The other day a reader sent me an email. She'd just read 1000 of You, and she had to praise my book cover. "Please tell your cover artist that she nailed it!" she exclaimed. "The way Gova and Muam look in the book is exactly the way they look on the cover. Right down to the earrings and the gold powder on his arms."
I thanked her, but I didn't have the heart to let her know that I did what I'm going to assume other writers do. At least, this writer does. And that is when I get a cover to go with a particular book, I take little details from the photo and incorporate them into the story. Whenever I read a book, I often refer back to the cover sometimes just to refresh myself with the image of the hero or heroine. I don't know if other readers do that, but it's something I do.

Another example of incorporating images on a cover into the story is this wonderful artwork created by my cover artist. Of course, I told her what basic elements I wanted, but I didn't specify what the girl should be wearing, etc. So items like her black outfit, the poker and light stick in her hands, the baseball bat, and the fact that her backpack has only one strap -- those details were specifically mentioned in the manuscript. To me, it adds a touch of realism to this time-travel, sci-fi romance. (Also note the three spaceships!)
This is one reason why authors are very picky about who and what are on their book covers. Sometimes they're more than just eye candy. They can also be great story prompts!
The trilogy
is complete!
The Miracle
Trilogy, Book 3
Supernatural, Contemporary Fantasy Romance
By Linda
Word Count:
$2.99 e /
$9.99 p
My name is
Casi Clarity and I draw demons to me like flies to honey. They want me dead.
Again. If only to see if I am resurrected a second time, and how. All I want to
know is why me?
The road to
Texas has been a hard one. I’ve seen some ghosts from my past that I thought
were long gone, but learning secrets that were kept from me could explain why I
was chosen.
I know it’s
already been written. Coheed knows, Gilly knows, but apparently I have to
figure it out on my own.
According to
Coheed, though, what’s not written is exactly where, when, or who will triumph,
but I know everything happens for a reason. I was resurrected for a reason.
Coheed was sent to me for a reason. I just have to trust in God’s plan, and I
do. I also know that if I die this time, I probably won’t be allowed another
It’s time for
the final showdown. I don’t know if I will survive, or if any of us will. But
it’s God’s will, and we must fight regardless of the outcome.
My name is
The undead
call me their angel mouse.
Coheed calls
me Earth’s last miracle.
Contains semi-trailer trucks, a gold medallion, sleet, discovery of a
long-preserved secret, ice cream, answered questions, and a final farewell that
evolves into a happy forever after for all eternity.