the soldier let out a screech of laughter. The ground beneath his feet began to whirl like a small windstorm, gradually growing stronger, larger, and more forceful, until it enveloped the soldier from head to toe.

And then it was gone. Vanished. Leaving a familiar figure where the soldier had been.

Matthias stared in shock at the witch. He had heard of her ability to take on other forms. Although he had never seen her perform such a trick with his own eyes, he hadn’t disbelieved those claims. Still, witnessing it for himself filled him with disgust and fear.

The witch paced the floor, digesting the confession, testing to see if held honesty or treachery. A hideous blackness seemed to dog the hems of her garments with an evil shadow.

“How long? How long ago did they leave?”

“An hour, no more.” The words were like bile spilling from his lips. The priest nearly gagged.

Shoving her face into his, the witch stared at the cowering man with dead eyes. “If you think you can trick me, you had better reconsider your options,” she threatened.

“I have no other options,” Matthias admitted, realizing the implications. “I have no life other than the church.”

I no longer have a life in the church.

“Nevertheless, you have betrayed me. For that you will be punished.”

It took monumental effort for Matthias not to tell the woman that he’d married the couple before they’d left. He prayed she would not find out.

“Do with me as you will,” he responded. “I don’t serve you, and never will. I serve the Lord.” The words came automatically, as if he’d spoken them countless times before.

“Nevertheless…” The witch paused to whisper something in one of her guard’s ear. The soldier nodded and left the room. “Which way did you say they went?”

“North. They were headed north when they left here. That is all I can tell you.”

Gola jumped on the wordage. “That is all you can tell me? Or all you will tell me?”

“I have answered your questions truthfully.”

The witch studied him. “And it was just the two of them? No one else?”

“No one else,” Matthias confirmed.

“Very well. Listen to my judgment. You will be taken to the castle and cast into the dungeon. There you will be given plenty of time to contemplate your guilt and deception. Do you hear me?”


“If Kayge, Emers, or anyone else should try to contact you, you will notify me immediately. Immediately. Am I clear?”


Gathering her robes about her, the witch headed for the door. Her actions sparked further fear in the priest’s heart.

“Where are you going?”

“After them, you fool. They need to be taught a lesson.”

Dread seeped into the very marrow of his bones as Matthias watched the woman mount the horse brought to her by the guard she’d dismissed earlier. She left on her own, without the small cadre of armed men who’d accompanied her earlier.

The priest stood at the doorway until he could no longer hear the sound of her steed’s hooves pounding through the darkness. Only when she was gone from sight did the soldiers place him in chains and escort him back to the castle.

That had been three days ago. Three days. In three days, Jesus had died and been resurrected. But for a lowly man such as Matthias, it was three days of self-sacrifice and self-abasement wherein he could not find peace or restitution from his guilt.

The hour of Lauds came and went. As the night grew darker and colder, the old man remained stretched out on the stone floor before the makeshift altar.

Perhaps one day God would take pity on him and give him absolution. Perhaps, but Matthias seriously doubted it.

“Heavenly Father, hear my prayer.”