
Monday, January 1, 2018

Here Be News

Other News:
Some of our authors shared New Year's Resolutions!

Veronica Scott, Aydarr (Badari Warriors SciFi Romance Novel) Sectors New Allies Series Book 1: To finish the three remaining books in my new scifi romance series! (Book 2 is due to release in late January.) And then to keep writing other SFR books of course!

Linda Mooney, Breath of Christmas, a Sweet Contemporary Fantasy Romance:
Last year, I followed a mostly unspoken 3-point goal, and that was to 1) start a new series, 2) continue a series, and 3) complete a series. As a result, I started the Deities series with Sky Titans. I continued a series with Subwoofers #4, Predator of the Pines. And I concluded the Neverwylde series with book #6.

Due to that success, I've decided to make that goal my resolution for this year. Which series will begin, continue, and end? Well, you'll just have to hang around to see.

Maureen L Bonatch, Evil Speaks Softly:

I made lofty resolutions for 2017 with extensive details for each month. The year passed in a blur and I didn't take into account that some of these goals were out of my control. Therefore, for 2018 I don't intend to make resolutions, but instead concentrate on doing my best to enjoy each day while striving for happiness. 

Dani Harper, Storm Crossed (The Grim Series): I’m not one for formal New Year’s resolutions, but it IS a good opportunity to take time to figure out what’s working in my life and what isn’t. Lately I’ve been focused on building more effective writing habits. One big change is to grab my morning coffee and bang out some words on my latest novel BEFORE I open my email or Facebook or news, or anything else. My brain is at its freshest then (okay, as fresh as it’s ever going to get, LOL). If I’m not careful, I often get these priorities turned around. It’s easy to get caught “in the thick of thin things”, and end up too mentally tired to be creative.

Nicole Luiken, Gate to Kandrith:

I have a YA werewolf novel that I've finished tweaking, and my resolution is to start sending it out to publishing houses in the New Year. I'm hoping to finish revising Path of Power the 140K epic fantasy novel that has consumed most of my 2017 in January, get it beta-read and out the door. The next writing project after that is either a proposal for the sequel to Path of Power revising a YA fantasy novel with the working title Doppelganger.

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