
Monday, March 11, 2013

Here Be News

Links of Interest

A comparison of the number of male and female book reviewers and authors reviewed: VIDA Women in Literary Arts

From the NY Times: Disruptions: As User Interaction on Facebook Drops, Sharing Comes at a Cost

Random House Responds to SFWA Slamming Its Hydra Imprint.

Here Be Magic Group Announcements

Jeffe Kennedy: I finally get to say that Carina will be publishing books 2 and 3 in my Fantasy Romance series, A Covenant of Thorns! The long-awaited sequel to ROGUE’S PAWN, tentatively titled ROGUE’S POSSESSION, is slated to come out October 7.

R. L. Naquin: First (and this is the thing I'm really excited about) I've got a short story (11k words) set in the Monster Haven world, and it's free! The story is called Ill-Conceived Magic and features Zoey and Maurice the closet monster in a brand new adventure. You can download it here:

Second, my month-long book tour for the upcoming release of Pooka in My Pantry starts tomorrow! Click here for more information.


  1. Congrats, R.L. and Jeffe!
    I got ROGUE'S PAWN in the queue and I'll be adding POOKA IN MY PANTRY--best of luck to both of you! Think I'll start things off by reading me a lil' short story...

  2. Thanks, Steve! I'm looking forward to reading Drynn as soon as this crazy release business is behind me!
