Tuesday, June 25, 2024

DARK HOURS, a Fantasy Romance by Linda Mooney - Chapter 6

Posted by: Linda Mooney


Chapter 6

Kayge continued to stare at the distant horizon in the direction where the dragon had flown. The creature was no longer visible, but it didn’t matter. He knew where it had gone. More importantly, he knew why it had gone there. And to whom.

“That witch has power over it,” he muttered. “That explains everything. Damn her. Damn you, Gola! The beast is doing your bidding! That is why it was here! That is why it swallowed me, then Emers! It is your voice I hear! You sent it to torment me by taking my bride!”

As if she’d heard him, her words returned to haunt him.

Follow me if you want to see your beloved again!

Follow me if you dare!

He took a step backwards and almost stumbled. Hot agony zipped up his right leg, causing him to cry out from the pain. Intense and momentary blinding, the leg buckled under him and he fell to the ground. Somehow he’d injured it although he had no memory of the incident. Neither could he recall if the wound was the result of a battle he’d fought.

Gasping for breath, he clutched his hip and thigh as he waited for the fire to subside. He wasn’t yet recovered from being inside the dragon’s gullet. Or from being vomited up, naked and defenseless against the freezing weather. If his emergence under such circumstances and in a strange location wasn’t confusing enough, this campground was just as odd. A saddlebag he knew wasn’t his or Emers’ lay across a nearby rock, yet there were no horses in the immediate vicinity. A water skin sat near the fire’s circle of protective rocks. From the prints in the dirt, it looked as though the fire had been tended to all night, leaving him to suspect Emers was responsible.

“How long was she here? How did she get here?” He checked around him. “I do not recall this place or coming here.”

It was then he saw the smears of dried blood leading away from the encampment. Unconsciously he crossed himself. “Oh, dearest God…”

He struggled to get back up on his feet. Moving slowly, he followed the trail over to a nearby thicket to find the body almost completely hidden from view. Ants had already laid claim to it, but it was clear the man had met his demise from a wild animal. Most likely the dragon. Noticing the man was barefoot, Kayge assumed the boots he’d found once belonged to the deceased.

Years of training took over, enabling him to assume the same calmness that served him well in battle. Self-preservation became his first concern. For without the first, he couldn’t focus on his second and most urgent concern.


Sunlight glinted off something to the side. Limping over to that area, to his relief he found his sword lying in the dead grasses. Its blade glistened, clear of gore or scratches. Neither did it appear to have been used to chop wood or abused in another way that would blunt its keen edge.

Kayge licked his dry lips. He had to go after the creature, after the dragon. But this terrain, this place, was completely unknown to him. Nothing seemed familiar. There were no landmarks to jog his memory, which still seemed to be trapped inside a thick veil of fog.

Reaching inside the waistband of his breeches, he found the small pocket sewn there. His fingers felt the bump, and he let out a sigh of relief. He couldn’t remember why he’d removed it from around his neck to secure it inside the pouch in the first place, but he was glad he had. It was a gift from Emers in preparation for their wedding. If he hadn’t taken it off, he feared he might have lost it forever once the dragon consumed him.

Digging out the small cross, which was attached to a thin chain of silver, he placed it back around his neck. A silent, earnest prayer and an Our Father helped his spirits, but did little to allay his growing trepidation.

A crackling sound came from just ahead. He froze in place and strained to hear what might come next. Slowly, soundlessly, Kayge drew his sword from its sheath and scanned the trees for the sight of a pair of dark wings or the fiery red eyes.

Or, if his prayers were answered…

Emers. The word formed on his lips but was unspoken. It was a fervent wish, a hope.

The crackling sound came again, fainter and farther off. Moving away from the area. Kayge slowly followed after it, taking care to remain as quiet as possible until he reached a small clearing.

A yearling was feeding on the last of the fall foliage. By the looks of it the animal was half-starved, and Kayge was certain it wouldn’t live through the harsh winter. Using his sword as a spear, he dispatched the animal, and after gutting it, hefted the carcass across his shoulders to trudge back to the campsite.

