
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Holiday Hangover and 2014 Plans

Ever feel like you have a holiday hangover and not from the eggnog? I had a December deadline and moved one of my parents into my house this month. So despite having a very low key Christmas here I feel a little wrung out lol! And I'm really looking forward to settling back into a normal routine. Or what passes for one at my house. ;)

So today I'm turning in a book and thinking about what I want to do in 2014. I don't really do resolutions, but I do like to make a list of major goals for the year. Usually that's just the books I intend to write. This year there are some house projects, too, because we're hoping to sell and move into something bigger. I'm also launching a new pen name (more on that later). So 2014 is shaping up to be a year of big changes. I'm really looking forward to diving in!

What about y'all? Anyone making plans for 2014 yet? Any major changes on the horizon?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Loribelle,
    I don't do resolutions either, but this year I'm doing the "get in shape" thing. It's kind of a coincidence that I'm starting it in January. It just seems the logical time after the busy holiday season. And YES, I have a holiday hangover! I'm leaving the decorations up for a few more weeks, but I'm looking forward to getting back to what passes for normal around here too! Good luck with the bigger house!
