
Thursday, June 14, 2012

"The MAGIC of Fathers Is..."

In honor of Father’s Day, Here Be Magic Authors present their thoughts on “The Magic of Fathers is…”

The magic of Fathers is being the ultimate teacher. The one who never gives up on you, and who therefore gets more out of you than you ever expected you could do. Tia Nevitt, THE SEVENFOLD SPELL

The magic of Fathers is...that their sacrifices and guiding hands will remain with their children forever. Angela Campbell, CRY WOLF
…No matter how old you are, they're always there to catch you and set you upright again when you fall. R.L. Naquin, MONSTER IN MY CLOSET
The magic of Fathers is being one, to three wonderful daughters who fill my world with love. David Bridger QUARTER SQUARE
The magic of Fathers is that once they roll up their sleeves they can fix ANYTHING.  Nicole Luiken, GATE TO KANDRITH
The magic of Fathers is the combination of strength and gentleness,  gruff emotion and infuriating stubbornness, all wrapped up in a capable, reliable package.  JK Coi, FAR FROM BROKEN

The magic of Fathers is always having someone to cheer for you when things go right and to take your side when things go wrong. Cindy Spencer Pape, KILTS AND KRAKEN

"The magic of Fathers is teaching kids all the things they don't want to know how to do, like change tires & kill their own spiders, then changing the tires & killing the spiders for them!" Jenny Schwartz, WANTED: ONE SCOUNDREL

The magic of Fathers is to be able to take a baseball in the groin yet still cheer their kid for a great hit.  (between gasps).  Annie Nicholas STARVED FOR LOVE, releasing Sept 2012

The magic of Fathers is hugs, help with science projects or anything else under the Sun…and LOVE! Veronica Scott, WRECK OF THE NEBULA DREAM

Best Wishes to All Dads Everywhere!

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