Curiously, Kayge didn’t feel any hunger pangs, although he couldn’t recall the last time he’d eaten. But he had a hazy memory of a tavern in the woods, an inn, and something shiny descending down on the table…

A quick shake of the head did little to disseminate the ghost-like images. They would float in and out of his subconscious without welcome or denial.

A wave of dizziness suddenly overtook him. His stomach protested, and he almost felt himself start to heave against the rush of uneasiness. Kayge dropped to his knees in a patch of sodden leaves and bent over, clasping his stomach. His head was ringing, clamoring like a church bell gone wild. It gradually grew louder, forcing him to press his palms to his ears in an effort to muffle the noise.

“Stop it!” he growled. “Stop it!

His stomach clenched, throwing him into paralysis, but nothing came up. Kayge coughed, then gasped. A thin thread of saliva fell from his mouth. His belly tried again, without success, as his mind became a cavern of empty images.

He had no way of knowing how long he remained there. Eventually the symptoms abated, enough to where he could get back to his feet. Grabbing the yearling by its front legs, he dragged it back to the fire.

He was prepared to use his sword to carve the animal into chunks and throw a haunch onto the glowing coals when he noticed bloodstains on a nearby rock. A knife, his knife, lay on the ground where it had fallen, almost hidden from view. Which was why he hadn’t spotted it before now.

Kayge stared at the scene—the rock, the knife, the dried blood. Hazy memories gradually floated into his mind’s eye. Something about a squirrel…

            As if a bucket of cold water was suddenly dumped over his head, it flooded his senses, and  he remembered. Remembered how this had come to pass. Remembered it all. And the worst part, he remembered the pain. The feeling of absolute helplessness. The suffocation. The never-ending darkness. The bone-numbing terror. And Emers’ deafening screams. Screams that mixed with those of the horses.

            Kayge felt his legs go out from under him as he collapsed next to the firepit. Unable to move and barely able to breathe, he watched it play over again in his head as the nightmare returned to life. Reminding him of the witch’s sick and twisted power, and how deeply her need for revenge was fueled by her anger.

The visions left him shattered, weak, and weeping.



Linda's Website

Monday, June 24, 2024

HERE BE NEWS for Monday June 24, 2024

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday June 24, 2024 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

A Taste of Honey
Oberon 4.0
PG Forte

For Lucy Greco Cavanaugh, life is a dream come true.  She has it all. The perfect family. The perfect husband. The perfect marriage. What more could she wish for?  Other than the chance to do it all again. To experience once more the agony and ecstasy of falling in love with the man of her dreams. To recapture the joy and uncertainty that comes with starting over.

As far as Dan Cavanaugh is concerned, his life has become a nightmare. His storybook marriage is on the line when Deirdre Shelton-Cooper, the runaway daughter of a former girlfriend arrives in Oberon intent on proving Dan is her father. Even though he's convinced the girl's claims are false, Dan decides his only chance to keep from losing everything lies in keeping her very existence a secret from his wife and family.


But, sometimes, what you don't know can hurt you--and those you love. When Deirdre, masquerading as a surfer girl named Monica, accidentally hooks up with their son, Seth, Lucy and Dan are left to wonder: has their perfect, fairy-tale romance, turned into a classic Greek tragedy?


Sometimes you get exactly what you wish for.  And it's more than you'd ever dreamed.


You can download a free prequel novella here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/5xxljdbblb

Such Fleeting Pleasures

An Oberon Prequel Novella  


Love wasn't always strawberries and cream for Lucy and Dan Cavanaugh...or was it? In this Oberon prequel, we travel back in time to see how it all began. 

