
Friday, February 2, 2018

Friday Reads

I love the hashtag #FridayReads on Twitter. I try to share what I’m reading, and my love of reading every Friday. I wish more people would participate (with what they’re actually reading NOT spam for their own book.)
Sometimes I think I should just start doing a hashtag for every day of the week. If I had the last week would have looked like this:
#Sundayreads was THE PURLOINED POODLE by Kevin Hearne. Atticus’s hound, Oberon, has long been my favorite part of his excellent Urban Fantasy Iron Druid series, so I was happy to one-click this humorous novella from Oberon’s point-of-view.
#Mondayreads was QUEEN TAKES QUEEN by Joely Sue Burkhart (who also blogs for HBM) The third book in the series just released on Monday, and I had to read it right away! It's a reverse harem vampire series with lots of blood, intrigue and sex. The first book was Queen Takes Knights and is at close to 500 ratings on Goodreads already. If you liked Laurell K. Hamilton’s Merry Gentry series, try this one.
#Tuesdayreads and #Wednesdayreads were both THE DAYLIGHT WAR. I am a latecomer to this epic fantasy series. The author Peter V. Brett is going to be guest of honor at the When Words Collide convention this summer, so I decided to give book one the Warded Man a try back in December and am now hooked. I plan to buy book four tomorrow.
#Thursdayreads was INDIGO SPRINGS by A.M. Dellamonica a very cool contemporary fantasy in which blue magic has “contaminated” our world. I have never met the author, but she is a fellow Canadian whose other series Hidden Sea Tales has been nominated for two Auroras (and won once!)
I haven’t quite decided yet what my #Fridayreads will be.
My current TBR list is at seven books. Here they are in order of when they were added.
1/ Into the Dim by Janet Taylor. Blurb sounds cool, YA fantasy, but the author is unknown to me which is always a little nerve-wracking. Will I love it? Like it? Find it meh?
2/ The Fold by Peter Climes. Another unknown author with a cool SF premise. I read the first chapter. It started a little slow, but had a wonderful hook at the end.
3/ The Sea Peoples by S.M. Stirling. Next book in a long-running  series that I’ve been enjoying. The hero was in peril when we last left off.
4/ ID by Madeline Ashby. Another Canadian author (no, haven’t met her either). I quite enjoyed book one in this series, but have found the prologue to book two a little off-putting. Once I push past it and we go back to our regularly-scheduled heroine, I will probably enjoy this.
5/ The Reluctant Queen by Sara Beth Durst. I was very impressed by the world-building of book one.
6/ Blue Magic by A.M. Dellamonica. I don’t like to go directly on to the next book in a series, so I probably won’t start this today, but I added this to my TBR pile last night.
7/ Coyote Kings of the Space Age Bachelor Pad by Minister Faust. Another Canadian writer, whom I’ve heard speak very eloquently at SF/F panels over the years, whose books I’ve been meaning to try. My husband recommended this quirky superheroes one.
What are you reading?

1 comment:

  1. Fun post! There used to be a #Fridayreads hashtag a few years ago and then there was an author world kerfluffle - isn't there always??? - and it fell out of favor. But I bet not too many people even remember that episode any more, so go for it!
