
Thursday, January 5, 2017

One-Time-Only New Year's Resolutions for Readers and Authors

Ah, a new year, which means it's time to think up a resolution that you think you can maintain for the next twelve months.

But what if your resolution only has to be a One Time Thing?

Whether you're a reader or an author, here's a list of One Time Only New Year's Resolutions for you to contemplate. Pick one, pick a couple, or pick them all!

1.  Read a book by a new-to-you author.

2. Authors, write a book/novella/short story in a new-to-you genre.

3. If you've never tried one, buy, download, and listen to an audio book.

4. Authors, if you've never tried, have one of your books turned into an audio book.

5. Readers, buy a print book directly from an author you enjoy. Not only will they gladly autograph it for you before they ship it, in lots of cases you might receive a little swag along with it as a thank you!

6. If you don't normally leave a review for a book, do so for the next book you read. Even if it's a brief "I liked it!", it's enough.

7.  Send an email to an author telling them how much you enjoy their books. That one email will mean the world to them.

These are just a few suggestions. Feel free to add to the list if you have any more to add!

Linda's website
Linda's audiobooks

Coming January 17th!

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