Most of the material in this prequel novella (set some eighteen years before the series begins) also appears as flashback scenes in A Taste of Honey.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

New Release: A Taste of Honey PG Forte

Posted by: PG Forte
Well, I have a surprise release to announce. A Taste of Honey hit the stores earlier than expected. This is the annotated version and, after re-reading it over the last couple of weeks, I have to say this it still remains one of my favorite books.
When Chapter One opens, Lucy has this to say about her life:
"while everyone around her seemed suddenly immersed in fresh new lives and new loves, she’d had to content herself with more of the same old, same old. Not that there was any part of her life that she wanted to change, she reminded herself sternly. She took a moment to rap her knuckles against the side of one of the wooden half barrels that served as planters on the terrace of the tea shop where she and her two best friends were having breakfast. The same old everything she had was pretty damn great.
She had two wonderful kids, satisfying work, a comfortable house, and she’d been happily married to the love of her life for the past sixteen and a half years."

It was so much fun writing about a couple who'd been together for nearly two decades. A couple who knew each other, loved each other, and accepted each other--flaws and all. And then turn it around, give them a really big problem to wrestle with (a couple of problems, actually) and then force them to struggle and grow and find their way back to each other.

They were and are so real to me. I swear they used to visit me in my dreams when I was working on the book before theirs and question me about when I'd get to their story. I remember being so concerned that I wouldn't be able to do them justice, but in the end, I think I acquitted myself pretty well.

A Taste of Honey
Oberon 4.0

For Lucy Greco Cavanaugh, life is a dream come true.  She has it all. The perfect family. The perfect husband. The perfect marriage. What more could she wish for?  Other than the chance to do it all again. To experience once more the agony and ecstasy of falling in love with the man of her dreams. To recapture the joy and uncertainty that comes with starting over.

As far as Dan Cavanaugh is concerned, his life has become a nightmare. His storybook marriage is on the line when Deirdre Shelton-Cooper, the runaway daughter of a former girlfriend arrives in Oberon intent on proving Dan is her father. Even though he's convinced the girl's claims are false, Dan decides his only chance to keep from losing everything lies in keeping her very existence a secret from his wife and family.


But, sometimes, what you don't know can hurt you--and those you love. When Deirdre, masquerading as a surfer girl named Monica, accidentally hooks up with their son, Seth, Lucy and Dan are left to wonder: has their perfect, fairy-tale romance, turned into a classic Greek tragedy?


Sometimes you get exactly what you wish for.  And it's more than you'd ever dreamed.


You can download a free prequel novella here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/5xxljdbblb

Such Fleeting Pleasures

An Oberon Prequel Novella  


Love wasn't always strawberries and cream for Lucy and Dan Cavanaugh...or was it? In this Oberon prequel, we travel back in time to see how it all began. 

Most of the material in this prequel novella (set some eighteen years before the series begins) also appears as flashback scenes in A Taste of Honey.

Monday, June 17, 2024

HERE BE NEWS for Monday June 17, 2024

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday June 17, 2024 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

A House by Any Other Name
Jenny Schwartz

 Reality is a complicated multiverse of many species and rare magic. Diplomats are the official envoys and investigators who hold the Union of Worlds together. 

Raisa never intended to be a diplomat. Like so many things in her life, it was her stepmother’s idea. 

Hector is an elf in disgrace. He chose his cyborged brother over his lying, abusive family. Elves revile augmented people. They leave such despicable technology to their ancient enemies, the goblins. 

When a diplomatic mission strands the two elves on a goblin world they find themselves the target of a legendary killer. If they die, so will the emergent species they were sent to save. 

*** “A House by Any Other Name” is a stand alone novel in the “Hidden Sanctuary” series. It includes characters from the “Uncertain Sanctuary” trilogy. No previous knowledge of Reality is necessary to enjoy the adventure.

Monday, June 10, 2024

HERE BE NEWS for Monday June 10, 2024

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday June 10, 2024 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Thursday June 6, 2024: Nicole Luiken introduces us to her Top Five June Releases


Dark Paranormal Romance
By Linda Mooney
Word Count: 56.3K
$3.99 e / $10.99 p

Wanting to wind down after a week-long seminar, U.S. Federal Marshal Stokker Teague finds himself in a hotel bar with plans to celebrate with a few drinks. Seeing a cute female sitting alone a few tables away, he’s interested and decides to make his move to see if she’ll bite. He’s got some time to kill before his flight home in a couple of days, so why not?

