
Friday, September 23, 2016

The Magic in a...Cookie

There's magic in the air in the Harte household. Or rather, there's the joy of potty-training a new puppy. She's three and a half months old as of today.

My writing has been way off since I'm constantly taking Cookie out for walks.While it's a lot of work, and I'm having constant arguments with my 11 year old about taking care of "his" dog, (he begged and pleaded to get a dog, by the way) it's a lot of fun to watch the puppy chase her tail, play with the cat, or cock her head in interest when I talk to her.

So I thought I'd share Cookie with you. Note, there is a canine Cookie in my February 2017 release, Zero to Sixty. No relations to this Cookie whatsoever. *grin* We'd always planned to name our dog, if we ever got one, Cookie. So it just fit that I'd throw that name in the book for a stray needing a home.

Needless to say, our Cookie totally fits her name. She's a combination of Lab, Shepherd, Pit, and Border Collie, and we rescued her from a shelter. Fingers crossed she can rescue me from this hellish deadline I'm on!

Super Cute and brand new, 3 months old
Sleeping in my office. How is this comfortable?

Cookie chillin'

Rex is not quite sure about this... But there's safety in heights

Have a great Friday!



  1. Replies
    1. Not big paws, medium paws. I keep saying this in hopes it's true. LOL :)
