
Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Hollows Series: The End of an Era

In less than two weeks, Kim Harrison's Hollows series (also knows as the Rachel Morgan series) will release it's last book. It's book thirteen in a series that started back in 2004--a decade of adventures for my favorite witch.

I'm both thrilled and sad to know that in two weeks I'll know how it all ends. 

For those unfamiliar, the series follows Rachel Morgan, a witch who's like a female Capt. Mal Reynolds (from Firefly). She's got a good heart, even if she rarely follows the rules. And things never run smooth around her. With vampire Ivy and pixie Jenks, her partners in solving supernatural crime, she takes on the biggest baddies of Cincinnati--and later the USA--with sarcasm, streetsmarts, and grit.

In honor of the series, I'm going to relate my top ten moments. You may notice a theme...I'm a diehard fan of sexy, brilliant, semi-evil, elf on a mission, Trent Kalamack.

10) Trent caging Rachel when she was a mink and keeping her as a pet. Yes it was awful. But it was hilarious!

9) Vampires line dancing to "Living Dead Girl" on Rachel's date with Kisten (ah...Kisten. *sniff*)

8) Rachel making Jenks human-sized and realizing how hot he is. (I <3 Jenks so much.)

7) Rynn Cormell's gambling bloat blowing up--with Rachel and Trent on it. The way they saved each other was, for me anyway, the turning point when Trent went from evil to interesting. And the morning after with Trent's cold-hearted fiancee had me snorting with laughter in public. *embarassing!*

6) Realizing the terrifying demon Algaliarept was broke. It gave Al such humanity to know that he was striving to make ends meet in the Ever After (the demon realm).

5) Rachel staying awake with Quen (Trent's bodyguard and best friend), willing him to live and trying to convince Trent to believe in good, even when it's terribly unlikely to happen.

4) Ivy giving Rachel the vampire dating guide so Rachel can use it as a manual of what NOT to do!

3) Jenks and Trent's budding friendship after they liberate Lucy. (I prefer "liberate" to "kidnap".)

2) Rachel arresting Trent at the alter during his wedding. Priceless!

1) Trent using magic to help Rachel bake cookies...then rescuing her with a kiss.

This was harder than I expected!! I didn't even mention the road trip, Trent's silly spelling cap, Jenks' colorful vocabulary, ringing the tower bells with magic...I could go on and on! I'm seriously smitten with this series. Can I reread 12 books before the final one comes out?? I may have to find out!

Have you read the Hollows? What awesome moments did I leave out?

1 comment:

  1. Great list! I love this series, too. Definitely agree with #8--Jenks is a favourite character and it was so cool to see him human-sized. Both Trent and Al's evolutions from out-and-out bad guys to frenemies has been fascinating.