 Diane takes the bait, but their one-night stand ends up being so much more than either of them expected. Diane knows she’s getting sidetracked from her job but this time it can wait. She deserves some fun, even though she’s sure it won’t last.

 When time starts ticking on a job, Diane must strike when the opportunity presents itself. She takes her shot and runs. It breaks her heart to leave Stokker, but she convinces herself it couldn’t last. Her job would always keep them apart—except it seems fate has other plans. They keep running into each other no matter how much she wants to stay away and keep Stokker from finding out the truth.

 When Stokker discovers who Diane really is and what she is, he’s torn between his job and his heart. Does he turn her over to the police for murder, or should he allow her to keep delivering her brand of vigilante justice?

 Warning! Contains bullet flushing, a Dastardly Good Donut Shop, faulty (?) surveillance cameras, wearing socks in bed, a girl named Carla, a look that can kill, and two people learning to cope with the uniqueness of their love affair.

 Excerpt and Buy Links: https://lindamooney.com/Bulletproof.htm 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Top Five June Releases

Posted by: Nicole Luiken

 Not sure how it got to be June already, but here we are. Here are my top five new releases that I'm eagerly anticipating this month.

5/ The Fall of Waterstone by Lilith Saintcrow, book two in the Black Land's Bane trilogy. Think Tolkien-style elves plus Viking werewolves and, gasp, female characters.

4/ Some Murders in Berlin by Karen Robards. After years of writing very good romantic suspense, Robards has switched it to historical thrillers, though there's usually still a romantic subplot.

3/ A Ruse of Shadows by Sherry Thomas - Latest in the Lady Sherlock historical mystery series featuring the neuro-divergent Charlotte Holmes.

2/ Winter Lost by Patricia Briggs - Latest in the Mercy Thompson urban fantasy series. I love Mercy and the gang and can't wait to dive in.

1/ Hell for Hire by Rachel Aaron - Start of a new series by one of my favourite authors.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

New! BULLETPROOF, a Dark Paranormal Romance by Linda Mooney

Posted by: Linda Mooney


Dark Paranormal Romance
By Linda Mooney
Word Count: 56.3K
$3.99 e / $10.99 p

Wanting to wind down after a week-long seminar, U.S. Federal Marshal Stokker Teague finds himself in a hotel bar with plans to celebrate with a few drinks. Seeing a cute female sitting alone a few tables away, he’s interested and decides to make his move to see if she’ll bite. He’s got some time to kill before his flight home in a couple of days, so why not?

 Diane takes the bait, but their one-night stand ends up being so much more than either of them expected. Diane knows she’s getting sidetracked from her job but this time it can wait. She deserves some fun, even though she’s sure it won’t last.

 When time starts ticking on a job, Diane must strike when the opportunity presents itself. She takes her shot and runs. It breaks her heart to leave Stokker, but she convinces herself it couldn’t last. Her job would always keep them apart—except it seems fate has other plans. They keep running into each other no matter how much she wants to stay away and keep Stokker from finding out the truth.

 When Stokker discovers who Diane really is and what she is, he’s torn between his job and his heart. Does he turn her over to the police for murder, or should he allow her to keep delivering her brand of vigilante justice?

 Warning! Contains bullet flushing, a Dastardly Good Donut Shop, faulty (?) surveillance cameras, wearing socks in bed, a girl named Carla, a look that can kill, and two people learning to cope with the uniqueness of their love affair.

 Excerpt and Buy Links: https://lindamooney.com/Bulletproof.htm 

Monday, June 3, 2024

HERE BE NEWS for Monday June 3, 2024

Posted by: PG Forte



 Monday June 3, 2024 

Welcome to HERE BE NEWS, where each monday we bring you all the latest from the fantasy romance authors at Here Be Magic:

Tuesday May 28, 2024: Read Chapter Five of Linda Mooney's gripping fantasy romance, Dark Hours here:http://herebemagic.blogspot.com/2024/05/dark-hours-fantasy-romance-by-linda.html
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