
Thursday, July 26, 2018

The Seven Readly Sins

Yes, it's a lame pun title, but I couldn't resist. Check out the Seven Readly Sins below.

You've let down your fellow readaholics...

When you, you wicked person, prioritize cleaning the house over reading your new book. Dust bunnies can look after themselves. They can even multiply by themselves. Read the book! (SLOTH)

When you buy into the yuppie mantra that GREED is good. Greed is not good! Money should be spent, and spent freely, on BOOKS! Ahem. No, hoarding books is not greedy. I swear. I write this in my book cave, walls lined with books.

When you waste hours on cooking. Do not do this! Order in. Answer the door in your pajamas with your book in one hand. Be comfy. Always have chocolate in the house. Chocolate consumed while reading is calorie-free. (GLUTTONY)

When you let an advance review copy of a much-anticipated new release get between you and a reader friend who scored a copy. I understand. Review copies are the essence of enviable. But still, reader friendships can withstand the soul-crushing ENVY of someone else getting to read the book you crave, first. I promise.

When you LUST over a guy or gal in the movies and on television. For true lust-worthiness, you can't beat a book hero/heroine. Have you noticed how the heroes in book-to-movie translations are never quite as good?

When you throw a tantrum over anything less than a book unexpectedly ending in a cliffhanger. All right, some WRATH is also allowed for annoying typos or delays in a book's release schedule or if the author kills off a lead character - don't do that, authors!

What reading "sins" have I forgotten?

And have you seen my new book? Missing Space Deputy would be a sin! Exiled and loving it; Deputy Thelma Bach is out for revenge. Great fun! Great reviews! Link:

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