
Monday, June 2, 2014

Here Be News

Group Announcements

Jeffe Kennedy's Rogue's Possession is a finalist in the Fantasy category of the PRISM awards, sponsored by the Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal (FFP) special interest chapter of RWAFor the Love of a Goblin Warrior by Shona Husk is a finalist in the Dark Paranormal category.

Rogue’s Possession

A human trapped in the world of Faerie, in possession of magic I could not control, I made a bargain for my life: to let the dangerously sensual fae noble known as Rogue sire my firstborn. And one does not break an oath with a fae. But no matter how greatly I desire him, I will not succumb. Not until I know what will happen to the child.

Though unable-or unwilling-to reveal the fate of human-fae offspring himself, Rogue accompanies me on my quest for answers. Along the way he agrees to teach me to harness my power, in exchange for a single kiss each day and sleeping by my side each night. Just as I am about to yield to temptation, I find myself in a deadly game of cat and mouse with an insane goddess. Now my search for the truth will lead me to the darkest of all Faerie secrets.

For the Love of a Goblin Warrior

In a Faraway Land...

There lived a man who was trapped—his only companions a horde of goblins consumed by their lust for gold. He thought he was lost forever, thought that no one would ever remember he'd been noble.

A Fearless Warrior...

Now he has been thrust into the human world once again, but so much has changed. How can he ever be rid of the darkness after so long in the Shadowlands?

It Starts with Dreams of a Castle...

And a woman who takes his breath away and makes him forget the pain of his past. He knows he must protecet her at all costs. And perhaps in saving her, he can finally learn to love again.

The Mark of the Tala

Jeffe's The Mark of the Tala debuted to excellent reviews last week, including a First Look from Heroes & Heartbreakers:

“Shape-shifting is just one of the magical elements skillfully and believably woven into this tale… Also noteworthy is that although The Mark of the Tala is Andi’s story, her relationship with her sisters and her father, the burgeoning memories of her dead mother, the torn-asunder relationships between the kingdoms—all of these elements conspire to weave a tale that is both satisfying and tantalizing. This promises to be a trilogy that will leave readers enthralled.

The Troublemaker Next Door releases June 3rd
The first of the McCauley Brothers series and Marie's first mass market book!

A Publishers Weekly TOP 10 ROMANCE for Spring 2014
An RT Book Reviews Top Gold pick! 4 1/2 stars

When Flynn McCauley meets Maddie Gardner, sparks fly. She hates men. He’s not into relationships. She lost her job. He fixed her sink—but that’s not all he wants to fix. When a ride home turns into a lot more, Maddie and Flynn decide to keep things strictly casual. Strictly sexual. They won’t date. And they end up not dating…a lot. But soon Flynn wants more from the wary redhead. If he can just keep her distracted long enough to burrow under her skin, Flynn might convince Maddie they have a shot at real happiness. That’s if Maddie can overcome her past to take a chance on the future.


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